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Question: Leisure and Health Outing Report

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Leisure and Health Outing- Report


You have been asked by your facility manager to organize a leisure and health program for a small number of your residents. The facility manager has advised this is an outing and you will need to make use of local service providers or local community groups.

Please submit your project in a written report to explain the following: Describe how you would:
  • Locate the information to undertake this outing using internal and external sources,
  • The way in which you would contact the service provider/community group
  • What resources are required and other considerations you may need to think about in organizing this? For example: mobility, transport, cost, etc.
  • Why you think the benefit of networking with other organizations will be to your residents?
  • What policy and procedures and guidelines will need to be followed?
  • Where could you source assistance in organizing this outing, if you were unsure of it meeting the facilities requirements?

Reminder: This project needs to be a minimum of 800 words and all points must be addressed in the report.

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Solution: Leisure and Health Outing Report

Leisure and Health Outing

An outing makes a valuable contribution to people personal, social interaction and enhances their well-being. Our facility caters for older clients. We are considering taking a small number of residents to an outing to the museum.

Internal and External Sources of Outing Information

A research and assessment are necessary to determine the needs of the residents. They include:

  • Psychological needs: to understand how the residents feel about the outing. This is significant as it helps in determining the outing is appropriate for the residents.
  • Physical needs: to determine whether the residents have the ability to walk for long periods by talking to them or their families.
  • Medical needs: assessing their medical needs is significant to understand whether the outing will have physical exertion in regards to their current medical conditions.
  • Cultural needs: Use library sources to research on the customs and traditions that are associated with the museum to ensure that all procedures are followed.
  • Social needs: to assess whether are the impacts of allowing the group to socialize with other people. For example, sensitivity should be taken into consideration.

Contacting Service Provider or Community Group

The museum manager will be contacted for bookings. A museum outing is an important activity particularly for the elderly where they can meet other people, learn about their history and so on. They will be able to get information that affect their lives in terms of education, social and culture, as well as contribute towards thriving communities (Dundervill Jr, Gerity,Hyder & Luessen 2013). Taking part in such activity will give them purpose and meaning of their lives.

Resources required

Sufficient resources are required for running the outing activity. In this case, the resources required for the activity does not require pre-preparation. All the resources required will be provided by the facility. The residents outing were arranged depending on the available resources. The following resources were required

  • Transport: The facility has a bus that provides transportation services to the residents. This bus is used to transport residents to events, or outdoor activities
  • Costs: The outing will require about €100 to cater for meals and other fees. The cash is withdrawn from the residents' bank accounts. The latter was sometimes managed by relatives, however; the staff has small sums of money that can be used by the residents upon request. These reports are recorded for such transactions.
  • Staffing: An outing will require additional staffs or volunteers. This will be discussed with the management at the initial stages. Additionally, some volunteers from other community groups will assist the outing activity.

Benefits of networking with other Organizations

Networking with other organizations is beneficial for achieving social mobilization of the group. It is also necessary to use and develop an existing network to include the order people because they are at risk of isolation. These networks are crucial in assisting transitions for the older people when their interests need change. Also partnering with community services creates an opportunity to intergeneration of activities (Williams 2015). It can also foster a pathway for people as their leisure and health activities need change. Consulting workers in other services may also broaden your perspective about suitable.

Policy and Guidelines to be followed

Policies are significant and differ depending upon factors such as local government structure, culture, and resource constraints. Policies that are relevant are practices aimed at older adults at the local or national level and behavioral decision-making related to the outing activity, and government funding.

In this outing activity, staff will take into consideration of the physical and mental capacity of residents when assessing outing activity. Staff involved in outing planning should have appropriate skills and experience. Residents will also be consulted in preparation and planning of the outing activity (Dudley & Emery 2014). Residents have the freedom to choose whether they will participate in the activity or not. Lastly, a contact list is required for all the residents that will participate on outings in the case of an emergency. The list contains the residents’ information and other service provider information.

Source of Assistance in organizing Outing

A network resource worker may be contacted to get ideas for activities that may assist in planning the outing program. For instance, a resource worker may have community-based knowledge of activities that are taken in that particular area to meet the residents need.

Also, colleagues such as leisure officer, supervisor and other people working in a facility may also have knowledge about suitable activities for the residents that meet their needs in a broader perspective. For example, a carer who works with the residents may help during planning to incorporate their hobbies in the outing activity (Williams 2015).

Furthermore, resident activities program can be very useful. Their past activities can be very informative since these activities may be used in the future planning of other activities. Consulting the people concerned is important to clarify their expectations with the group activity. A resident activity program contains views that give information and ideas to plan for the activity.

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