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Question:Business Analysis Assignment

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Assignment 1 Report: Feasibility Study The University of City Beach is a major Australian university of over 20,000 students. Preliminary investigations have revealed that the university currently has a paper-based records management system and may need to implement a new records management system (RMS) to manage its digital artefacts and to be more responsive presence to student needs and administrative staff. You have been appointed to the role of Business Systems Analyst to support the project manager and need to develop a sound strategy, with relevant supporting project material to identify a suitable replacement product for the University. The University requires a system which will manage documents and records and also reduces risk associated with records and document governance, as well as providing an enhanced level of service to students and staff at the university. The university would like to receive a detailed feasibility study to indicate whether it is viable and desirable to implement a new system to replace the existing paper-based system currently in place. This assignment involves the development of a feasibility study around the viability of implementing a new records management system at the university. The document should clearly identify the current trends in RMS systems and any relevant inhibitors that may make the project unviable. To start the feasibility study you should conduct a review of trends and practices surrounding RMS products – particularly those in university environments, and should include:
  • RMS Trend findings
  • Marketing approach and strategy
  • Risks and issues
  • Organisational needs and requirements
  • Research approach and methodology
  • Staff resourcing requirements
  • Schedule
  • Technology considerations (pros and cons)
  • Product/Service Marketplace
  • Description of product/service under review
  • Financial projections
  • Findings and recommendations
The above inclusions should act as a guide for the preparation of the feasibility study, and may vary based on additional material gathered during the research phase or during other exploratory activities. The focus of the document should be on the process followed, academic research, scholarly writing and producing a compelling feasibility report supporting the findings, and submitted in Blackboard as follows: Assignment 2 Report: Significant Trend in Business Systems Analysis This assignment requires students to conduct research into, and identify, and report on a significant trend in contemporary business systems analysis. The report should, at a minimum, include:
  • Abstract
  • Research approach and methodology
  • Detailed description of the significant trend identified
  • Impact of the trend on business analysis practice
  • Reflection and commentary on the identified trend
These assignments are solved by our professional Business analysis Assignment Experts at Grade Saviours and the solution are high quality of work as well as 100% plagiarism free. The assignment solution was delivered within 2-3 Days. Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. We are serving more than 10000+ Students in Australia, UK & US by helping them to score HD in their academics. Our Experts are well trained to follow all marking rubrics & referencing style. This assignment will require some research and background reading on records management systems. For relevant information you should refer to scholarly databases, Gartner Consulting website and other relevant sources as part of the initial fact-finding exercise. This preliminary research conducted should be noted as part of your methodology and approach. Were appropriate, you should make use of supporting flow charts, diagrams to enhance your assignment. The assignment should take into account features of the unit such as:
  1. Methodologies
  2. User participation
  3. Managing risks in implementation
  4. Change management
  5. Obtaining requirements
  6. Others
The assignment should correctly reference all sourced material using the APA 6th referencing style. Marking penalties may be applied where the word count is exceeded.

Solution:Record Management Systems

Executive Summary

Organizations manage their information systems using the various available data management systems. Some organizations have been using ancient methods of data management. The University of City Beach makes use of paper-based record management systems. However, this method can be improved to automate records management systems. Automated data management methods are seen to be more beneficial to the organization in the end. Furthermore, it can be quite costly for the organization to implement the new automated records management system. The automated RMS is also marred by various risks and disadvantages. However, the risks associated with this system can be managed with the use of training sessions, and various security features.


Learning institutions have records to store as they engage in their daily operations. The purpose of maintaining these records is to facilitate the running of operations within the organization. This will ensure that the organization provides highly effective and efficient services (Forstrom, 2009). Records should be kept safely, and retrievable at any time when the need arises. For this reason, it is crucial for the learning institution to adopt a records management system that is capable of maintaining the high level of requests that will be made on a regular basis. This is a learning institution, it is characterized by new students enrolling to acquire education at the various stages in the financial year of the institution (Alalwan & Thomas, 2012). This will result in the creation of new records that should be stored by, the University (Zach & Peoria, 2010). These records will continue accumulating every time there are new students joining the university. Therefore, it is crucial for a learning institution to invest in the implementation of a Records Management System (RMS).

Trends in RMS

The progress of the world has resulted in new ways to conduct various operations. In the same way, the methods of handling data within organizations have also improved and is gradually becoming automated (Marty, 2010). Organizations are now beginning to embrace the use of technology to in the record management process. For example, various learning institutions across the world are now beginning to implement distant learning services. This allows students to learn the all the courses offered by the university from any part of the world. This helps the learning institution to gain a competitive edge in the market, over other universities. The use of technology is highly beneficial to the university. Among other advantages, it helps in cutting down the cost of operation (Hernandez et al, 2012). The use of technology has become popular because it facilitates the reduction of operational costs. Reduces operational costs directly translate to increased revenues. More and more universities have now begun adopting the use of technology to manage their record systems within the institution (Alalwan & Thomas, 2012). The increase in the number of universities that are embracing the use of automated RMS means that more and more people are beginning to understand the benefits of technology.

Risks and Issues

There are various risks that are associated with the use of technology. Furthermore, the use of paper-based RMS also poses some risks with its use. A paper-based record keeping system is prone to data loss. Also, they have the potential of being misplaced during normal use. This results in missing records, which cause chaotic situations within the institution (Hernandez et al, 2012). In some cases, the paper-based records can be defaced in the occurrence of natural disasters. For example, the university may experience a fire outbreak. This will destroy all the records that were stored on the premises. There is no other records of the same place, there will be a total loss of the records maintained by the university (Waldenmeyer & Hartman, 2013). This will result in a possible crisis as the university will have lost all student records. This means that any information cannot be retrieved at a later date. For this reason, the departmental staff members at the University of City Beach should be well trained on the importance of proper data management processes and systems (Waldenmeyer & Hartman, 2013). This will ensure that they can handle and event of data loss well. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the university to minimize all occurrences of these risks as much as possible.


Various methods will be adopted to facilitate the research exercise. The use of questionnaires will be adopted as the primary method of data collection from the target group. Some staff members within the University premises will be identified to participate in the questionnaire process (Davis, 2008). The target group will comprise of all both junior and senior staff members at the university. Questionnaires will be given to the junior staff members in the university. This is because of their large numbers. Gaining access to each of them for an interview process may be impractical. However, the interview sessions will be conducted on members who are in the senior managerial levels of the university (Wells, Chothani & Thurman, 2010). They are few, thereby reducing the amount of work required to conduct the interview sessions. The interview sessions will comprise of questions that will be pre-determined by the researcher before conducting the research exercise. The researcher will then ask the questions to the interviewee and note down the responses from the manager. These responses will be used to analyse the results at a later phase of the exercise (France, Emery & Toth, 2010). On the other hand, the questionnaires will be handed out to the junior staff members. They will be given a specified period to fill them and return them back to the researcher for further analysis.


The researcher will follow a specific sequence in executing the research exercise. The process will begin by identifying the problem. In this case, the problem is the use of paper-based record management systems (France, Emery & Toth, 2010). A data collection process will begin with gathering all available information regarding the paper-based record management system in use at the University. The collected information will be collected from the staff members working within the institution through the use of questionnaires and interview sessions. The employees will be better placed to provide first-hand information regarding the RMS in use at the University (Hernandez et al, 2012). After the collection process, the raw data will be analysed and transformed into information that will be understood by parties reading the final report. The entire research project is expected to take a period of four months.
Task Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4
Problem identification
Data collection
Data analysis
Marketplace The use of an automated RMS process will be highly beneficial to the University of City Beach. In addition to being used in the university, the system will also be viable for use in other departments that surround the institution (Waldenmeyer & Hartman, 2013). Using the automated RMS will help the university gain a competitive edge against other similar universities. Continuing students will have an easy time applying for new courses at the university. This is because the university will be able to pull the previous records and enable the students to continue easily with their studies (Forstrom, 2009). They will not be required to submit their personal details again. The automation of university records will help in ensuring that the records are kept safely and free from some potential risks they may be exposed to (Alalwan & Thomas, 2012). The students will find it convenient to conduct their studies at the university due to the availability of records.

Financial projections

Developing an automated RMS will cost the university some resources. It can be quite costly to implement the automated system (Davis, 2008). The developed system will be tailored to the specific requirements and specifications of the university. This will make it more relevant to the university. To implement the system, the university will seek the services of technicians who will develop the system and advise the university on further processes to be included in the system. Also, the university will also be required to buy some equipment that will be used to facilitate the running of the system. For this reason, the university will incur some labour costs that will be conducted during the installation process of the purchased equipment (Wells, Chothani & Thurman, 2010). Lastly, there shall be some maintenance costs that will be incurred by the university. These costs are recurrent in nature, and they will depend on the nature of which the system and the equipment are in.
Task Cost in AUD
Labour 646
Equipment 40,000
Maintenance per month 120
Total 40,766
Marketing approach The marketing approach that will be adopted will show the management of the university the benefits that the new system will have on the institution. A team will be put together to execute a presentation to the stakeholders of the university (France, Emery & Toth, 2010). The presentation will include a simulation process that will create a true image of the system while it is in service. Also, it will showcase the various benefits that are associated with the automated system. The presentation will work to bring out a presentation between paper-based RMS and the automated RMS. This will be done by the use of forums and conventions. Furthermore, fliers will be used to promote the services of the new system. Fliers will be passed around the university premises (Marty, 2010). The intention is to get the attention of various stakeholders who have some influence on the university and its operations. The internet will also provide a good avenue through which marketing activities will be conducted. This will create awareness of the benefits that are associated with the new system that has been implemented.

Organizational Needs and requirements

Organizations differ from one another in various ways. The university will have to be assessed before the new RMS is implemented. The process will help in identifying the systems that are best suited to the university. Different systems vary like the work they perform. For this reason, system customization is necessary for the organization (Bhagat, Yufeng, Wu, & Chang, 2016). This will ensure that the developed system will work well for the university without any hitches. This shows that all organizations are unique to each other. The University of City Beach has very high data demands. The university requires storing information about each student enrolled in the institution. Also, the information is not lost once the students leave the university. This creates the high need for proper data management systems. Furthermore, the university has the need to store information about the examination results that are conducted by the students. There is also the need to store the data in duplicate formats (Davis, 2008). This will ensure that the information is easily accessed if one of the storages is destroyed. The information stored by the university is sensitive and should be safeguarded at all costs.

Staff resourcing requirements

The implementation process will require that the staff members be well trained to execute the processes involved in the system. The staff members will undergo a training session whereby they will be trained on how they can use the new system. Also, staff members should be conversant with basic computer knowledge. Being able to manoeuvre around a computer device will be highly beneficial to the university. The staff members should also be ready and willing to learn new things, and they should be quick to understand how it works (Bhagat, Yufeng, Wu, & Chang, 2016). This will facilitate the smooth transition from the paper-based RMS to the automated RMS. The employees will also be engaged in the process of creating awareness of the new system among the university staff members. A section of the employees will be trained; they will pass on the knowledge to the other employees within the university. The level of knowledge possessed by the employees will help in ensuring that the whole process is implemented in a smooth manner. The employees should also be in a position to calmly address any issues that may arise during the implementation process.

Technology considerations

Technology plays a crucial role in the process of implementing and running the automated RMS. There are various types of technological equipment that can be used to execute the services that are required in this university (Wells, Chothani & Thurman, 2010). Information about the technology requirements will be revealed during the research exercise. The varying types of technological equipment play different roles in the running of the automated RMS. Some of the technological equipment are not able to handle the high amount of requests that are associated with the university. For this reason, the right type of equipment should be identified for the university (Forstrom, 2009). The volume of data that requires storing is dependent on the size of the organization, and the data needs it has (Bhagat, et al., 2016). Currently, the paper-based records are stirred in large file rooms. The introduction of the automated systems will ensure that the filing rooms are eliminated. They will be replaced by server systems. These are the systems that are used to store information belonging to the University. Manual data files usually consume a lot of space that could have been used for other purposes on the university premises. The server systems occupy a very small amount of space, and they serve greater purposes that the manual filing cabinets (Zach & Peri, 2010). This will increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness that is witnessed within the university.


The new automated RMS will bring to the company various benefits that it was not enjoying previously. For this reason, it is in the best interest of the university to implement the new automated RMS. The best way to install this system is to ensure that it is tailor-made to the specifications of the University. The automated RMS will provide the university with the capability of properly managing all the information it has stored for future references. The university is responsible for providing various services to its students (Alalwan & Thomas, 2012). The installation of the automated RMS will help the university to fasten the speed at which these services are offered. Also, the services will be more efficient and effective. Various security software will be incorporated into the system. This will ensure that malicious attacks on the system are prevented. Automated systems have the risk of being hacked and giving access to unauthorized people (Davis, 2008). The security software includes firewalls and anti-virus software. Anti-virus software is crucial for protecting the system against software that is specifically generated to sabotage the normal operations of a technological equipment of software. The firewall systems will prevent any malicious person from hacking into the system and gaining access to vital information that should not be shared by third party individuals. Depending on the amount of data that the university wants to store, the server space will be determined (Forstrom, 2009). The server space should be adequate to handle all the needs of the university.

Recommendations and conclusions

The use of the automated record management systems will the university have better methods of managing their information. Information is a vital resource for NY university. For this reason, it is in the best interests of the university to ensure that there are systems in place to manage this information. It is recommended that the university stop using the paper-based RMS and move to the automated RMS. This is bound to increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness within the university. In addition to the automated system, the university should also consider installing security features with the system. These will protect the data against any malicious attacks to steal or sabotage the system and gain access to information.
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