Management - Alysha -Feminist Theory - Assessment Answer
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Management Assignment
Assignment Task
Description:origins of theory, main theorists, main premises/propositions – what is feminist theory?
Application:to crime problems (supported by research), how might this inform prevention responses?
Informing responses:how is knowledge of this theory being responded to?
Evaluation:Research that demonstrates its validity, what does it explain well? Scope parsimonious, generalizable (sample size)? Are there limitations to the theory? What does it overlook? How well it works when explaining crime?
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Do every feminist has the same values and beliefs towards the idea of equality? Find out in this discussion where we will examine the meaning of the concept feminist theory as well as some of the primary feminist ideas. Our discussion will focus on the description of the general concepts of the theory, its application in the society, responses that come out as a result of the views of the theory, and its evolutions. The paper, hence concludes with the need for more understanding on the issue of gender and equality in the current society.
Many studies on feminist theory are older others counting to over two decades ago, hence bringing the question the validity of the content of the authors as pointed out by Allen and Jaramillo (2015). With a drastic change in the gender and equality based issues, the significance of the ideas of such published documents becomes questionable. However, Browne (2016) argues that it becomes tricky on how feminists blatantly do not recognize or acknowledge that feminism may have a biological connection or a biological basis that requires a research and publication on the findings.
In the general social justice perspective while on the specifically feminist perspective, many scholars struggle experiencing its relation to the cultural, social, and political forces. The idea has placed social workers as well as social psychologists in a quandary as noted by Gedro and Mizzi, (2016). Feminist theory has thus resulted in different effects depending on the federal laws adopted by different states. The impact of the theory can as well be evidenced in different social and political environments as different laws are brought up that are aimed at social equality (Mennel, 2014).
Feminist theory is the extension of feminism into functional, theoretical, or philosophical discourse with the aim of understanding the structure and nature of gender inequality. In her defense towards sexual violation in the 15th century, Simone de Beauvoir became the icon of feminist theory as the first theorist that led to a movement of scholars and feminists to fight for the rights of women according to Browne (2016). At this point, feminism was divided into three waves, i.e. actions and ideas associated with the liberation of women, reaction to and continuation of perceived failures of women's liberation, and on the suffrage of women's movements from the 19th century. With the strategies of the waves to push through the society, the movement proposed the change of laws and federal regulation that led to the violation of gender and equality.
According to this theory, males and females who are identified as feminists tend to disagree on many things and tend to agree on five major principles. These include working expanding human choice, working towards increasing equality, the elimination of gender stratification, as well as promoting sexual freedom and ending sexual violence (Gedro & Mizzi, 2014). The theory thus fights for the rights of the female gender in the society. With the emergence of the feminist movements, more research is in place to understand the need of the gender equality in some concepts of life that solely needs the responsibility of the male such as the security of the family. For many centuries, the female gender has been despised with the male gender given different domineering power over the female. However, in the current century, many federal states are using different gender scholarly aspects such as the feminist theory to focus on the importance of gender equality and the ability of the woman power when given the responsibility. It thus means that the theory has formed a foundation of the argument that has led to the formation and adjustments of different laws that gives some priority to the female gender (Gedro & Mizzi, 2014).
According to Allen and Jaramillo (2015) the application of feminist theory requires a deep examination on its theoretical foundations and understands its strengths and weaknesses. It is hence vital to focus on the validity of theoretical arguments and understand the relevancy of the application of the theory. According to Shaw (2014), feminist theory postulates that human development is not explained or characterized by a parochial distinction between nurture and nature. Therefore, in the application of the theory, Shaw in his study notes that the biological can influence the natural while the natural can also influence the biological and that they are not compartmentalized and distinct. The theory application in different facets of gender and equality, hence does well in highlighting the common tendency of male chauvinism and its effect on the female development according to Mannel (2014).
Feminists tend to believe that both women and men need to have the freedom of developing their individual talents and interests, even if the conflicts have a conflict with the status quo. The theory, hence opposes cultural norms and laws that limit the income, job opportunities, education, and freedom imposed on women something that is getting more acceptance in the society as supported by Shaw (2014). As some societies and communities still promote the male chauvinism toward the sexual freedom of the female gender, Mannel (2014) note that the theory supports the issue of women having control over their reproduction and sexuality. As a result, many states and federal laws have been transformed to embrace the ideas into action that insists the push of change towards the equality of gender rather than just talking about it.
Feminist theory is divided into social, radical, and liberal as three basic forms of feminism. Liberal feminism focuses on the liberal beliefs and thoughts that individuals need to be free in developing their talents and pursuing individual interests. According to the theory, Allen and Jaramillo (2015) point out that liberal feminism views gender inequality as rooted in our cultural and social attitudes. It thus sees the necessity of reorganizing the society so as to expand the opportunities and the rights for women. On the other hand, social feminism has it that traditional families were based on a capitalist system where the families can only be replaced by social revolutions which create a government that meets the needs of the family. Similarly, radical feminism explains that men are not only responsible for the exploitation of women, but they also benefit from them.
According to Mannel (2014), the theory overlooks the sole idea of the male being the head of the family and the fact that he is charged with specific responsibilities and decision-making towards the safety of the household. The theory, hence has a limited explanation of the boundary of equality between males and females. The question, hence remains that what needs to happen for the female gender to have a perfect equality with the male.
The issue of gender and equality is a broad concept that requires more understanding of the roles and responsibility of every gender in the society. However, these faces different challenges as a result of a change in the lifestyle, technological development, economy, and education among other factors that characterizes the current society. As a result, more studies need to be carried out to understand the concept.
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