Here are the five characteristics of a creative organization.
Close market watch
It is very important for any organization to succeed in a competitive market. The company can achieve it by closing understanding the changing needs of the consumer (Hoffman 2017). People nowadays are impulse buyers they purchase a product that appeals to them. To manage such a consumer group, it is advised to have a close watch on the buying behaviour.
Competitive collaboration
The company can also collaborate with its competitors to increase its consumer base in the market or else they take the competition between the organization positively. It will help the companies to really push themselves to the next level. The need of the hour is to understand and apply what we have learnt from the others(Sacavém et al. 2019). It will have the company to grow and flourish.
Risk-taking strategy
An innovative environment of the organization promotes risk-taking strategy. It is only these type of organizations that are ready to take the risk of any time without having a fear of the failure.
Focus on sharing
It is observed that employees of the innovative organization focus more on sharing ideas and things rather than keeping it up to themselves. Innovation is foster in the organization only when people are ready to accept the change and sharing is one part of bringing that change(Lee 2016). Innovation means different and better and without sharing the ideas and brainstorm it together to improve, a company cannot succeed in a competitive environment.
Build relationships
An innovative environment emphasis on building a strong relationship with the clients. A company cannot succeed if it fails to build a relationship with clients. It is observed that companies having a strong relationship are more likely to succeed than the one that does not.
Hoffman, R.2017. Watch Out! Another New Low In Market Volatility.
Lee, Y.S. 2016. Creative workplace characteristics and innovative start-up companies. Facilities.
Sacavém, A., Cruz, R.V., Sousa, M., Rosário, A. and Gomes, J.S. 2019. An integrative literature review on leadership models for innovative organizations. An integrative literature review on leadership models for innovative organizations, pp.1741-1751.
In an organization, there are different types of situations that an employee had to handle. When a person is able to see the stress as a challenge or an opportunity to improve the performance that type of stress is known as challenge stress. On the other hand, when a person is unable to cope up with the stress such kind of stress is known as threat stress (Crum et al. 2017). The major difference between both the stress is that challenge stress comes as a reward to the employees whereas threat stress brings along potential damage to the self-esteem of the person. Both challenge and a threat trigger stress in the minds of the people. The same situation can be a challenge for some employees of the organization while a threat to the others(Searle and Tuckey 2017). The employees that take it as a challenge succeed with the hard work and determination while the one who takes it as a threat is seen to spend dreadful hours working on the same project. Anathleteexperiences a variety of stress that may impact its performance.
For instance, an athlete is performing for the first time in front of its team members. He or she may take it as a positive challenge to prove himself in front of the others. He may think that he has sufficient power to showcase his skills and abilities as a professional player. On the other hand, if the same athlete takes the situation as a threat to analyzing his or her previous performance(Williams et al. 2017). In such a case the athlete will perform poorly despite having the quality to deal with the situation positively. From the findings, it can be stated that challenge helps a person to rise whereas a threat makes the person fall.
Crum, A.J., Akinola, M., Martin, A. and Fath, S. 2017. The role of stress mindset in shaping cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses to challenging and threatening stress. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 30(4), pp.379-395.
Searle, B.J. and Tuckey, M.R. 2017. Differentiating challenge, hindrance, and threat in the stress process. The routledge companion to wellbeing at work, 54, pp.25-34.
Williams, S.E., van Zanten, J.J.V., Trotman, G.P., Quinton, M.L. and Ginty, A.T. 2017. Challenge and threat imagery manipulates heart rate and anxiety responses to stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 117, pp.111-118.
Charismatic leadership is found in the people who have a persuasive style and charm to attract people(Bratton 2020). Leaders with this style encourage employees to improve their behaviour and work hard to achieve the goals of the organization through persuasion, communication and force of the personality. This leadership style has its basis of heroism and is of divine origin.
Pros of charismatic leadership
This leadership style allows people to think differently.
It is a style which creates an emotional impact on the people.
It increases the retention rate of the employees within the organization(Miller 2016).
This leadership style has a positive impact on society.
Cons of charismatic leadership
It depends on the enthusiasm of the leader.
It can be used by the people for some selfish motives.
This leadership style does not get fit into the rigid structure of the organization.
Transformational leadership
It is a leadership style in which leaders of the organization motivate, encourage and inspire employees to create and accept the change that is introduced for betterment(Irwin 2017). These leaders ask employees to innovate and create the change for the success of the organization. They give the employees a new room to create and find solutions for existing problems.
Pros of Transformational leadership
It encourages the need for change in the organization.
It keeps the things open, transparent and maintains ethics in the organization.
It is one of the most effective forms of a leadership style(Miller 2016).
It reduces the turnover rates within the company.
Cons of transformational leadership
These leaders focus too much on the bigger picture.
It can be risky as well as disruptive for the organization.
It increases pressure on the team members and they find it hard to overcome the stress.
Bratton, J. 2020. CHARISMATIC AND TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Organizational Leadership, p.149.
Irwin, R.L. 2017. Charismatic and transformational leadership within a community of women arts educators. In Arts Education and Curriculum Studies (pp. 76-91). Routledge.
Miller, M. 2016. The persona of charismatic versus transformational leaders. Glocal Conversations, 3(1), pp.43-58.
It’s frustrating to manage a group of employees that do not meet the expectations of the company. There are several reasons for the poor performance of the employees. These include lack of training, poor attitude towards the company, poor equipment's or software, poor management, personal problems and lack in understanding. Let’s understand these in detail.
Lack of training
Employees of the organization are at the sink or swim position. To meet the current expectations, the company must provide them with training so that they can perform exceptionally well for the organization(Jaworski et al. 2018).
Poor attitude- Some people of the organization does not like to look at the brighter side of the policy or the change that has been implemented. Such kind of people impacts the whole team(Abebe2017). They also bring the morale of the company down. These people must, therefore, be put in charge of some light-hearted activities like in charge of positive quotes.
Poor equipment’s or software
It is found that some companies to save money give employees the old equipment's and software which is very hard to run and operate. It directly affects the employee's ability to perform better. The companies must invest wisely in choosing the pieces of equipment and software.
Poor management
It is another reason that affects an employee's performance. It is said that a manager can make or break a team. Managers of the organization get involved in the activities to boost their ego and thus treat the employees badly. There is a need for the manager to coach for their improvement.
Personal problems
Employees sometimes underperform because of personal stress which has nothing to do with that of the company(Lanaj and Jennings 2019). A person if starts balancing its work and professional like can easily handle things.
Lack of understanding
It is observed that sometimes people are unable to understand the bigger picture of the project. The company leaders must make sure that the vision of the company is properly communicated.
Abebe, T. 2017. Work attitude and behaviour at work. International Journal in Management & Social Science, 5(3), pp.86-93.
Jaworski, C., Ravichandran, S., Karpinski, A.C. and Singh, S. 2018. The effects of training satisfaction, employee benefits, and incentives on part-time employees’ commitment. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 74, pp.1-12.
Lanaj, K. and Jennings, R.E. 2019. Putting leaders in a bad mood: The affective costs of helping followers with personal problems. Journal of Applied Psychology.
A self-directed team is a group of professionals who work together to achieve a common goal. The best part about it is that a self-directed team has different skill sets which takes the collaboration to a new level. These kind of team are different from the top-down directives as they work based on communication. There is no supervisor to manage or direct the team(Akintokunbo and Obomanu, 2018). Self-directed team is a great example of micro-management. The team when complete the work, it presents the work to the management.
Here are three characteristics of a self-directed team.
Joint responsibility
The team members of the self-directed team have some responsibility that each one has to accomplish(Hensel and Visser 2018). Members of these team invest more time to analyze different actions and research potential ideas to succeed. The investment put by them increases the chances of success.
Common goal
All the members of the self-directed teamwork on a common goal. It has been observed in the past that if the group members work for different goals the project fails. It is thus suggested to the self-directed team to clearly define a common goal at the beginning of the project so that everyone works together to achieve it(Simpson 2017). If the team decides the goal in the very first meeting, the chances for success increases. Each member of the team takes action to move the work ahead. The team also checks the progress of the project on a timely basis.
A team which does not have a supervisor to keep an eye on the progress report requires to feel empowered to proceed the project ahead. Such a team develops a project plan and work according to it. They feel good when they get to know the momentum of the project.
Akintokunbo, O.O. and Obomanu, F.K. 2018. Self-Directed Teams and Employee Work Outcome: An Assessment of Team Based Management. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research, 4(3), pp.10-20.
Hensel, R. and Visser, R. 2018. Shared leadership in entrepreneurial teams: the impact of personality. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
Simpson, D. 2017. A Tale of Two Experiences: Teacher Learning in Self-Directed Teams and Other-Designed Professional Development. Michigan State University.
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