Supply Chain Management plays an important in the management activities of an organisation. Supply Chain Management refers to those activities that are related to the flow of raw material to the finished products(Walker, 2014).Thus the movement of goods and services in an organisation is known as supply chain management. There are various activities involved in supply chain management process in an organisation and these activities are work-in-progress inventory, movement of raw material, storage of raw material, inbound logistics, movement of finished goods and outbound logistics(Zafar, 2013). Thus supply chain management is the designing, planning, executing and monitoring the supply of goods so as to create net value and leverage worldwide logistics. The supply chain model of an organisation is governed on the basis of objectives of an organisation. In this way this assignment aims to understand supply chain model and its aspects with respect to an organisation. The company that is taken for the purpose of analysis is Samsung. The major focus of this assignment is on the concepts and theories that are learnt during LB5230.The major aspects to be discussed in the report are strategic tangible assets of the Samsung and value chain of Samsung. Along with these two aspects inbound logistics and outbound logistics will also be discussed.
Overview of the company
Samsung is a Korean Multinational Corporation which is headquartered in Seoul. The company has a number of affiliated subsidiaries and businesses and thus it is known as Conglomerate Company. The Samsung is the largest business conglomerate in South Korea and thus it is obvious that the supply chain model of the company would be very effective. As a matter of fact the company has world’s strongest supply chain management model. The company has been founded in the year 1983 by Lee Byung-Chul and it was founded as a trading company initially. The company has changed its form over the years and now it has a much diversified portfolio(Samsung, 2016). The company operates in the areas like food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail for almost three decades and after that the company also entered into electronic business. It was in the year 1987 when the Samsung group was separated into four business groups and these groups are Samsung group, Shinsegae group, Hansol group and CJ group. Gradually the company has started globalising its activities and after 1990 the products of companies like mobile phones, semi conductors and electronics were available globally and this has also become an important source of income for the group. The smart phones of company gained so much popularity and the group attributes this success to its strong supply chain network. Samsung is the world’s largest IT (information technology) company and its unique features, after sales services, demand fulfilment and affordability made the phones were popular. Samsung also plays a vital role in culture, media and economic development of the South Korea. Over the last few decades the group has also acquired a number of companies around the world. In this manner the company attributes its huge success to supply chain management activities of the company.
Supply Chain Management of the company
Supply chain management of Samsung is very strong and popular and its popularity can be analysed from the fact that it has been named as best supply chain model of the Asia. The supply chain model of Samsung is totally based on Six Sigma and this is why is very significant in supply chain activities(Aleo, 2008). The supply chain activities of Samsung is majorly divided into five parts and these five parts are procurement of raw material, processing of raw material at premises, movement of finished goods, suppliers and distributors. The supply chain model of the company is very simple yet it is very powerful because it has been able to expand its operation in all over the world. Due to the fact that the company has adopted Six Sigma its supply chain management is very powerful and efficient. The supply chain model of the company has six key features that control and coordinate the supply chain activities of the company. These key features are related to the operations and activities of the company. The key features are SCC (SCM command centre), SMM (Sales and Marketing Management), APS (Advance demand and supply Management), SRM (Supplier relationship management), ASM, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, forecasting and Replenishment), SPM and SIM(Back et al., 2014). First of all the company has SCM Command centre (SCC) and this centre controls all the instructions related to supply chain management. All the commands related to procurement of raw material, storage of raw material, finished goods, storage of raw material and warehousing are controlled at this centre. First of all the company has SCM Command centre (SCC) the company has been managing all the activities of supply chain worldwide. Then there is a SMM (Sales and Marketing Management) point in this model and this is the point where sales and marketing of finished products is decided. This is the most significant point of the model since it decides the supply of the finished products. This also helps in enabling supply cycle to run efficiently. APS (advanced planning and scheduling) is also a significant part of supply chain model of Samsung. This is the point that helps in deciding the supply of raw material in advance. Advance planning and scheduling is very important in making the supply chain efficient. This also helps in avoiding any unforeseen circumstances in the supply chain model of the company(Vermeulen, 2014). Along with that APS also helps in anticipating any problem in advance and addressing it. SRM (Supplier Relationship management) is also an important aspect of supply chain model of the company. The SRM helps the company in establishing better relationships with the suppliers. The company is of the opinion that it is very important for the company to establish efficient communication with suppliers. Thus to avoid any misunderstanding and miscommunication with suppliers the company has adopted SRM. The supply chain model of the company also has Collaborative Planning, forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) that makes the supply chain model cost effective as well as well planned. The supply chain model of the company is open to change and very flexible. The company changes its supply chain as per the external dynamic environment. It cannot be said that the company has a fixed supply chain model because the company makes changes regularly and recently the company has made several changes in supply chain model. These changes are the response to the changes in market situations and this is how the supply chain model of the company is very adoptive(Taticchi, 2013). The company has a unique feature of quality deployment and this helps the company to know about the consumer behaviour towards the products and on the basis of that the company make transformations in supply chain model. This shows that the supply chain model of Samsung places high values towards customers and listens to the customers and their requirements. Due to the APS system of the supply chain model of the company, it becomes easy for the company to manage the performance of supply chain model. This way the company can easily trace any problem in the supply chain model and address it.
Linkage between the activities of company and theory
The supply chain activities of the Samsung are completely linked with the concepts and theories of supply chain management that are mentioned in the text and literature(Best, 2014).A description of the inter-relation of theoretical instances in Supply chain model of the Samsung is presented in below sections.
Strategic Tangible assets of the firm
The strategic tangible assets of the firm are those assets that include financial assets and physical assets. These are the assets that can be seen as well as touched. These assets are termed as strategic assets because these assets play vital role in implementation and formulation of strategy in an organization. The strategic tangible assets of the company include buildings, land, machinery and equipments. The strategic tangible assets of the company collectively account for $ 5 million. With this the operating cash flow of the company is recorded at $ 80,590. All these are the components of strategic tangible assets of the company (Sigala, 2014).
Value Chain of the firm and Sustainability with value chain
Value chain is a very important concept to be discussed when it comes to supply chain management of a firm. Michael Porter has provided this vital framework to understand the supply chain activities of a company in an effective manner(Porter, 2001).The value chain framework comprises of primary and activities. The primary activities include outbound logistics, inbound logistics, sales and services, operations and marketing. The secondary activities include procurement, human resource management, technological development and infrastructure (Liu, 2012).
It shall be noted that Samsung is committed to conduct its operations in a socially responsible and environment friendly manner. The description of values chain analysis of Samsung is given below:
Operations are those activities that are directly related to the process of production. If the planning for operations is followed by inbound logistics aspects then it is possible to increase operations effectively. This aspect is relevant in enabling the company to operate more and thereby produce more. It is always advised that a company shall implement mass production in its operations on a continuous basis so as to produce more products(Govindan, 2014). In Samsung mass production is there and they have planned operations activities in such a manner that it reduces wastage of time. By reducing the operations time the can effectively add the value to its final products.
Inbound Logistics
The major operations of the Samsung are based in Asian countries and due to that its inbound logistics are totally dependent on these regions. The inbound logistics are related to acquisition of raw material. The company gets its raw material into receiving in an effective and efficient manner and this enables it to receive more raw materials. This also increases the productivity of the company. This also suggests that the raw material shall also be safe to the environment and Samsung’s inbound logistics is safe to the environment and it is also sustainable and this is why it has also won the trust of the customers. To avoid any kind of shortage of raw material it is very necessary to have a warehouse and this also enables smooth production(Fung, 2010).The major feature of inbound logistics is that it is based on ASN data receiving. The transport unit only arrives when ASN data is received in the company and it is validated. Only after this the transport unit is linked and managed. After that the documentation is done goods are received. In this manner the inbound logistics of Samsung becomes efficient and effective and this is how the raw material is received.
Outbound Logistics
The company shall increase the production and also increase the quantity of finished products if they have a warehouse in the production area. This makes Samsung deliver large quantity of products to its customers. The company follows five simple steps for outbound logistics that are deployment of order, determination of the route, management of the raw material, determination of parking bin and warehouse orders(Ellram et al., 2013). These are the steps that add value to the supply chain management of the company.
Marketing and Sales
Marketing and Sales play vital role in adding value to the aspects of the company. The company can increase its sales delivering and sharing corporate value to the consumers. Samsung uses attractive information system and modern technology boosts up the sales and it also increases the popularity of the company(Edquist & Zabala, 2015). The strategy of the company to target high income customers, low income customers and middle income customers helps the company in increasing the customer focus.
After Sales Services
After sales services is very important in adding value to supply chain management of a company. The after sales services of Samsung are very strong. The company has established various service centres across all the locations where its products are supplied. The company attend warranties and guarantees in an efficient manner with its distributors and service centres(Chang & Tsai, 2013).This helps Samsung to gain the trust of customers and making sales strong.
Samsung’s procurement is very strong and due to that its supply chain model becomes even stronger. The company’s procurement policy is based on equity principle and as per that Samsung gives equal chances to all the suppliers. This is, as per the company ethically correct. Samsung has good relations with its suppliers and due to that it is able to produce in an efficient manner and meet the expectations of the customers(Brindley, 2014). In this manner procurement also adds value to the supply chain model of the company.
Technological development
Samsung uses latest technologies so as to support the value chain activities. The company focuses on doing things in different manner and using latest technologies and this is why its products are very popular. It attracts customers towards company and thus value of supply chain model gets increased.
Human Resource management
It is essential for Samsung to manage its human resource activities efficiently and become the most liked company to work. This helps in adding value to the business operations. Samsung do this by effective training and knowledge deployment among its employees(Ghemawat, 2012).In this manner supply chain model of the company becomes effective.
Firm Infrastructure
Firm infrastructure plays an effective role in the quality management. Samsung has installed quality management to make sure that it meets the expected quality of the customers. This further increases the interest of customers in Samsung’s products (Towill, 2012).
Harmonising value chain to achieve strategic outcomes
The specifications that are SCC (SCM command centre), SMM (Sales and Marketing Management), APS (Advance demand and supply Management), SRM (Supplier relationship management), ASM, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, forecasting and Replenishment), SPM and SIM makes the supply chain of the company effective(Back et al., 2014).These are the aspects of value chain that enables the company to achieve strategic outcomes. The primary and secondary activities of Samsung increase the value of supply chain. The company requires making the infrastructure string and with that it can fulfil the orders of the customers and harmonise the value chain to achieve strategic outcomes.
The analysis of supply chain model of the Samsung suggests that it is very strong and efficient. The major credit of company’s success goes to its supply chain model. With this the company has successfully covered global market and achieved competitive advantage as well. The value chain analysis also suggests that the company has been able to deliver value to its customers through its effective primary and secondary activities. The supply chain model of the company is sustainable and ethical as well. The company can also adopt latest technologies and make its supply chain model stronger.
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