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Companies often develop various policies that will be used in the running of their daily operations. The Woodside Petroleum Company is an Australian company that deals with the exploration of petroleum products and production of petroleum products in the country. Currently, it is termed as the largest operator of both oil and gas in Australia. It is a public company and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. The company's headquarters is located in Perth, Western Australia (Baird, Geylani & Roberts 2012, pp. 109). The success of any company is determined by the relationship it has with the surrounding community and the customers. The company has to portray a socially responsible behavior while conducting its operations. This essay will talk about Woodside's Petroleum brief account of operations and how the company interacts with other industry players and the market at large. The company has an obligation to cater to the needs of all the employees working within the organization. Also, the company has a social responsibility. This article will examine the responsibility that the company has on the social front.
Employee Scope
The success of the company is tied to the employee performance of the company. The employees need to be in a position to facilitate the growth of the company. Currently, the company has a total of 3,456 employees. The number of employees gives an indication of the size of the company. The company has a large number of employees, which means that the company is big and covers a large market area. This shows that the company seems attractive to the workforce. Also, the company has a relatively low employee turnover. The company embraces the action of fair treatment and appointment of all the employees within the company (Salazar, Husted & Biehl 2012, pp. 127). There are laws in Australia that govern the manner in which companies can hire employees and how the employees are treated. This is the largest fuel company in Australia. For this reason, there is a need for it to abide by all the legal requirements in the country. Discrimination of employees by employers is prohibited by the law in Australia. Every employee should be given a fair chance at a job opportunity.
According to the company's code of conduct, all employees must undergo training when they join the company for the first time. This process ensures that all employees are brought up to speed with all the operations and requirements that are required for the company. The training of new employees continues every year after employees have joined the company. This means that all employees in the company undergo training on a yearly basis (Oedekoven & Hay 2010, pp. 99). This ensures that there is maximum efficiency in the employment sector for the company. The company has implemented and Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy. Therefore, the training practices often emphasize this policy to the employees. The employees are taught on good business practices within the company. However, employees have the liberty to report instances or behaviors about other employees that they think or feel are inappropriate for the workplace. This can be done anonymously where the employees prefer not making themselves known.
Employee Diversity
Diversity of employees in the workplace shows a clear indication of the company’s commitment not to engage in any discrimination while hiring the employees. Currently, the company is implementing a culture in the workplace that will help in promoting the diversity of the employees in the workplace. The company is looking to increase diversity in gender, race or geographic location. The company has termed this as one of the key contributors to their success in Australia. Part of the measure that the company has implemented is providing annual reports to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Yavas, Karatepe & Babakus 2011, pp. 165). This is in line with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The company has employed these measures as a means of being transparent in all the endeavors and operations of the company. Also, the company will be compliant with all government legislation. By embracing these policies, the company is in line with the employment act of the country. It is a requirement that all companies embrace diversity within the country and with all the employees within the premises.
All employees who apply for a working opportunity in the company are given an equal and fair treatment. Gender or race does not have any effect on the employment policy in the company. If the employees enjoy their stay within the company, it portrays a good report in the eyes of the public. This shows that the company has good employment policies and provides a favorable working environment (Grundmann 2012, pp. 189). The safety of all the employees is taken very seriously within the company. Employees are required to wear protective attire at all times while working in the company. This will protect them against any eventuality that may arise while working on company grounds. This shows their efforts to ensure safety for the employees while they are working in the company. For this reason, the employee performance of the company is at a high level.
Social performance refers to the practice by which a company translates its goals and objectives in line with acceptable social values. Companies should ensure that their policies and values are in line with the social values and policies of the community they operate. There are some social practices that are acceptable within the society while there are others that are not. These social values have been in existence since long before the inception of the company (Manner 2010, pp. 106). For this reason, the company should make it its obligation to ensure that their operations, observe these social policies and responsibilities. These actions will be used to measure the social performance of the company. Woodside Petroleum has implemented various measures that will help in improving its social performance. The company has embarked on policies that ensure continued and sustained development in the communities it operates. The implemented strategies are flexible and responsive to the business needs of the company and the community at large.
Efforts of Social activities
The company has been making both direct and indirect social activities over the years within the community it has been operating. A major effort is that the company has been making direct contributions to the community’s needs and affairs. The contributions have been amounting to 13.9 million Australian dollars. The company has also been making agreements with the local communities to use their land. This has led to the formation of land use agreements. These contributions have gone a long way in making an impact in the community in which they work. Also, the employees have been contributing their working hours to helping the community (Liu & Hao 2014, pp. 89). The contributed working hours are now valued at 1.2 million Australian dollars. The social contribution that the company has made has amounted to 0.5% of the average profit collected within a three year period. With reference to the financial records of the company, this is a significant contribution. Partnerships have also helped the company to make a significant impact in the community. Both the company and its partners have contributed millions of dollars towards community development.
The company has also established a workplace giving program where the employees contribute a portion of their salary over a prolonged period of time. These contributions are geared towards helping various activities within and around the community. These activities will help in improving the social performance of the company. Through this fund, the employees have contributed a total of 150,000 Australian dollars. These funds were used towards improving various elements in the community (Folkmanova 2014, pp. 102). The members of the community enjoyed having the company in their presence. This constitutes to form an excellent social performance strategy for the company. The main goal of the company is to improve the local community and their relationship with members of the public. Environmental conservation measures are part of the strategies that have been employed by the company towards improving social performance (Zhang 2010, pp. 152). The company has also partnered with the relevant government agencies in a bid to improve its social performance in the country.
Woodside Petroleum is a member of the London Benchmarking Group (LBG). This methodology is used to track the progress the company is making on its social contributions. These social contributions are made by the company and at the same time verified by the LBG to ensure that all the efforts made by the company conform to the legal requirements with reference to the social performance. Based on these outcomes, the company is doing well socially and the community is happy with its presence (Biswas 2012, pp. 90). The company is also engaged in environmental conservation measures. For example, recycling efforts are made within the company. This ensures that items do not go to waste such as water. As for the surrounding community, the company has done various activities that are geared towards improving the lives of the people living around it. The environment in which the company has been embraced by members of the public and has proven to be relevantly fair and of high performance levels.
The findings conclude that Woodside Petroleum Company has excelled in both social and employee performance levels. These are related to the fact that the company has implemented various strategies that are geared towards ensuring that the employee and the society is very well taken care of. The employees working for the company have also played a role in helping the surrounding community. This has been done through their contributions, which constitutes a portion of their total salaries. The employees are also treated in a fair manner in that there is no form of discrimination that takes place in the company. This provides a fair working environment where the needs of the employees are well taken care of and addressed. Their safety concerns have been taken seriously by the company in various ways. This has ensured that the company performs well in terms of employee performance and the social performance.
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