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  • Subject Code : mis500
  • Subject Name : IT Computer Science


Information systems are used to manage, store, process and share information within and outside the organisational boundaries to support routine operations. The core purpose of the information system is to create meaningful and goal-centric information by processing raw data from various data sources (Pearlson et al., 2016). In this report, I will discuss my observations, conceptualisation for the subject and active experiments. I have selected the subject to obtain comprehensive insights on importance and functions of different information systems across the organisational operations. I will discuss how the subject and concepts are significant to attain my career goals and how I can further enhance my skills in the route.

Reflective Observation

The course helped me to learn how information systems are integral part of the modern businesses. In module 1, I learned that data is foremost requirement in research and analysis and it assist in innovation and improvements in systems. This modern helped to understand that businesses use data in decision-making, improvements, management and experiments so that innovative solutions to the existing problems can be identified. Initially, I observed that cookies saved for websites are attempts to data breach but later I realised that it is regarding data collection to improve the services (Rainer et al., 2022). In module 2, computer-based information and knowledge management in business is discussed. I observed that Porter’s value chain helps to understand how data from different business functions is used in an interconnected form to generate the business values (DeLone & McLean, 2016). Module 3 and 4 helped me to learn the concepts of customer relationship, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning and predictive analysis and enterprise architecture. Similarly, module 5 enhanced my knowledge regarding agile methodology and technological tools such as ASANA, Google Drive and Teams. I leaner dhow the data can be managed to make business practices safe and secure and how to deal with common social, legal and ethical issues.

I observed that the understanding with information systems and their importance can help me to plan and develop my career as an information systems manager. I will be able to oversee and manage the usage of technology in a business. Learning for data analysis and research and modern tools can help me to suggest a good information system to meet requirements (Bourgeois et al., 2019). I will be able to manage and plan hardware and software upgrades, changes in networking and enhancement of digital security. Learning for agile methodology and modern project management tools can help me to ensure that information technology related work is managed within cost and time while ensuring that available resources are used effectively to lead success (Eason, 2016). The course is observed to have critical values in my career planning.

Abstract Conceptualisation

From observations, I found that the course enhances my skills and experience as required for career in information systems. For instance, my initial approaches to accomplish a task is changed because of agile and scrum methodologies. I learned how the requirements of a task can be integrated effectively. I also learned more about privacy policies and information handling and developed an improved concept regarding information systems in modern businesses. I learned how the availability of information can influence the decisions in a situation. It is conceptualised that Porter’s value chain can help to achieve high returns with cost optimisation and deliver competitive advantages and growth. For any project, such analysis can help in feasible decision making.

The concepts such as security and privacy concerns were quite beneficial for me. It is identified that programs and websites may have security threats and therefore, effective security system and procedures are important to consider in practices (Boss et al., 2015). Other major concepts in the module were about customer relations, enterprise resource planning and Porter’s value chain because these concepts helped to understand internal and external business operations (Kumar & Rajeev, 2016). However, it was challenging for me to understand potential applications of information systems. In recent pandemic situations of covid-19, many organisations continued the operations by preferring work from home practices. In this situation, I realised how important an information system is to accomplish the business operations even sharing information and working with different departments.

I developed the insight is that application of information system is wide and it can be used in almost any department and organization to manage information. Considering my learning and experience, I foresee information systems manager as my target career.

Active Experimentation

Explaining all of the aforementioned things has undoubtedly given me a thorough grasp of what an information system is, its range, the technologies that can be used to administer it, and the potential difficulties and dangers that could arise while keeping one up. I have completely progressed from my prior idea of an information system, which was solely defined as a method for storing and moving data. Now that I know, information systems can be used by many different associations for managing, storing, and sending data properly so that it can be converted into valuable information as needed in many scenarios (Romero & Vernadat, 2016).

I am confident that I can use the information system in the future, regardless of the career or subject I choose. In the days ahead, when the importance of the information system will be significant, I'll put several modules into practise to build a foundation for my career. In order to better comprehend the fundamental components of the information system, I intend to enrol in a helpful course in the near future. I realised controlling information systems is not child's play thanks to this subject. A thorough understanding of what it is, the technologies that may be employed with it, and how to use it is required.

Adoption of such systems is frightening as the technological world develops quickly, creating online venues for marketing and commerce. Therefore, it has been essential to comprehend and utilise information systems. In a matter of days, having a thorough understanding of this subject will bring me several benefits, either directly or indirectly.


My comprehension of the topic has grown as a result of enrolling in the information system subject. I learned about numerous terminologies, instruments and technologies, security concerns, applications, and information system management. Before studying information systems, I had a limited comprehension of some ideas and was in error about them. Compared to before, my knowledge of this subject is now much broader, and I now have a solid grasp of fundamental ideas like data, information, and information systems.

I could benefit from this subject because it improved my abilities and possibilities for the future by helping me understand more modern ideas and technology applications. After this research, I can declare with confidence that I am capable of managing my business's information system and operations going forward.


Boss, S. R., Galletta, D. F., Lowry, P. B., Moody, G. D., & Polak, P. (2015). What do systems users have to fear? Using fear appeals to engender threats and fear that motivate protective security behaviors. MIS quarterly39(4), 837-864.

Bourgeois, D. T., Smith, J. L., Wang, S., & Mortati, J. (2019). Information systems for business and beyond.

DeLone, W. H., & McLean, E. R. (2016). Information systems success measurement. Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems2(1), 1-116.

Eason, O. K. (2016). Information systems development methodologies transitions: an analysis of waterfall to agile methodology.

Kumar, D., & Rajeev, P. V. (2016). Value chain: a conceptual framework. International journal of engineering and management sciences7(1), 74-77.

Pearlson, K. E., Saunders, C. S., & Galletta, D. F. (2016). Managing and using information systems: A strategic approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Rainer, R. K., Kelly, R. R., & Prince, B. (2022). Introduction to information systems. John Wiley & Sons.

Romero, D., & Vernadat, F. (2016). Enterprise information systems state of the art: Past, present and future trends. Computers in Industry79, 3-13.      

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