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Answer 1.

Answer 2.

Answer 3.

Answer 4.

Answer 5.


Systems Analysis and Design - Answer 1

The stakeholders are responsible for defining their influence on the required systems by showing their involvements. It is possible that any user or their association to proposed system may act as the stakeholder. If direct link is developed among proposed system and the identified stakeholder, then, that stakeholder is internal to that system but if indirect link is developed among proposed system and the identified stakeholder, then, that stakeholder is external to that system. The identified stakeholders for the supplied case ABC University case are pointed below:

  • Students
  • VC (Vice chancellor)
  • Officer managing enrollments,
  • Officer managing time table,
  • ABC University,

The interaction of any system with defined components or entities is defined by its involved actors. These actors are categorized in two categories: primary & secondary. The execution of trigger defined in use cases with a specific objective towards the system is defined by primary actors. All the services which are provided by the required system are executed only by the involved actors. The identified actors for the supplied case ABC University case are pointed below: 

  • Program director.
  • Time table officer.
  • Enrollment officer.

Systems Analysis and Design - Answer 2

The maintained services and their related operations for the proposed system are defined by their functional requirements. This enrollment system of ABC University is making requirements of different important functionalities and these are:

  • Authorized users of the possible enrollment system must be able to create required reports.
  • The user database can only be modified with proper authentication.
  • The users can use this system to perform communication with each other.
  • The students must be able to know their class location with this system.
  • This system must detect any clash in the time table of provided courses.
  • A well defined time table for all provided courses must be maintained with this proposed system.
  • The authentication of all users must be based on their login details.
  • This system must allow students to check availability of courses and reserve their seats.
  • The online payments for approved enrolments must be allowed by this system.
  • The verification of fee and student data must be allowed by new system.
  • This new system must allow students to drop or add any new course.

Systems Analysis and Design - Answer 3

The non-functional requirements are mainly defined for showing the system constraints and their behavior. This enrollment system of ABC University is making requirements of different important non functional requirements and these are:

  • The new system must ensure high availability on all time so that students can perform their enrollments on their time availability.
  • The system must perform automatic updates on courses as per enrollments and provide effective management to enrolment operations.
  • This system is mostly used by new students, so, it must maintain reliable operations related to student enrollment.
  • This system will maintain student data and ABC University data, so, authentication and security must be tight. The involvement of online fee payment making security as high requirement.
  • In every trimester more than 5000 new students will use the proposed enrollment system, thus, it must pass the performance criteria.
  • This system must provide easy GUI and operations so that new students can easily understood the enrollment process. Making use of wizard and instructions is essential for proposed system.
  • The new system must provide support to Android, Windows and other OS, so that, high usability can be maintained for all devices.

Systems Analysis and Design - Answer 4

The operational flow and relationship identification among actors is defined with help of use case diagrams. The successful implementation of SDLC for any possible system is determined with help of these diagrams. The diagram showing enrollment process followed at ABC university with new system is: 

The most important task of this required system by ABC University is to perform enrollment and this diagram is showing the required steps. The students login, course selection, enrollment process and fee payments are show in above diagram. The program director and students are the main actors of this use case. The diagram showing time table development process followed at ABC university with new system is: 

After enrollment the development of course time table is important use case. All courses provided by ABC University will maintain their own time table and any clash in time table or class room allocation is not required. The time table is developed on bases of provided course and time table manager and students are the main involved actors for this diagram.

The complete operations related to time table management for the provided or selected courses is shown in this diagram. The detection of possible clashes and making required updates in time table is possible with this diagram.

After making the enrollment, each student will process the required fee for completing their enrollment. Until the fee for course is not pay, any enrollment is not confirmed. Thus, the diagram showing fee payment process followed at ABC university with new system is: 

The fee payment with online method is most important process in this new system of ABC University. The student can follow the provided bank link and can process the shown fee amount. The receipt of processed fee by the students is also provided to them and this use case involves it.

The ABC University has appointed an enrollment office who is responsible to make verification of all student data supplied for enrollment. Thus, the diagram showing student data verification process followed at ABC university with new system is:

Appointed enrollment officer by the ABC University will follow the shown steps in above diagram to make required verification of student data supplied for course enrollment. The rejection or approval of enrollment in courses is defined by the appointed person from ABC University. This person can also generate the required reports by following the set processes.

Systems Analysis and Design - Answer 5

The enrollment to selected courses and payment of required course fee are the most important use cases, thus, their description is provided here:

Use case name

Enrollment to selected course through proposed system






Ø Student

Ø Proposed system itself.


The student looking for course enrollment at ABC University will login to this system, check the availability and eligibility criteria of the course and supplied data for initiating the enrollment process. 


Student makes selection of subjects from the selected course.


Ø New students will make sign in to this proposed system.

Ø Existing or already sign up students will make login.

Ø Students verifies the provided subjects in selected course.

Normal course

Ø All students provide their data to make sign up to this platform.

Ø After checking the eligibility criteria, required courses and their allocated subjects are selected by students.

Ø The system will process the enrollment of new student.

Alternative courses

Ø The possible issues occurred during document upload and their storage will be rectified by this system.

Ø If the course seats are already full and any scope of new enrollment is not possible, then, this system will flag a respective message on students screen.

Post conditions

All students are allowed to make changes in uploaded documents and provided student data through their authentication details.


If the course seats are already full and any scope of new enrollment is not possible, then, this system will flag a respective message on students screen and restrict him/her to complete the enrollment process.


Use case name

All approved enrollments of students will process the fee for assuring their seats.






Ø Student

Ø Bank of ABC University


All the approved enrollments by the appointed officer will be processed for fee payments. The payment for course enrollment must be done before the provided due date. If any extension in fee payment is required, then, student can contact the university.


The bank link for online payment is shown to the students and student can use UPI or internet banking to process the payments for reserving their seats in selected courses.


Ø Without verification of enrollment documents supplied by students any payment is not processed.

Ø If any fee is pending before due date, regular reminders will be provided to students.

Ø Each student must use UPI or internet banking for processing the payments.

Normal course

Ø Students make login with authentication details and select their course.

Ø The due payment for the approved courses is verified by the students.

Ø The due date to fee payment is verified by students.

Ø The UPI or internet banking based payment is done by students.

Alternative courses

Ø The authentication failure can restrict students to make login.

Ø In absence of UPI or internet banking details any fee payment is not possible for approved courses.

Ø The receipt of done fee cannot be printed because of any possible system error.

Post conditions

All fee will only be pay through UPI or internet banking for assuring their seats in approved courses.


Ø Insufficient funds in the accounts can lead to payment rejection.

Ø System errors can also lead to payment rejection.

6. References for Hyperloop Transportation System

Abdelrahman, A. S., Sayeed, J., & Youssef, M. Z. (2017). Hyperloop transportation system: analysis, design, control, and implementation. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, 65(9), 7427-7436.

Song, J., Gu, C. W., & Ren, X. (2016). Influence of the radial-inflow turbine efficiency prediction on the design and analysis of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. Energy Conversion and Management, 123, 308-316.

Guariniello, C., & DeLaurentis, D. (2017). Supporting design via the system operational dependency analysis methodology. Research in Engineering Design, 28(1), 53-69.

Bender, D. (2017). Integration of exergy analysis into model-based design and evaluation of aircraft environmental control systems. Energy, 137, 739-751.

Atherton, D. P. (2020). Analysis and design of relay control systems. In CAD for control systems (pp. 367-394). CRC Press.

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