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Question: Motor Control & Skill Acquisition

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Motor Control & Skill Acquisition Assignment

Task Design and Propose a Motor Control Intervention. Students will be required to design and justify an evidence-based motor control intervention plan. The intervention will be targeted at a specific population, and will aim to address a maximum of two specific issues (where more issues exist, please prioritise).The intervention should focus on motor control, and not other areas such as biomechanics, physiology or strength and conditioning. Examples from previous years have included groups such as the elderly, pre-school children, pregnant mothers, stroke victimsand youth sport settings. The report should include a brief introduction to the chosen population and their specific control needs (up to 10 sessions).  
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Motor interventions talks about any therapies and treatments which aim to improve the use of motor functioning, for instance, coordination, control, and movement of the entire body parts. These therapies help in the improvement of individual’s growth irrespective of the age group (Williams et al. 2016, p. 33). This research presents an ideal to guide activity based towards motor interventions. It is done through a constituent of primary intervention activities for work-related and psychotherapists in work with kids with neurological disorders and other growth related infirmities.

a)Target Population

The population targeted is of young kids between the ages of 0-5 years with disabilities who are brought up by parents or the caregivers. The study can be carried out in home or in steps were children with neurological disorders are rehabilitated

b)Main Objectives

  • To ensure that parents and caregivers get the right information on how to handle kids with neurological disorders and other impairments.
  • To ensure that kids with neurological disorders and other impairments are brought up the right way despite the conditions.

Design Process

The design process contains a strategic plan that involves all process of making motor intervention in this case the activity based motor intervention is considered.

i.Activity Based Motor Interventions

Activity based motor interventions for kids with neurological disorder give emphasis on the need for preparation and repetition of focused motor activities to raise the kid’s chipping into day-to-day practices. These undertaking skills are fully integrated into the kid’s day-to-day practices by parentages together with other custodians through the backing of their occupational and physiotherapists (Valvano, Rapport & M, 2006, p.293).

ii.How Activity Based Motor Interventions Work for Parents and Caregivers, and Physiotherapists

Activity based involvements remain reliable with present models of involvement for kids with neurological disorders, which emphasises the understanding of practical evolving motor knowledge that will raise the baby’s ability to interrelate with the surroundings and families. Thus, this kind of motor interventions state of affairs not only extends priority to a movement that stimulates motor capability but also talks about impairments typical for kids with neurological disorders conditions. The alteration here is that activity based intervention consist of an occupational or physiotherapists, who assembles chances for motor knowledge by the kid as well as to facilitating activities by the kid’s parentages or caregivers as part of their day-to-day undertakings and practices. These activity based interventions for kids are built on main beliefs of motor development and learning that can be generalised to involvements by occupational and physiotherapists across the lifetime (Adelson & Fraiberg 1974, p. 115). In activity based involvements, occupational and physiotherapists are dared to organise operative undertaking involvements that support motor training by infants and kids within the setting of the day-to-day practices of the family and kid(Valvano & Rapport 2006, p. 297).

iii. The Assumptions on Activity based Motor Interventions

A central assumption in action dedicated involvements is the importance of active motor training practices in getting hold of developmental expertise that is essential for day-to-day practices, for instance, locomotion and reaching. The connection of this motor training to growth is theoretically complicated. Motor growth is considered to be the modifications in motor activities over the lifetime and developments that go together with these modifications. Knowledge is an essential procedure that brings about these interactive changes within duration. These procedures of motor training and development interrelate with each other (Vasilyeva, Huttenlocher & Waterfall 2006, p. 166). In this case, there is no approach to parcel out modifications in a baby’s actions to the practice of development or learning. Variations in internal undertaking structures and dealings with the environs are essential to the concepts of both development and learning.

Applied Considerations

Activity based motor intervention considers a programme that will help parents and caregivers during the period of bringing up kids with neurological disorders. When parents bring up children with the neurological disorder, for a typical infant, they follow a known growing progression that begins at birth. As the infant matures and his essential nervous system develops, the gross motor aids grow in a head to foot evolution. At about the age of two months, the baby will learn to grip his head up in an effort to stare at the creation around him. As he starts to notice sounds and light, the probing baby will gaze from every side, increasing coordination and strength in the upper back muscles and neck. By the period of three to four months, a baby will be over and over rolling in the first phase while trying to get hold of the favourite toy that is just away from reach. At around the age of six months, when put in a sitting posture, the baby keeps himself stable by sustaining himself up with his both arms. There challenges that comes will come a long with bring up children with neurological disorders.

Real life Challenges in Connection to Children with Neurological Disorders

For an infant who has neurological disorders or developmentally delayed, these motor abilities are over and over again delayed, and do not mature easily. Gross motor abilities happen in a typical sequence. On the other hand, these abilities can only take place as the baby develops the stability, organisation and postural controller desired to move his body about in the universe (Pähr & Kristina 2012, p. 84). A baby desire to explore and reach out his environs is the primary motivator that ultimately leads to gross motor growth. When baby infirmities interfere with what he or she is able to hear and see or impair his overall motor working, then a baby will not follow the growing order as we know it. The parent always prompts the infants to play with toys so that they may stretch their muscles and develop slowly by slowly (Williams et al. 2016, p. 35).

Overall proposal

The proposal provides the suggestions that provide the guiding Principles for Planning and Implementing Activity based and Steps for Developing Motor Interventions.

1) The Guiding Principles for Planning and Implementing Activity Based

The guiding principle for strategizing and implementing activity based involvements might be built on beliefs from both growth and learning motor skills. Refer to the figure 1, in the appendices (Activity Based Motor Interventions) it shows model describing the part of the physiotherapist, or parent as a modification representative in guiding activity based motor interventions. Guiding principle for the training of motor undertakings, resulting from the motor developmental and learning collected works, may possibly be modified to be responsible for separate training needs and separable strong point of kids with neurological disorder (Vasilyeva, Huttenlocher & Waterfall 2006, p. 170). Occupational therapists and physiotherapists think through neurological disorder to be an essential emphasis of interventions for young children and infants for the reason that they put boundaries on the performance of growing motor expertise. In addition, initial intervention is alleged to be essential in minimising the progress of disorders, and stopping inferior disorders that have enduring effects on practical activities. The research done shows impairments in body functions and structures are as a result of a pathological process or disorder. They characterise difficulties in the thinking and the growth of the body parts that limit the kid’s potential to carry out important activities, which are essential in chipping into day-to-day practices (Pless et al. 2001, p. 532; Williams et al. 2016, p. 35). For kids, everyday practices might take account of bathing, playing, eating, among others. In regard to the research done, the difference between main impairments that are confines directly brought about from the pathology related with the impairments and minor disorders that mature in time. Extremity muscle usage in a kid with brain disability is an instance of a primary impairment (Vasilyeva, Huttenlocher & Waterfall 2006, p. 172). Confines in thumb or wrist weakness or motion of flex muscles necessary for grasping, are instances of secondary disorder that might possibly grow with time in arrears to continuing nonuser of impaired hand. In the long run, grasping or reaching for dolls might be influenced by the main or the minor impairment.

2) Steps for Developing Motor Interventions

The model explained in this article stand for three useful steps for developing motor interventions: first is to come up with activity-related objectives and goals that will raise the contributions of the baby in day-to-day practices, centred on main concern of the family, together with the intervention group. Thus, this will maximise the freedom and chipping in for kids with body nervous system disorder activity disorders causing in motor delay. In the instance of the kids, these actions may expand functional freedom of movement, communication with the family, play activities, and other day-to-day habits, for instance, eating and bathing (Valvano & Rapport 2006, p. 300; Riethmuller, Jones & Okely 2009, p. 787). The activity also includes grasping the dolls and joking around with them while seated. Secondly, is to strategize activity based interventions that consist of opportunities for the exercise of functional activities. Chances for the exercise of motor responsibilities are improved by practice guiding principles that are founded on main beliefs of typical motor growth and learning. On the other hand, it might be adapted or improved to run into the individual learning strong point and desires of the young child or infant (Adelson & Fraiberg 1974, p. 117). Therapists and other people who provide initial intervention can be responsible support by giving hand to a kid’s parents to assemble chances so that the kid can exercise motor expertise in the setting of the family practices. As a result, occupational therapist or physiotherapists offering initial intervention activities should partner with guardian as the elements of change, to support positive transformation in physical growth behaviours (Engelbert et al. 2011, p. 68). Thirdly is to join in disorder focused involvements with activity based intervention to lessen minor disorder that may perhaps grow over the duration. The disorders can, perfectly, be spoken in the setting of movement. They may perhaps also be spoken by the healing processes performed outside the normal activity when need be. This ideal activity based intervention has been formerly functional to school kids who are around 15-month-old with cerebral palsy (Valvano & Rapport 2006, p. 305; Allison 2008, p. 1418). Precisely, the idea is practical to the usage of the dolls by the kid while seated alone without support of the floor.

Reflective Summary

a) Limitations of the Research

  • There was no good environmental setup to carry out the study due the fact that identifying families with kids who have neurological disorder was not easy. As a result the researcher was forced to move from one home to another.
  • The response from the parents and the caregivers was not good since most parents don’t accept the status of their kids and others don’t have kids with neurological disorders.
  • The main beliefs that are the basis for promoting and understanding motor ability achievement in typical kids do not openly interpret into motor training guidelines for kids with disorders. Thus, raising a challenge to the researcher trying to explain about the motor skills.
  • Most of the parents and caregiver are not informed about the importance of motor skills to the kids with neurological disorder.

b) Future Recommendations

  • There should be centres set apart to bring up children with neurological disorders; this will ease the research being done on their progress. It is stimulating to see the improvements on infant’s overall development and knowledge as he or she achieves control over his/her undertaking and motor skills. Therefore, having a rehabilitation centres for such kids is important.
  • Training sessions for parents and caregivers in regard to children with neurological disorders, this will help them know how to take care of them and accept their status. Thus, they will be able to give them the essential gross motor skills which are essential to improve the infant, as they will give him/her a chance to be moveable, and to relate with his or her environments.


In summary, infants with neurological disorders conditions should be brought up with care. Parents and other caregivers should come up with a strategy for helping them improve their status. This is done by finding strategies to improve the child’s condition. After implementing these strategies the parents and caregivers should ensure they follow them. Thus, this will make their condition keep improving and also help in avoid secondary impairments that develop as time goes by.
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