Natural Disasters - Science Technology And Society - Assessment Answer
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Question:Natural Disasters
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Assignment Task
Choose one specific natural disaster and research the impact that science and technology has had on that particular natural disaster.
Slide 1 Science and your chosen natural disaster
Describe your chosen natural disaster and explain why it occurs. Example: Tropical cyclones form when the energy released by the condensation of moisture in rising air builds up over warm ocean waters forming a large low pressure system or severe storm.
Slide 2 Current Technology used in detection, control and emergency response to your chosen natural disaster.
Describe two or three current technologies that are used in either detecting, controlling or responding to your chosen natural disaster. Example: Drone technology is being used in the identification and control of bushfires.
Slide 3 Natural Disasters and Society
Explain the relationship between your chosen natural disaster and society using a specific occurrence of your chosen natural disaster. What impact did this specific disaster have on society. Include relevant statistics e.g. fatalities, homes destroyed, loss of infrastructure. Example: The earthquake that hit Christchurch New Zealand in February 2011. More than 180 people died as a result of the earthquake.
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Slide 1: Science and earthquake:
Natural disasters are the sudden phenomenons that are caused by environmental factors like extreme pollution in air, water and soil. Natural disasters come with extreme power that is very harmful for living people. In order to conduct his study one of the natural disasters like earthquake has been chosen.
DesRoches et al (2011, p.20)stated that earthquake is a sudden shaking of the land that is caused by the unforeseen movement of tectonic plates of the earth. Earthquake has been arising at fault lines when plates slide collide with each other. Earthquake is the most dangerous natural disaster just because of its disastrous nature. Earthquake strikes with no previous warning and earthquake makes tremble at the surface of the ground but mainly all the shakings are produced at deep underground. As shaking produced by earthquake has been seen at the surface mostly so naturally building falls down and bridge and roads collapse.
Thereafter mud and land come from uphill by sliding down at the lowland. The entire exterior of the globe is encompassed by the plates Tectonic plates are stacked with each other like puzzles but they are not still but moving. The plates sit on the fluid and they make pressure and tension while the slides are moving to meet up with each other. Sometimes the plates stick with each other tightly no matter while they are moving and pulling other plates with it. Then due to extreme pulling pressure, some of the plates become free from others and it is the main cause of terrible earthquake.
Wang (2012, p.342) commented that faults is the only cause that make the ground shaky. As per the theory of elastic rebound during earthquake ground shakes only for the fault and plates are always moving at the time of sticking with fault and the plates, which become free from the other plates, cause earthquake. The vertical movement of rocks at the ground produces earthquakes. The source of the earthquake is the epicentre point, which is deep as 700 km. Smaller earthquake occurs and stay for a specific time and it does not cause of huge damages. On the other hand, large earthquake stays for several months and people can feel aftershocks till a certain period.
Slide 2: Technology that has been used in detecting and controlling response to the earthquake:
During the earthquake in United States, it has been seen that a number of buildings, roads and bridges have been destroyed. A number of researches have been conducted on this particular topic and many researchers have said that engineers must focus on improving the structures of buildings, roads and bridges to survive extreme earthquakes. In the case of Loma prieta earthquake, it has been seen that more than 60 people was died and around $6 billion, property was damaged due to major earthquake (Wang, 2012, p.370). In such condition, earth scientists focused upon gaining knowledge about the ground motion and they provided those information to the structural engineers in order to improve the strong building designs Loma (Prieta Earthquake, CA, 1989, Part 1 2016).
Seismometer is very helpful to measure the motion of the ground and seismic waves during earthquake. Sesame wave’s record that has been collected through the seismometer helps the scientists to locate and measure the size of the earthquakes. Through earthquake warning system people can be provided real time warning to the people. Apart from that, GPS sensor in mobile phones enables all the people to predict about the earthquake. Jackson (1996, p.3773)stated that GPS setting in phones are helpful to alert people about the earthquakes before it takes place. GPS setting can detect the movement of the ground and it is used in remote areas. Folger (2013, p.6) commented that SAR is one of the best technology that is based on radio detection and ranging. Through SAR techniques, scientists can recognise the epicentre of earthquakes and identify the damages that are caused by earthquakes.
As stated by Sultana (2013, p.120), there are a number of earthquake related applications are available across the world. Through this application, people can easily know about the size and nature of the earthquakes. Then all the people can aware of the ramification of the earthquakes and they can be alert before it occurs. It has been seen that most of the people, who use smartphones can access all information related to the earthquakes and even they can find out the danger zones that must be affected most by the earthquakes. Apart from that, seismic isolation system is one of the most effective and technology that helps the building to stand straight while everything is breaking down during earthquake. It has been found this technology works like car’s shock absorbers. This technology is used to eliminate any possibility of structural damage of multi-storeyed building.
Slide 3: Earthquake and society:
As stated by Jackson (1996, p.3774), when earthquake occurs then people living at the specific area that has been affected mostly have gained a traumatic experience. During the earthquake, a number of buildings start collapsing and in such condition, people try to save their live and they become very concerned with flying glasses. Many of them lose their family members and housings. Majority of the people get injured and die due to falling object and structure. DesRoches et al. (2011, p.20) stated that earthquake can cause gas and electric explosion and fire also. Seismologists try to find out the information through seismometer related to the earthquake and share all the information with the people living at earthquake-prone area in order to decrease the rates of death and injuries due to earthquakes.
Tsunami is one of the most traumatic natural disaster, which is caused by earthquake and it has been seen that tsunami occurs on the ocean floor after an earthquake. Earthquake may cause the destruction of property so it can be said that area, which are affected most by the earthquake cannot lead a healthy life but lose their everything like property, many lives (Wang, 2012, p.372). Earthquake may cause flood and it has been seen that flood occurs when pipes or dams are collapsed in a particular area due to earthquake. The earthquakes can destroy an entire town. People, who do not feel the shock of the earthquake they often can be trapped into their houses and they cannot get out of their house so they lose their life.
This study focuses on the causes of earthquake and it has been seen that it has huge destructive impact on society. Here it has been found that moving tectonic plates of the earth often cause earthquake. The plates are always moving and they are attached with each other like puzzles and they try to pull other plates by creating pressure. In such condition, those plates are being detached from other plates those are produced shaking and those cause earthquake. Here, it has been seen that many technologies like seismometer, GPS, SAR are used in order to detect the size and nature of the earthquakes. These technologies are helpful in making the people aware of the ramification of the earthquake so people can leave those danger zones for saving their lives.
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