Trauma-informed care entails the approach utilized by health professionals to take care of patients by giving them the utmost care attention with the urge to preclude traumatization in both the health workers and patients. (Fleishman et al., 2019) This approach is utilized across the globe by midwives and nurses to create policies and practices which can be reviewed and revised to allow the working context is safe enough for both individuals situated at the health centers. The role played by nurses and midwives is essential in ensuring patients at large are not succumbing to the effects of trauma; since they are the ones obligated to take caring of them at the hospital through the words of encouragement up to the physical care. Therefore, they are the ones who can ensure the trauma-informed principles can be delineated if they will employ the crucial aid to their patients. (Raymond et al., 2017). Thus, this paper focuses on expatiating how nurses' role facilitates and supports implementing the six principles of the trauma-informed care approach.
According to Kurth (2017), Nursing entails taking care of individuals from a diverse community, group, family, and age, regardless of whether they are sick or well health-wise. Through nursing, there is the promotion of research in health, care of the ill and disabled in the society, and tremendous preventive activities executed, which inhibit the eruption of other illnesses amongst individuals. Nurses are entailed in attending to patients in hospitals bit also the physical support they offer to their 'clients' is essential in building the psychological, spiritual, and interpersonal attributes that have crucial effects on their well-being. The knowledge and skills possessed by the nurses ensure smooth management of stress symptoms and brain pains experienced by most individuals, which can, in turn, be hazardous if they are prolonged for a while(Evans,2017). In most scenarios, nurses are the ones who provide core solutions that patients can follow up depending on their ordeals. From the solutions and articulated by nurses to patients, it is viable for patients to heighten their' live chances 'since the words of encouragement provided act as light of hope that assures them some form of anticipated achievement. Consequently, from the broad role expatiated by the nurses, it is possible for effective execution of the principles of trauma-informed care since they are the ones who take care of the patients' needs during the illness moments and well-being of patients.
As nurses are executing their care based activities to their patients, they often come across several patients of trauma, and in most cases, they are the ones which will suit to the field of helping patients deal with trauma-based patients while offering services. Since nurses are the ones who are often close to patients, they can be utilized efficiently in the approach of trauma-informed nursing practices (Isobel & Edwards, 2017)). Therefore, for the TIC practice to have expatriated, nurses' responsibilities have to be improved and cultivated to ensure these nurses become aware and responsive of what ought to be useful for the TIC health practice to be effective. If nurses were aligned with the practices of ascertaining the crucial measures of implementing TIC, the health practice would be efficacious since they are fond of their patients whom they linger around most of the time. "Nurses who utilize a trauma-informed lens in practice can enhance job satisfaction, reduce the risk for burnout, and improve patient experiences and outcomes" (Schulman & Menschen, 2018, p.45).
In the delineation of the care and advice practices, nurses can execute the six principles of TIC (safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, empowerment, and respect for diversity) in several ways (Cochran, 2019). Firstly, while nurses take care of their patients in day-to-day activities, the safety principle is directly executed since the nurse is often doing close up checks to their patients every time. Through this, patients feel secure since there is a meager capability of harm since their 'protector 'is often close to them. The moment nurses are looking after patients' interest while taking care of them, they usually have that mindset of security around them that, in turn, helps in a further reduction of mind unrest than the unavailability of their presence. Similarly, in normal conditions, everyone often feels a restful mind if they are in a safe surrounding. It will be viable for mindset relief under a free accessory or environment. The warm environment that nurses usually create while attending to their patients provides a safe place for patients to do what they intend since they feel safe under someone, thus reducing the trauma scenarios that could have been experienced if nurses were not in session.
Secondly, as nurses eradicate their advisory messages and counsels to their patients, they tend to build some form of trustworthiness and transparency. In most scenarios, nurses often commence by explaining to patients who they are, what they do, and how they can help the patients in their problems. This approach employed by nurses in one way or the other makes the patient feel that whoever is attending to them is very genuine and open to them; thus, they depict that transparent communication is set. Reeves (2015) also expatiates that the first approach that an individual utilizes to introduce him or herself will determine a lot the chances of trust built within the two accomplices. Thus, the nurses' trustworthiness while attending to their patients creates a transparent environment essential in preventing traumatization amongst the patients (Loomis et al., 2019). Thirdly, as nurses provide several decision-making approaches to their patients, there is always room for choice for patients, which does not lock to individuals in selecting one option but several. The moment nurses employ counseling messages while attending to them, they often create a selection room for their patients since, after trusting them, they tend to make several choices due to the advice they receive. By creating a choice tool for patients, there is a considerable probability that the Trauma-informed care is executed since people have the freedom to choose what they wish or want for their good (Li et al., 2019).
Similarly, as nurses try to use a luring speech and phrases that can make patients open up on specific issues regarding their conditions, a collaborative aspect is depicted between the two 'allies.' The moment a patient is open enough to the nurse, the outcome frequently comes after agreement which led to a collaboration thus the traumatization effects reduced to a certain extent. During the execution of their activities, nurses often employ a luring language that will ensure their patients open up to them by replying and responding to their pleas as they were taking care of them. The patient-nurse relationship is nearly built if both the two individuals are collaborating on their form of communication. As the patients agree with the nurses, they open up on specific issues, useful in precluding trauma-based activities.
Moreover, nurses' positive and encouraging words and phrases while attending to their patients empowers them very significantly; it is very evident that every person feels the urge to be motivated, especially during the times he or she is emotionally down. In most cases, nurses tend to motivate their patients to do it and us if very encouraging messages even if the situation seems to be worsening. During these scenarios, most patients feel empowered from what they are being told and free their minds from the stress burdening them. The effort employed by the nurses to look after their patients, similarly, makes them sure that it is possible despite their inadequacies and problems; there is someone who is trying all means to heightening their life survival chances. Patients will not exhibit that remorseful emotion since even their minds are relaxed after depicting the empowerment activities employed by those taking care of them.
Lastly, trauma-informed care often understands that respect for diversity amongst different people precludes trauma in different individuals. Similarly, while nurses are attending to their patients, they keep in mind the kind of questions and comments they relay to their patients. For instance, they can talk about a deceased wife or husband of a patient, which will provoke the patient to experience trauma from the statement relayed to them. Thus, the nurses often imply effective communication between themselves and the patients to ensure it does not reach an unwanted point; similarly, nurses respect diversity by employing inevitable complaints to different patients with various problems. For instance, a sick child at a hospital will be encouraged to take medicine to heal fast to go home and see his or her parents. On the other hand, a parent would be encouraged differently by the nurse to ensure they quickly recover and take care of the family. This respect for diversity provides a chance of reducing traumatization by identifying the right approach to employ depending on the patient.
Conclusively, the trauma-informed care approach is a practical approach best outlined with nurses' employment since their roles and responsibilities prove to be essential in the TIC exercise. Through the nurses' approach and care, patients often feel secure with them and build trust with them and reduce traumatization. Similarly, nurses employ several pieces of advisory encouragement that provide patients with choices as patients enter in collaborative agreements. Moreover, nurses often employ empowering and encouraging words to their patients to ensure they are not stressed and give them the importance of life once more while eliminating trauma scenarios. Eventually, the employment of different communication phrases among patients creates respect for diversity among different individuals. As the nurse's responsibilities are efficient in supporting and facilitating trauma-informed care principles, more practices have to be put in place that nurses' full activities are embedded in the TIC approach to ensure efficient care for people in the prevention of traumatization.
Cochran, C. B. (2019). Infusing the principles of trauma-informed care into emergency nursing: a comprehensive approach to change practice. Journal of forensic nursing, 15(4), 206-213.
Evans, C. (2017). Effects of an Educational Intervention on RN to BSN Students' Knowledge of Palliative Care. Kentucky Nurse, 65(2).
Fleishman, J., Kamsky, H., & Sundborg, S. (2019). Trauma-informed nursing practice. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 24(2).
Isobel, S., & Edwards, C. (2017). Using trauma-informed care as a nursing model of care in an acute inpatient mental health unit: A practice development process. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 26(1), 88-94.
Kurth, A. E. (2017). Planetary health and the role of nursing: a call to action. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49(6), 598-605.
Li, Y., Cannon, L. M., Coolidge, E. M., Darling-Fisher, C. S., Pardee, M., & Kuzma, E. K. (2019). Current state of trauma-informed education in the health sciences: Lessons for nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(2), 93-101.
Loomis, B., Epstein, K., Dauria, E. F., & Dolce, L. (2019). Implementing a trauma-informed public health system in San Francisco, California. Health Education & Behavior, 46(2), 251-259.
Raymond, A., Lee, S. F., & Bloomer, M. J. (2017). Understanding the bereavement care roles of nurses within acute care: a systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing, 26(13-14), 1787-1800.
Reeves, E. (2015). A synthesis of the literature on trauma-informed care. Issues in mental health nursing, 36(9), 698-709.
Schulman, M., & Menschner, C. (2018). Laying the groundwork for trauma-informed care. Trenton, NJ: Center for Healthcare Strategies.
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