Stroke mainly occurs when there is a reduced blood supply to part of the brain, or the supply is interrupted or in some of the severe cases it is reduced. This also hampers the supply of oxygen and nutrients supply to the brain (Ko, 2018). Due to this reduction in blood flow, the brain cells start to die within a minute. It is a medical emergency and requires prompt treatment as it can be life-threatening as well in extreme cases. The after effects of stroke affects not only the patient but the people involved in the patient’s care giving process. The essay will help in defining the psychosocial impact of ischemic stroke on caregiver and the family of the patient. Essay will also help in enumerating the role of nurse and other healthcare professionals in enabling smooth facilitation of care in rehabilitation of the patient.
Stroke has been found to have a negative impact on the caregiver well-being. Studies have revealed that the caregivers are found to have reduced mental health and reduced work satisfaction as well, will providing are for the stroke patients (Bosma, 2020). The after effects of this condition can range from a low-to high intensity and patient generally require a round the clock care services. The quality of life in the first year, post the incidence of stroke has to be monitored and requires direct care and coordination. This can have a burden on the shoulder of the caregiver, to assist the patient in a holistic manner. leisure time and job satisfaction has also found to remain low in the caregivers, as compared with their non-caregiver counterparts (Haley, 2015). Due to the fact of being engaged in the care giving process, these individuals have been reported to have lack of ability to participate in the valued activities, lack of social engagement and so on. This has found to have a negative impact in their overall lifestyles as well, with higher levels of distress observed in these caregivers.
Family of the stroke patients are shown to have little or no knowledge on the condition as well as on the skill set required to manage the condition. The lack the details on the required psychological support, per sharing support, professional counselling etc. These resources are quite useful for managing care of the patient in the first two years, post-incidence of stroke. The patient’s family also generally lack educational information, problem solving behavior, proper interventions required to manage the patient through a holistic approach (McCarthy, 2020). Due to the disability the patient might feel agitated at times and tend to lose hope with his or her recovery. The families are generally found to have a lack in capability to develop coping strategies to deal with the stress that might arise from time and on (Northcott, 2016). They require help with interventions that are based on aiming at promoting and improving the psychological well-being and imparting practical skills to manage the patient care in post-rehabilitation phase.
Nurses are the pivotal point of access of healthcare for any patient. The nurses play a vital role in managing care for the patient as they are the connecting link between the patient and other members of interdisciplinary team involved in patient care. The primary role can eb defined as carrying out a detailed assessment of the patient, covering physical, mental, social as well as psychological being of the patient. The role of nurse starts from acute care and goes on till the patient is fully recovered (Dreyer, 2016). In the acute phase, apart from carrying out detail’s assessment for the patient, the nurses also carry out comprehensive neurological assessment for diagnosing the amount of deficit the patient has experienced. In the hospital settings, the nurse can be observed to be working in close company with physicians for managing medication administration of the patient. in the recovery phase, nurses also work along with physical therapist to maintain joint range of motion, prevent muscle wasting and fatigue and thus, helping in preventing the complications that might arise in later stages. Nurses also help the family of the patient, by guiding them towards various support group that can help them with smooth facilitation of care services to the patient. They also work in close coordination with the family members, helping them with specialist care and referral if and when required. Nurses can also be observed as the main leader of the multidisciplinary team, guiding them in a reformed manner to support the patient and their family in best manner possible (Theofanidis, 2016).
Stroke is a complex condition and it affects both physical and cognitive functioning of the person. The after effects can impact on the mood and diverse psychological behavior of the person as well. it is imperative to understand its implications on the person affected as well as the caregiver. This is vital from the point of view of knowing the patient’s needs and his requirements. For treating a stroke patient in an effective manner, a good multidisciplinary approach is required involving experienced healthcare professionals. They can treat the patient as well guide their family members for the required help needed post discharge from the hospital setting. As there are multiple underlying emotional, physical and psychological issues related with treating stroke patients, issues need to be catered with highest sensitivity as well. The condition of stroke needs to be screened from emotional adjustment issue and evidence-based treatment for treating the underlying issues related to stroke which are quite undermined.
Bosma, M. S., Nijboer, T. C., Caljouw, M. A., & Achterberg, W. P. (2020). Impact of visuospatial neglect post-stroke on daily activities, participation and informal caregiver burden: A systematic review. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 63(4), 344-358.
Dreyer, P., Angel, S., Langhorn, L., Pedersen, B. B., & Aadal, L. (2016). Nursing roles and functions in the acute and subacute rehabilitation of patients with stroke: Going all in for the patient. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 48(2), 108-115. 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000191
Haley, W. E., Roth, D. L., Hovater, M., & Clay, O. J. (2015). Long-term impact of stroke on family caregiver well-being: a population-based case-control study. Neurology, 84(13), 1323-1329.
Ko, S. B. (2018). Perioperative stroke: pathophysiology and management. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 71(1), 3.
McCarthy, M. J., Lyons, K. S., Schellinger, J., Stapleton, K., & Bakas, T. (2020). Interpersonal relationship challenges among stroke survivors and family caregivers. Social Work in Health Care, 59(2), 91-107.
Northcott, S., Moss, B., Harrison, K., & Hilari, K. (2016). A systematic review of the impact of stroke on social support and social networks: associated factors and patterns of change. Clinical Rehabilitation, 30(8), 811-831.
Theofanidis, D., & Gibbon, B. (2016). Nursing interventions in stroke care delivery: an evidence-based clinical review. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 34(4), 144-151.
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