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Swinburne University Nursing Management Solution


For research, it is very important to use credible sources of information. A researchers audience is going to anticipate that he used best, most recent, most correct, and most dependable information possible so that they can rely on the researchers expertise. Exploiting evidence which does not come from a plausible source of information will not persuade the reader that researchers claim is plausible or even accurate. In all areas of learning, but especially at the tertiary level, students are needed and anticipated to research, collect, and use information which is structurally accurate. Here the word structural is used in the wide context. Nowadays, the Internet is a collection of information and data. All the information available here is not accurate anyway. In other words, many online sources are unreliable and there is a lot of unauthentic information out there. In academic research, if the research proposal is based on unreliable or false information about the background of research, then in such a case, all the objectives will be inaccurate and any research on based on such a topic will provide no authentic data. So it is important to verify collect the literature from authentic resources and if it is a population-based study then a pilot survey can be useful before starting the research. Before starting the research, peer-reviewed articles published in reputed journals should be considered. As a researcher to be established and gain recognition one need to publish their work in reputed journals. If the research is based on unauthentic resources, it is possible the reviewers will find out and the work is rejected. Thus, all the academicians and researchers should use verified and reliable sources in their work.


It is essential to use credible resources in academic research and evidence-based clinical medicine as affirmations with credible evidence help in professional practice without error and is backed by credibility (Hecht, and Meyer, 2016). For example, if a patient goes to the doctor to get advice on the symptoms he was having, and his doctor tells him that his diagnosis was based on something he heard from a random stranger while he was on his way to work In such a case, patient will be inclined to distrust or doubt what he told about the symptoms (Rousseau, and Gunia, 2016).. On the other hand, if the doctor told the patient that his diagnosing came from a research article he read in the peer-reviewed, extremely esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association, the patient would be more liable to accept his diagnosis was accurate. The explanation is that the patient may have heard of the journal that the doctor has referred to, or the patient may recognize that the AMA is an extremely reputable organization in the area of medicine. It is not only crucial for credibility but ethically as well it is important to use credible resources for professional practice. Contrary to what many individuals believe, the majority of clients will, in reality, check the credibility of claims made by the service providers. (Rousseau and Gunia, 2016)
The rational motive for using plausible resources in professional practice.
By exploiting credible resources, one can hold regard as an authority in whatever field he/ she is practicing.
One can earn more reliance and respect from the masses and/or clients because he/she can back up his/ her claims.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is one of the best ways to gain acceptance and regard to marking a place among the best in professional practice(Poindexter, Hagler, and Lindell, 2015)


Nursing management of diabetes for a patient who has undergone knee replacement surgery involves the use consulting literature resources for intervention. There are several sources available on diabetes management among diabetic patients which involve dietary interventions, medications, and lifestyle changes. Several of them are available even for diabetes management after surgery. Online resources available in the form blogs, social media posts or less authentic websites can be used to help in the self-diagnosis or making lifestyle improvement in preventing diabetes. However, such resources cannot be used as clinical evidence in medicine for treatment purpose (Muller et al. 2011). Thus, any nurse or medical professional is not supposed to refer to such resources when it comes to clinical practice (Hecht, and Meyer, 2016). In another case, imagine a surgeon performing a major surgery after watching a procedure on YouTube video, or using the TV program on how to perform surgery. In the hospital, if a patient realized this that doctor is doing his surgery after watching a video, he/ she would run shrieking from the OT. Tertiary-level teaching is where groups of students learn what is factual or specifically accepted as real. It is not based on another persons conceptualization of what is factual. Lets take some other example and consider a sporting trial. In games, fans from both teams will offer convincing grounds that their team is finer. It may or may not be true. Only experiential testing will detect that(Hecht, and Meyer, 2016). One learns this through tertiary education. Thus, to learn accurately about the diagnosis and treatment one should use honest and authentic data sources to learn and work with on properly (Rousseau, and Gunia, 2016). Anybody performing diagnosis or treating patients using unauthentic sources will lose the respect, credibility and may be fined if a mishap takes place. Thus, only refereed journal articles or books should be used instead of social media sites or videos.


Hecht, L., Buhse, S., and Meyer, G. 2016. The effectiveness of training in evidence-based medicine skills for healthcare professionals a systematic review. BMC Medical Education, 16(1), p.103.
Muller, A., McCauley, K., Harrington, P., Jablonski, J., and Strauss, R., 2011. Evidence-based practice implementation strategy the central role of the clinical nurse specialist. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(2), pp.140-151.
Poindexter, K., Hagler, D., and Lindell, D. 2015. Designing authentic assessment strategies for nurse educators. Nurse Educator, 40(1), pp.36-40.
Rousseau, D.M. and Gunia, B.C. 2016. Evidence-based practice The psychology of EBP implementation. Annual Review of Psychology, 67, pp.667-692.

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