Veracity is defined as the duty to tell the truth to patient. Be truthful and honest.
It is the right of the patient to know correct information regarding illness, diagnosis and various treatment options to take better judgement over the problem.
As the previous history of not telling the truth to patient in-order to not harm them has undergone a tremendous change over past 30 years. Now ethical code of veracity is followed to get informed consent and use better communication skills for telling truth to patient in a critical condition too.
2001 reviewed states that ” physicians must be honest in all professional interactions”.
Veracity is an important tool of ethical code must be followed by professionals in healthcare.
It helps to develop trust and strong relationship between healthcare professional and patient, which further helps patient to make decision regarding treatment. To obtain consent from the patient by informing about all potential risks related to his/her healthcare
This is a critical concept in healthcare as it provides with right and truthful knowledge about the disease, its diagnosis and treatment to the patient. Implementation of this code of conduct helps to build trust with patient.
For a medical professional it is important to tell truth to patient suffering from severe medical condition, in a non-stressed and sensitive way. It must not be delivered in one round. Right time to deliver information in a communicating way helps to develop trust with patient.
Following relationship to professional code, it is important to develop patient- physician relationship. If not practised, patient may lose trust in physician regarding its healthcare treatment, to follow a model of patient’s autonomy., to resolve conflicts When ethical principles collide, and to cause no harm to patient healthcare.
Veracity is an ethical concept which imparts to provide correct information to patient by healthcare professionals.
There is a conflict in following cases related to veracity in healthcare:
It can be regarding providing wrong information regarding medicines given patient daily to relieve stress. Although those medicines may not provide any harm, but it is against code of veracity. Correct information must be given to patient in a more communication way.
An ethical disagreement can also occur in case of ending life support system. As the family members may not agree to this. In this case certain medical treatment aspect can be hide from family which is against ethical code of veracity. Here, family members must be told about the present scenario.
During pandemic SARC-COV-2, keeping in mind of the limited resources available to patient professionals followed non-appropriate care, mislead about the availability of bed to their relatives. This was against the ethical code of veracity. Patient must be given right information according to their emergency needs.
As a conclusion we can say that Veracity is an important aspect of ethical principle safeguarding patient’s right to autonomy. Patient has an equal right to have information regarding the illness, diagnosis and treatment options to make correct judgement regarding healthcare services. Despite of various sources of ethical disagreements, professionals must improvise their communicating skills to deliver healthcare with honesty, truthfulness, and develop trust with patient.
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