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This assignment is related to ”Management” and experts atGrade Saviourssuccessfully delivered HD quality work within the given deadline.

Performance Management Assignment Help

Respond to these questions with yourfeelings and thoughtsabout coaching.What was yourinitialreaction to the coaching exercise?
  1. What was your overall assessment of your performance as a coach? Give reasons for this assessment.
  2. What do you think were some of your strengths during the exercise?
  3. What do you think were areas where there was room for improvement?
  4. What kind of strategies can you think of to help improve your coaching skills?
  5. What do you think will be the cost of not implementing new strategies into your role as a manager?
These assignments are solved by our professional management assignment Expertsat Grade Saviours and the solution are high quality of work as well as 100% plagiarism free. The assignment solution was delivered within 2-3 Days. Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. We are serving more than 10000+ Students in Australia, UK & US by helping them to score HD in their academics. Our Experts are well trained to follow all marking rubrics & referencing style.

Solution:Operational plan

Operational goals Team goals
Goal Focus KPI Team responsible Team member/ role Tasks Goal KPI Due Resources needed
To expand Pumped4Life gym franchise Doubling the number of gyms around the greater city area New member-ships on record Customer service representatives and Membership processing and renewals team Tony To target new people for membership To increase membership by 150% in next three years New members admitted 3 years Telephone calls
Whela To offer new discounts to members for renewal of membership To achieve the target of 80% membership renewal Member-ship renewals 1 year Negotiation and persuasion skills
Bob To persuade members to try and include new facilities being offered from now To achieve the target of 80% membership renewal Member-ship renewals 3 months Negotiation and persuasion skills
Ashan To develop new techniques for recording member data. Easy recording, following, analysis and retrieval of data on demand Updated records 3 months Accountancy skills and creativity
To increase the operational time of gyms to 24 hours New team member needed as per increasigdemand New team members will be needed for extra work shifts Human resource
To active 1300 hour telephone service for the customers Operational telephone line and satisfied customers Customer service representatives Tony, Whela, Bob To answer the queries and provide the details of various scheme and facilities available at the gyms to the customers on line To persuade more and more customers to be a member of the gym New member-ships 1 month Telephone line and human resource
Performance development plan
Name/position: Ashan- Membership processing and renewals Manager: Review period:
Skills to be developed: How skills are to be developed: Priority (H,M,L) By When? Performance Indicator
Accountancy Learn new methods to maintain and update membership records M 3 months Easy reporting at operational sites
Proficiency in using software programs like word processing, MS-Excel, DBMS Short term professional courses can help H 3 months Maintenance of records
Management skills Learning to manage time for all assigned tasks H 3 months Maintenance of updated records
Organizational skills Short courses can be done to learn proper filing and record keeping M 3 months Easy retrieval of records
Good oral and written communication skills Short professional courses can help M 2 months Communication records
Manager’s comments Though Ashan is doing quite good, she needs to learn time management to maintain a balance between the new innovative strategies she develops and the update work needed on regular basis Signature Date
Employee’s comments Signature Date
Performance development plan
Name/position: Tony- customer service specialist Manager: Review period:
Skills to be developed: How skills are to be developed: Priority (H,M,L) By When? Performance Indicator
Clear communication skills Short training under a professional M 1 month Positive Customer feedbacks
Ability to understand costumers’ needs Allowing to deal with range of customers and learn from experience M 15 days Positive Customer feedbacks
Time management skills Assigning targets to be completed within stipulated time H 15 days Target completion
Goal oriented focus Assigning targets to be completed within stipulated time H 1 month Target completion
Negotiation and persuasion skills By assigning difficult customers and dealing with them H 15days Number of customers
Positive body language and patience By teaching the importance of team work H 15days Team support
Manager’s comments Tony was performing well but off late he is showing negative attitude. He needs to be more focused to his work and learn to work in harmony with the other members of the team. Signature Date
Employee’s comments Signature Date
Performance management plan
Name/position: Ashan- Membership processing and renewals Manager: Review period:
Goals from Operational Plan Work tasks allocated Indicator of success/ performance By when Status report
To develop new techniques to keep the records updated and their easy retrieval on demand To maintain the pace with increasing new admissions and renewals of old memberships Updated records 1 month
Learning software packages- word processing, MS-Excel, DBMS Maintaining records for existing and new memberships, membership processing Good updated records 3 months
Good oral communication skills Satisfying costumers having membership processing related queries Customer feedback 1 month
Good written communication skills Communicating information between various hierarchies in the organization Timely communication of information 1 month
Manager’s comments Ashan is performing good and will soon gain the momentum to align with the targets assigned to her Signature Date
Employee’s comments Signature Date
Performance management plan
Name/position: Tony- customer service specialist Manager: Review period:
Goals from Operational Plan Work tasks allocated Indicator of success/ performance By when Status report
To increase the membership by almost 150% in next three years To be fully updated with the new plans to be offered to the customers To persuade the customers to avail the facility of dietician, which will be made available soon To convince the members to take up annual membership by offering tailor made discounts depending upon the needs of the customer. Monitor the achievement of targets assigned 6 months
To achieve the target of 80% membership renewal Monitor the achievement of targets assigned 2 months
Learning team qualities To work in harmony with other team members Feedback from team members 1 month
To help operate 1300 hours operational telephone customer service To satisfy the queries of customers on phone and convincing them to join the gym Feedback from customers 3 months
Manager’s comment Tony needs frequent monitoring to help him improve his relationship with other team members and customers. He needs to be more focused and dedicated towards his work. Signature Date
Employee’s comments Signature Date
Coaching session – Coach’s self-reflection sheet
Coach’s name
Coaching date/s Time/s
Employee’s name
Respond to these questions with your feelings and thoughts about coaching. What was your initial reaction to the coaching exercise? What was your overall assessment of your performance as a coach? Give reasons for this assessment. What do you think were some of your strengths during the exercise? What do you think were areas where there was room for improvement? What kind of strategies can you think of to help improve your coaching skills? What do you think will be the cost of not implementing new strategies into your role as a manager?
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