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Task 1

The selected technology is SAP ERP technology. The selected company for the given study is Fonterra. Fonterra is on the verge of switching its core financial software from Oracle to SAP, a move that could possibly net the German provider tens of millions of euros. Oracle has been Fonterra's primary financial software provider up until now.

Fonterra has stated that the project was started with the intention of bringing about transformation, which may put us in a position that is less advantageous than our current standing as the established organization. In addition, the firm has stressed the significance of having a supply chain and finance system that are closely integrated with one another. Fonterra Brands New Zealand, a significant FMCG supplier in the nation, has embarked on a green field initiative to integrate SAP Enterprise Warehouse Management. As part of this effort, multiple aging distribution centers and warehouses operated by third parties will be consolidated into a single distribution center that will be situated in close proximity to the Auckland airport. The effective distribution of food and drink across the entirety of New Zealand and the Pacific region is this project's major goal, and it will also be one of its secondary objectives. The big project seems to have created a total of $1.4 million in bonuses that will be given out when certain goals are reached.

Expenses that came up during the transition process could have hurt the business's ability to make money. Under the direction of Geraldine McBride, who was in charge of Australia and New Zealand, Black restructured and got rid of a lot of people who had been there during the bad times after the year 2000. During this time, the company worked on selling to the customers it already had. After that, Black brought on board a number of highly skilled workers.

Task 2

Article 1: Amini, M., & Abukari, A. M. (2020). ERP systems architecture for the modern age: A review of the state of the art technologies. Journal of Applied Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences, 1(2), 70-90.

The successful operation of a company in today's fast-paced and ever-changing business environment is heavily dependent, to a significant extent, on the organization's adoption of and engagement with various enterprise systems. Given the enormous influence that enterprise systems have on an organization's value chain across primary and secondary operations, it is obvious that these systems hold a vital position in terms of importance. The incorporation of an Enterprise Resource Planning system into a company makes it easier to combine all of its departments and functions onto a single, unified platform that satisfies the needs of each individual functional field. As a consequence of this, the many software programs that are intended for the various departments and units that are housed inside an organization are able to combine their features into a consolidated and all-encompassing software that is connected to a single database. The deployment of ERP solutions can provide a unified platform for various departments inside an organization, as well as functional departments positioned in the locations of partners, clients, and suppliers, to promote effective communication and information sharing as required. This can be accomplished by combining the capabilities of many ERP solutions into a single application (Amini & Abukari, 2020).

Article 2: Ambrajei, A. N., Golovin, N. M., Valyukhova, A. V., Rybakova, N. A., & Zorin, V. Y. (2020). Use of hybrid learning model for SAP-related technology education. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings .

The internal programming language ABAP has a restricted range of applicability outside of the SAP environment due to the specific training required of specialists in this language and the fact that it is a proprietary SAP language. The demand for recent graduates who possess this talent is concentrated in the immediate surrounding area, but the associated costs of training and educational institutions are rather high. The viability of this option relies on the existence of a strong partner who is able to provide funds for both the necessary infrastructure and instructional personnel. Without such a partner, the alternative cannot be implemented. Within the region including the Commonwealth of Independent States, there are only a select few viable ways to successfully carry out this scenario. However, colleges who are new to the SAP academic program frequently consider this choice to be the most understandable in terms of how the educational process should be organized (Ambrajei et al. 2020).

Article 3: LUBIS, I. T., LUBIS, P. D. K., Muda, I., & Nedelea, A. M. (2021). Management Process Administration In Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems Applications and Products In Data Processing (Sap) In Ptpn Iii Sei Dadap. Ecoforum Journal, 10(3).

Because the business world is always changing, industrial companies must always be ready for problems. To stay competitive, companies need to put in place plans to lower their overall costs, shorten the time it takes to make a product, reduce the amount of goods they keep on hand, offer a wider range of products, improve their quality, and keep track of global demand, supply, and production. Many businesses use an Enterprise Resource Planning solution to help them reach this goal. Enterprise Resource Planning software makes it easier to connect different business functions like sales, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, budgeting, and staffing. This makes business processes run more smoothly and efficiently. Enterprise Resource Planning software can be used well to cut down on running costs, make accurate predictions of future demand, speed up production cycles, and improve customer service. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are used by a lot of companies to combine different parts of the business into a single program. System Application and Product is an example of this type of software. It combines accounting information systems and management information systems to cover all aspects of a company. With a comprehensive, integrated information system, a company can handle its business processes in a more complete way. This makes it easier to put in place business plans that fit with how the company runs. This increases productivity and helps people understand the company's business better (LUBIS et al. 2021).

Article 4: Grandón, E. E., Díaz-Pinzón, B., Magal, S. R., & Rojas-Contreras, K. (2021). Technology acceptance model validation in an educational context: a longitudinal study of ERP system use. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 6(1), em0134.

There is a paucity of academic research that focuses on the use of enterprise resource planning systems in educational contexts, despite the fact that these systems are widely used in corporate settings and have been subjected to an extensive amount of scrutiny in those settings. The current study intends to remedy this shortcoming by validating a technology acceptance model within the context of an educational environment. This will allow for the development of a more in-depth comprehension of the factors that influence students' propensity to make use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The empirical testing of the study model was carried out by gathering data from students who were enrolled in ERP courses at two public universities located in different nations. These universities are located in different countries. The information was amassed over the course of two discrete time periods. The findings of this longitudinal and cross-cultural study indicate that perceived utility and perceived ease of use are substantial predictors of behavioral intention, with perceived usefulness being the most influential predictor. The study also found that perceived ease of use is a major predictor of behavioral intention. It has been discovered that when students utilize an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system during classroom sessions, it has a beneficial affect on their perceptions regarding the system's simplicity of use, its utility, and their intention to employ the system. Students who have had past experience with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are found to have more favourable sentiments regarding the system's ease of use and usefulness in comparison to students who do not have such prior expertise. The current work makes important contributions to the discipline and identifies new directions that could be pursued by researchers in the future (Grandón et al. 2021).

Article 5:

The Enterprise Resource Planning system is made up of separate software modules that are meant to handle important business tasks like finance and accounting, human resources, production, materials management, and customer relationship management. Organisations only use the tools they need to run their own business. However, the implementation of the system has been limited, as is indicated by the volume of issue and change request tickets that have been submitted by users who have not yet attained optimal conditions (, 2023) It is required for individuals to utilize an appropriate frame of reference, such as the Enterprise Resource Planning system user acceptance model inside corporate settings, in order to handle this issue. In the past, businesses that were engaged in the production and provision of goods and amenities may utilize electronic commerce as a supplemental function. E-commerce, on the other hand, has just established itself as the fundamental paradigm shift in business. At the present day, businesses that are involved in the manufacturing of goods and the supply of services are typically considered to be examples of entities that adhere to traditional business models. The use of information systems by businesses is founded on the fundamental differences that exist between traditional business models and e-commerce.

Article 6:

In today's modern business environment, the application of various technologies and informational systems is an essential component in the process of elevating a company's level of competitiveness. It is essential for a company to have efficient management, and there are many software programs available that are built specifically for this reason. Enterprise Resource Planning is one of these, and it is well acknowledged for its capacity to improve the effectiveness of decision-making. This technology has the intrinsic capability to automate and integrate the operational procedures of businesses, which is one of its defining characteristics. An Enterprise Resource Planning system is a technology framework that enables a firm to more easily integrate information across all of its internal divisions, as well as with its customers and suppliers. The goal of integrating an organization's internal activities and processes with those of its external partners is to create a robust relationship between the company's customers and its suppliers. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) makes it easier for many stakeholders to share information with one another, improves the effectiveness of supply chain management, and simplifies the flow of information. It is anticipated that managers will be able to improve their decision-making process by making better use of accurate and up-to-date information after gaining access to these skills ( 2023) Article 7: (Social media post)

The SAP ERP system is a cloud-based application that makes use of state-of-the-art technologies like AI and machine learning to facilitate smart automation, enhance operational efficiency, and provide access to business intelligence in real time. Cloud-based enterprise resource planning systems have simplified the process of integrating local operations with their international counterparts. This enables businesses to improve their responsiveness, agility, and collaboration to meet the challenges of today's business environment.

An organization can assess and track the maturity of its business processes by utilizing BPM maturity models in conjunction with the SAP ERP system and the BPM approach. These three components working together can act as evaluating tools for the organization. The purpose of this research is to investigate and evaluate whether or not there is a connection between the utilization of business process management (BPM) tools and the installation of the SAP ERP software package. The body of literature that is now available demonstrates that there is a possibility that the deployment of an information technology solution, such as SAP ERP, has the ability to improve process maturity. It is important to note, however, that the majority of the research carried out in this area focuses on both the holistic nature of information technology systems and the organizational level as a whole (Twitter, 2023).

Article 8: (Technical Documentation)

In the context of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, more specifically in relation to the exploitation of cloud-based and blockchain information technology, the purpose of this study is to provide innovative variables that have an impact on the deployment of ERP systems. In addition, the purpose of this research is to explore possible prospects for utilizing technologies like as cloud computing, big data, and blockchain in the deployment approach of ERP systems. The article elaborates on the possibility for incorporating these technologies into the process of implementation and outlines the characteristics of the prevalent implementation approaches. Throughout the entirety of the investigation, a detailed analysis of the previously published literature was carried out, and survey-style interviews were carried out with project managers. The analysis of the existing body of literature demonstrates that the earlier research had a number of shortcomings. The vast majority of research efforts are concentrated on either analyzing how well Enterprise Resource Planning systems function in cloud-based environments or determining the elements that are most important to the achievement of successful ERP installation. The deployment of an enterprise resource planning system is a complex and time-consuming endeavor that requires the firm to take on a wide variety of additional duties and make extensive alterations to its organizational structure. The degree of difficulty involved in the implementation of organizational, technological, and economic projects is perpetually growing more complicated ( 2023)

Task 3

Google scholar has been used in order to search articles for the given study. The journals that have been selected are peered review journals. The main keyword is SAP and ERP.

In contrast to the practice of attempting to control researchers' values through the use of predetermined methods, the act of keeping reflective diaries represents a conscientious acknowledgement of the researchers' prior experiences and values. To explain, reflective practice is an approach that encourages researchers to participate in conversation about the underlying assumptions, personal experiences, and decision-making processes that have informed their activities during the course of the research endeavor. In qualitative research, the use of reflective journals is becoming increasingly common. When discussing the qualities of reflective writing, it is important to remember that the use of the first-person point of view in reflective journals makes the writing inherently subjective. This fact should be kept in mind in relation to the features of reflective writing. When writing, using the first-person point of view helps to ensure that the researcher's significance is appropriately acknowledged. Additionally, the development of self-awareness and the employment of an internal dialogue are both beneficial to the process of conducting a critical examination of key research issues. When employed in the context of data collection, reflective journals can be roughly divided into two distinct groups. Writing that has been done in reflection can be used as primary data. Writing that is reflective is frequently used as the primary source of information in genres such as memoirs, notebooks, and logbooks. In qualitative research, particularly within the fields of technology and education, the practice of utilizing reflective writing as the primary data source is a method that is generally acknowledged and accepted throughout the field. The primary focus of this discussion is on reflective journals as a category of secondary data. Reflective journals are similar to field notes in that they contain elements such as reflection-on-action, insights, and allusions to other sources of data. The primary purpose of reflective journals is to provide researchers with a tool that will assist them in more clearly defining their roles as researchers. Because they contain the researchers' individual viewpoints and experiences, reflective diaries are an extremely useful tool in the research process. These journals are considered as a legitimate component of the protocols for data analysis and interpretation because they chronicle the author's personal experiences as well as their ideas, views, and feelings at the time. Researchers are able to make a murky and disorganized research process more clear by utilizing this method, not just for the benefit of the researchers themselves, but also for the advantage of the audience they are addressing. The use of reflective journals has an effect on the process of doing research since it has the capacity to adjust the research design or methodology depending on what is required. Last but not least, as was said earlier, the use of reflective journals provides an audit trail of the study design, which in turn helps to make the research process more open and accessible to participants.


Ambrajei, A. N., Golovin, N. M., Valyukhova, A. V., Rybakova, N. A., & Zorin, V. Y. (2020). Use of hybrid learning model for SAP-related technology education. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings .

Amini, M., & Abukari, A. M. (2020). ERP systems architecture for the modern age: A review of the state of the art technologies. Journal of Applied Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences, 1(2), 70-90.

Beselga, D., & Alturas, B. (2019). Using the technology acceptance model (TAM) in SAP Fiori. In New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 1 (pp. 575-584). Springer International Publishing.

Grandón, E. E., Díaz-Pinzón, B., Magal, S. R., & Rojas-Contreras, K. (2021). Technology acceptance model validation in an educational context: a longitudinal study of ERP system use. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 6(1), em0134.

Grube, M., & Wynn, M. G. (2019). Management guidelines for better application of business process management in SAP ERP projects. International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements , 12 (1&2), 125-134.

LUBIS, I. T., LUBIS, P. D. K., Muda, I., & Nedelea, A. M. (2021). Management Process Administration In Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems Applications and Products In Data Processing (Sap) In Ptpn Iii Sei Dadap. Ecoforum Journal, 10(3).

Morawiec, P., & Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A. (2022). Cloud computing, Big Data, and blockchain technology adoption in ERP implementation methodology. Sustainability , 14 (7), 3714.

Sardjono, W., Sudirwan, J., Priatna, W., & Putra, G. R. (2021, March). Application of factor analysis method to support the users acceptance model of ERP systems implementation. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1836, No. 1, p. 012032). IOP Publishing. (2023) Retrieved from (2023) Retrieved from

Twitter (2023) Retrieved from (2023) Retreived from

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