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Project Management Plan

Table of Contents

Project Description.

Project Management Approach.

Project Assumptions and Constraints.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix.

Stakeholder Acceptance Process.

Project Scope.

Work Breakdown Structure.

Project Schedule.

Project Budget

Risk Management Strategy.

Quality Management Strategy.


Project Description

This project report outlines the project management plan for the ALF (Assisted Living Faculty) project for St. Dismas Medical Center. The medical facility is going to undergo certain structural and functional changes to accommodate the assisted living faculty, which have been outlined in this report. The report highlights the management approach that will be adopted for the duration of this project, the division of labour for the project, the work breakdown structure, the project schedule and the risk management and quality management strategy. The ALF project is aimed at the construction of an assisted living faculty alongside the hospital premises to provide temporary residence and assistance to the geriatric generation. The project aims at the construction of about 100 different rooms that will accommodate residents and patients in need of assistance. Before the construction of the project starts, a detailed plan has to be presented in front of and approved by the board members of the hospital. The plan should not only consist of estimate costs and income but also details of the strategies and plans that will be implemented. The purpose of this project is to develop new facilities within the hospital that generate revenue and are required according to the current requirements of the society.

The objective of this report is to ensure that each detail of the ALF project is planned in a way as to improve the efficiency of the plan and reduce any risks that might exist in the plan. The objective also included a detailed assessment of the plan to fill any gaps that might exist in the initial plan. The project success will be measured via monitoring and controlling tools of management. It is strongly recommended that once approved, this report be followed rigorously by all members of the planning and execution committee.

Project Management Approach

A project management approach is essentially a system of various procedures, techniques and processes that are utilized while working on a specific project (Joslin & Müller, 2015). There exist various such approaches that can be utilized to manage a particular project. One such approach is the scrum approach that is based on the idea of developing and progressing by utilizing the means of collaboration, iteration and accountability (Pries & Quigley, 2010). The scrum methodology is best suited for teams that have a smaller number of members (below seven) and need a flexible approach to deliver a product or service in time (Pries & Quigley, 2010). The goals of the scrub approach are very similar to the goals of the agile approach, which is also based on the principles of cross-functioning and iteration (Pries & Quigley, 2010). The agile technique is best suited for projects that require a certain degree of flexibility and have a level of uncertainty attached to them (Fernandez & Fernandez, 2008). The difference in between the scrum approach and the agile approach is in the method of operating that is chosen by the two approaches.

Another approach called Kanban is very similar to the agile approach and focuses on the principles of collaboration and self-management amongst team members (Dorca et al. 2016). The approach utilizes collaborative and experimental evolution and achieves efficiency using visual cues in the various stages of the development process (Dorca et al. 2016). Like the scrum approach, the Kanban approach is also suited to projects with smaller teams who need to be flexible regarding the division of work and the process of delivering a product or service. Apart from that, the Kanban approach can also be very useful for personal productivity purposes (Dorca et al. 2016).

Other approaches that can be utilized for project management include the Lean methodology and the Waterfall approach. The Lean methodology is essentially used for minimizing the production of waste in a particular project and maximizing the value of the customer (Farrokhi et al. 2015). The Lean methodology, while different in different cases, majorly focuses on the flow of productivity and high satisfaction level amongst the consumers and is thus best suited for the manufacturing industry (Farrokhi et al. 2015). The methodology can also be used by an organization that is interested in transforming the way business is conducted by the organization. The Waterfall approach, on the other hand, is a sequential approach in which productivity is not branched out but flows in one direction in a linear line (Baseer et al. 2015). This approach, unlike the Kanban, Agile and Scrub, lacks flexibility and avoids structural changes once the process has been finalized. This approach essentially states that the process will move on to stage two only once all requirements of the first stage have been met (Baseer et al. 2015). The approach also stresses on documentation of every step along with proper structure of division of work amongst the team members. Unlike all the mentioned approaches, this approach is best suited for large projects where the chances of risks and surprises are low.

The project management for the ALF project will follow the traditional agile approach. The Agile approach indicates that the process is collaborative, flexible and iterative in nature. Rather than pre-planned process, the agile methodology believes in planning and execution along with the progress of the project (Špundak, 2014). This essentially means that a monitoring and controlling approach will be taken where every week the progress of the project will be measured and accordingly changes will be made in the processes and procedures. No fixed plans will be made that remain un-alterable till the end.

The agile approach is based on prioritizing in between different tasks that make up the entire project. A to-do list of all the tasks that need to be completed is created and then analysed to check the importance of that task (Highsmith, 2009). This analysis determines the scope, time duration, expenditure, number of workers and other expenses of the task along with the overall importance of the task to the completion of the entire project (Highsmith, 2009). After that, these tasks are compared to one another and the total duration and expenditure of the project is estimated (Highsmith, 2009). The itinerary of these tasks is created according to their priority and the team gets to work on the tasks.

Two key aspects why the agile approach has been adopted for this project are its flexibility and the feedback analysis. The agile process management is based on constant feedbacks that are received from the team members along the way (Augustine et al. 2005). The entire procedure is monitored and controlled by the manager who constantly keeps a track of the progress of the project. Via the help of feedback analysis, the manager can track the difficulties faced by the team members, the progress regarding each task and ways in which efficiency of the project can be improved (Augustine et al. 2005). Along with that, the flexibility of the agile management approach also acts in the favour of the plan and enables the manager to make changes in the plan according to the requirements of the project (Augustine et al. 2005). Keeping in mind that the team working on the ALF project is comparatively new and unexperienced, the agile management approach will enable the team members to learn along the way and make necessary changes in the plan accordingly.

This approach not only meets the requirements of the organization but also the characteristics of the project. The organization needs a plan that is well constructed and open to changes based on cost-effective methods and other changes to improve the efficiency of the project. The process of analysis of each step and prioritizing them accordingly works in perfect balance with the organization. Along with that, the strategy will make use of different tasks being assigned to different individuals and constant collaborations amongst them to improve and iterate at every stage (Rasnacis & Berzisa, 2017). Different minds can come together to work on the same step of the plan to maximize productivity and efficiency in that step of the project.

It should also be noted that while the waterfall approach was also suited for this project, the lack of flexibility in the approach would make it difficult for the team members to come up with an iron-clad plan before the project began. Hence, the waterfall approach was not selected for the ALF project. Along with that, the Scrum approach and Kanban approach were not selected for this project due to their unsuitability in regards to the requirements of the project. While these approaches are best suited to smaller teams, the ALF project is a massive project with a sufficient number of team members.

Project Assumptions and Constraints

Project assumptions are essentially facts and details that are considered to be true, but if proven to be false can affect the planning and execution of the project (Sharp, 2014). Wrong gone assumptions can also put a project at risk. A few ALF project Assumptions are as follows:

The board members of St. Dismas Medical Center have placed a requirement stating that the Assisted Living Faculty project should get completed by the July of 2000. This requirement is based on the assumption that various adult children find the summertime to be the busiest and thus are in a need for an assisted living faculty that they can use for the elderly. This assumption, while maybe true, does promise an immediate success that might or might not be achieved. It should also be noted that placing a specific deadline on the project can lead to various changes in the pace at which work is completed and the importance that is given to every step of the project.

The construction of the St. Dismal Assisted Living Faculty project is planning on utilizing a light-assisted and heavy-assisted system of rooms for the geriatric generation. This system is designed on the fact that St. Dismas offers the patients various physical therapy programs, occupational therapy programs and behaviour management programs which are absent in other ALFs around the country, thus making this facility more efficient and productive.

The estimated budget of the ALF project based on initial assessment and planning is placed in between 8,500,000 dollars to 11,000,000 dollars. However, it should be noted that constructions can cause much more expensive as compared to the initial budget (DBW, 2020). There also might be various unexpected expenditures that can be encountered during a construction project.

The estimated net revenue that will be generated every year via the Assisted Living Faculty project is 1,500,000 dollars per year. However, this is also based on various assumptions and analysis. The total yearly revenue of the ALF will only be determined once the faculty is completed and fully functioning. It should be noted that the actual revenue generated by the Assisted Living Faculty might be higher or lower compared to the estimated revenue.

The project is also working under the assumption that there will be a growth in the business of St. Dismas Medical Center after the opening of the Assisted Living Faculty. It is strongly believed that the construction of the ALF will increase the number of referrals to the outpatient therapy program offered by the hospital. Along with that, it is believed that the construction will increase the hospital’s inpatients unit as an assisted living faculty will be present for the older population right next door from the hospital.

Project constraints, on the other hand, are a compilation of various limitations that are imposed on a particular project (Nurdiani et al. 2016). The ALF project Constraints include the following:

The first constraint that is imposed on the construction project is that the construction work of the Assisted Living Faculty cannot start before the November of 1999. According to the board members, the construction cannot begin before November 1999 city elections and two of the board members are running for the elections; one for a city council seat and another for the county commissioner. The board members have also expressed their desire that the entire construction is completed before the summer of 2000. This given the planning and execution committee a period of less than 9 months to complete the entire construction work of the Assisted Living Faculty.

It has been finalised in the initial plan of the ALF that most of the rooms will be single occupancy and not double or multiple occupancy. This might pose a problem for the individuals who want to stay with their partners or individuals who do not want to stay alone. However, this issue can be resolved with the help of social gatherings and other interactions amongst the residents of the assisted living faculty.

Another limitation of the project management team is their lack of experience and subsequent uncertainness of the budget. It has been brought to notice that the initial budget contained multiple unnecessary expenses that can be cut down upon to save the expenditure on the project. The team might require certain training to reduce the expenditure to only the necessary items instead of making unnecessary expenses. The team also lacks a certain experience that is required by the members of a planning and execution committee.

Another possible constraint is the contribution of every team member. Every member has been allotted a specific task that needs to be completed by the team member, failing which, the construction project might face certain delays and other risks. It is thus necessary that every team member is responsible and works towards the completion of their goals.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix


Responsible for doing the task


Accountable to ensure the task gets done


Consulted before the task is executed


Informed when the task is completed



President & CEO



VP of Business Development and Marketing

Construction Project Manager

Information Service director

Develop management structure

R, A


Construction of facility

C, I


R, A


Creating the Building design

C, I

R, A


C, I


Define needs for logistical requirements

C, I

R, A




Develop the overall budget

C, I


R, A



Develop operations budget

C, I


R, A



Create payroll and accounting system

C, I


R, A



Telecommunications and information systems

C, I



R, A

Create a marketing and communication plan

C, I



R, A


Communication plan:

Effective communication amongst team members is a must in every project. Communication with a project team member or stakeholder who needs to be consulted before executing a task requires a two-way exchange or communication. On the other hand, one-way communication is used for the individuals who need to be informed about the progress of the project. There exist various modes of communication that exist to consult and inform within a team.

The interactive communication method will be used to gain consultation from the required project team member/stakeholder. This communication will take place through verbal communication that will essentially take place via meetings and voice calls (Zulch, 2014). The method of interactive communication allows team members to have direct discussions and interactions about a specific topic (Zulch, 2014). Usually, these interactions take place face-to-face, and thus only modes of verbal communication will be utilized for this purpose. By the means of interactive communication, team members can have meaningful discussions and gain opinions and insights from the required stakeholder/team member.

In interactive face-to-face communication, the team member is presented with an opportunity to consult a specific stakeholder or team member and have a better opportunity to explain the project status, the finalized details and the reasons behind particular steps and measures (Ziek & Anderson, 2015). Accordingly, alterations can be made after consultation according to the inputs received from the team member/stakeholder (Ziek & Anderson, 2015). This not only provides insights from different perspectives but also makes the stakeholder/team member feel included and important and thus promotes healthy relations among the project team members. These interactions take place verbally so that both parties can express their point of view in detail and accordingly consensus can be met without any delay.

Similarly, for the process of informing a specific stakeholder/team member about the status of a project, push communication will be utilized. This communication will take place non-verbally through the modes of emails and fax. Push communication essentially refers to a type of communication where information is passed to the recipient where a feedback is not immediately required (Butt et. al., 2016). This is a form of one-way communication where the information about the status of a particular task is passed on to the respective stakeholder/team member to update them about the current status of that task (Butt et al. 2016). For this form of communication, non-verbal modes like emails and fax are utilized. These methods help both parties to have a written document regarding the status of a task which can be utilized to measure the performance or progress of the task (Amami & Beghini, 2000). This method also saves time and efforts that are otherwise wasted in verbal communication.

One drawback of push communication is that the team member cannot be sure if the information was received and understood by the recipient. This method might also cause certain confusions and miscommunications where the recipient is unable to understand the exact meaning that the sender was trying to convey. This method, however, is very fast and efficient and consists of minimal time wastage (Butt et al. 2016). To inform a stakeholder/team member about the status of a task, this method is highly efficient and convenient. Not only does it save time and efforts, but it also creates an efficient system where all updates are regularly provided to the respective stakeholder/team member.

Stakeholder Acceptance Process

Once the details of the project plan are finalized, these details need to be accepted and approved by the stakeholders of the project. To present the project plan in front of the stakeholders, it is important to understand the mindsets of the stakeholders and understand their requirements and expectations from a project (Long & Spurlock, 2008). The stakeholder’s suggestions and insights should also be incorporated into the project plan. It is also important to include the stakeholders in the important decisions regarding the project plan and make them feel important (Long & Spurlock, 2008). Performing and presenting a detailed risk assessment of the project can greatly help with the stakeholder acceptance process. Along with that, all details and information regarding the project should be included in the report along with statistical analysis, sensitivity analysis, risk transfer and impact and probability analysis (Long & Spurlock, 2008).

Project Scope

This project report is aimed at providing a detailed plan for the construction of an Assisted Living Faculty (ALF) alongside St. Dismas Medical Center. The ALF project is expected to be ready by July 2000. The report provides a detailed plan regarding the budgeting, construction plans, schedule and division of work amongst all the project team members. This report, however, does not include details about the construction plan, logistical requirements and information and medical technologies that are included in the project. The construction of the ALF project has been divided into 3 main parts, and every part consists of specific goals and requirements. The first part of the ALF construction project consists of operational tasks including preparation of the organization and management structure, recruiting an executive director, finalize on the interior design requirements and finalize the budget for interior design. The second part of the ALF project focuses majorly on legality related tasks. On the other hand, the third part of the ALF construction project is focused on the marketing aspect of the plan.

The ALF project can be broken down into 4 phases; foundation and excavation phase, structure phase, enclosure phase and interiors phase. The first phase, i.e. the foundation and excavation phase is focused entirely on the foundation of the ALF construction. This essentially includes laying the foundation for the basement of the ALF construction along with laying the slabs for the first floor (Noktehdan et al. 2019). This phase is the shortest phase of the construction work and should approximately get completed in about 94 days. The work required in this phase will essentially include cleaning the construction area, plotting the lines and constructing a solid foundation for the project (Noktehdan et al. 2019). This also involves testing the soil and obtaining permissions for the construction.

On the other hand, the second phase i.e. the structure phase is based on the laying of the structure for the construction. This phase consists of the steel framing of the building that is about to be constructed. This phase is slightly longer than the first phase and includes beam-columns and other structuring instruments (Collins et al. 2017). The construction work involves the dead load and live load; dead load being stationary elements of the construction that are included in the structure while live load are elements that are not a part of the structure (Collins et al. 2017). The third phase is called the enclosure phase that essentially involves the installing of windows and roof over the structure (Brook, 2016). This is more of a finishing work that is slightly longer than the second phase. The external structure of the building is completed by the end of the enclosure phase.

The last phase of the construction work is the Interior phase, that also happens to be the longest phase of the entire construction process. The work included in this phase consists of the process of drywalling the entire structure, structuring and perfecting the ceilings, flooring along with painting the interiors of the structure (Brook, 2016). This work is generally looked after by the interior architects and engineers in collaboration with the building constructor (Brook, 2016).

The deliverables of the construction are different in every phase. In the foundation and excavation phase, the deliverables simply include the engineering report, the construction proposals, the drawings of the designs and any necessary documentation that is required for the construction. A site investigation reports along with the results of the soil test are also necessary in this phase of the construction process.

The deliverables of the structure phase include the partially finished product while the deliverables of the enclosure phase consist of externally ready construction building. Apart from the construction aspect, other deliverables are not expected from the construction plan. These deliverables are mainly delivered by the construction manager along with the engineer.

The last phase might include deliverables like the finished product along with all the necessary certifications that are required to run the hospital building. By this phase, the building is completed both internally and externally and has facilities like running water and electricity available. The windows and roof have been installed along with painting the ceiling, walls and completed tiling of the floor. By the end of this phase, the completed project has been delivered to the project manager.

Work Breakdown Structure

The Work Breakdown Structure is an important tool for any construction project. The work breakdown structure is essentially a tool that is utilized to break-down all the work that goes into a construction into smaller tasks (Egeland, 2011). This tool singlehandedly integrates the scope, cost, schedule and project plan all in one document (Egeland, 2011). This tool is also helpful in providing information about the team members that are responsible for a specific task. The work breakdown structure is essentially created in the form of a flow-chart or a diagram that lists down the various hierarchies at which work is divided. The document makes use of the project scope, project management plan and project deliverables and compiles them into a Work Breakdown Structure.

The main purpose of the Work Breakdown structure is to organize and define all the work that is required for a particular project (Mathis, 2018). This document can be referred to by any of the team members to check their responsibilities, monitor the project, allocate resources and control the flow of the project (Mathis, 2018). Along with that, the Work Breakdown Structure makes the deliverables more concrete and lists down the exact requirement that goes along with each deliverable. On top of that, the tool can also help the stakeholders double-check all the tasks that need to be performed to check if anything is missing or overlapping (Mathis, 2018).

The Work Breakdown Structure is very important from the stakeholder point of view. Having a detailed and well organized WBS can help the stakeholders estimate the costs, risk and time required by the entire project (Egeland, 2011). Along with that, the Work Breakdown structure can also enable proper planning amongst the team members to ensure that each deliverable is delivered on time.

Project Schedule

The project schedule is essentially a schedule that is created for the entire construction process using each activity that is defined by the Work Breakdown Structure. The project schedule indicates all the tasks that need to be completed, the resources and raw material that will be utilized to complete the tasks and the time duration that is allotted to every task (Turner, 1994). It is essentially a timetable that outlines the start and ending of a project along with every milestone that needs to be met at a specific time to complete the project on time (Turner, 1994).

Multiple qualitative and quantitative tools can be utilized to estimate the duration of a particular activity. One qualitative tool that is especially helpful is the analogous estimating. Analogous estimating uses analogies from past constructions and accordingly estimates the duration of a particular construction (Roseke, 2017). It is one of the fastest tools that can be utilized to calculate the estimated time of a specific project.

The Analogous estimating makes use of old projects that were similar to the current one. Accordingly, the scale and requirements of the current project are estimated and the estimated time is calculated (Roseke, 2017). This tool depends less on calculations and more on data that is derived from previous constructions. These estimates can be highly accurate and can provide various insights into the construction process. However, the analogous estimating is only as reliable as the actual data from which the estimate is being drawn (Roseke, 2017). If the data is falsified, that impacts the estimates that are derived from that data as well. Another drawback of the analogous estimate is that it does not consider the productivity of the workers (Roseke, 2017). It is important to remember that an experienced labour has more productivity as compared to a less experienced or inexperienced one. Thus, the comparison established by the analogous estimating might lose its accuracy.

One quantitative tool that is helpful in quantitatively estimating the time that a particular task will take is the three points estimate. In this method, three different estimates are determined by the estimator: optimistic, most likely and pessimistic. The second, “Most Likely” is the average of what the activity duration would be if performed many times, in other words, the normal estimate using other methods. The other two represent the upper and lower bounds that you are not likely to exceed (Roseke, 2017). Using these three quantities, the estimated time for a particular task is calculated via the means of calculations. Different formulae like triangular distribution and beta distribution exist for different circumstances. Along with this, the standard deviation is calculated along with the estimated time to produce a range of estimated time that a particular task is most likely to take.

The three points estimate can also be very insightful when calculating the estimated time for a particular project. The process reduces the situation with too optimistic and too inflated estimates, thus providing a good level of accuracy. However, this process is very time consuming and requires a lot of efforts to perform all the calculations.

Project Budget

The project budget is essentially an estimate of the total cost of a project (Kwon & Kang, 2018). The budget essentially includes all the expenditure that will be uncured by a particular project. These costs include the cost of raw material, labour, construction and every other small expenditure. The budget is presented and approved by the board members of a particular organization before the construction work begins. Thus, it is important to list down the entire budget in a systematic form that is understood by all the board members and the stakeholders.

Since the budget is an estimate of the probable expenditure that will be made on a particular construction project, some various estimating techniques and assumptions are used for budget preparation. For this budget preparation, the resource cost rate was determined. The team looked into various rates of labour and raw material and considered an estimated price for the same. Along with that, the technique of reverse analysis was utilized. This technique involves counting some extra money in the budget in case of any overruns. This money is put aside for miscellaneous and unforeseen expenses that might be faced during the construction work.

The technique of analogous estimation was also utilized for the budget. In this technique, the budget is estimated by reference to old similar projects and their expenses sheet (Chong & Chong, 2002). The estimated budget is adjusted according to the requirements of the new project concerning the details of a similar project that was completed in the past (Chong & Chong, 2002). This method can offer various insights into the budget of a particular construction along with highlighting any expenses that might have been ignored or forgotten by the team members. This technique also provides a different perspective on the budget which can be incorporated in the new budget.

Estimated costs:

Cost for the Foundation and excavation phase:

  1. Laying the foundation: $419,000
  2. Laying the slabs for First floor: $380,000

Cost for Structure phase:

  1. Installing Steel beam-columns: $272,000
  2. Framing for the structure: $511,000

Cost for Enclosure phase:

  1. Installing windows: $122,000
  2. Installing roof: $332,000
  3. Completing the external structure: $2,142,000

Cost for Interior phase:

  1. Drywalling the entire structure: $582,000
  2. Perfecting the ceilings: $120,000
  3. Tiling the floors: $366,000
  4. Painting the Interior: $712,000
  5. Completing the internal structure: $485,000

Miscellaneous: $300,000

Total Expenditure: $ 6,743,000

Risk Management Strategy

The risk management strategy of a particular project is defined as a tool that is utilized to identify, assess and manage risks of any kind (DIY Committee Guide, 2020). The plan also lists out several steps that are to be taken in case any difficulty is faced by the project. To maximize the efficiency of a risk management strategy, the plan should be systematic, fully recorded and documented for further reference of the team member and regularly reviewed by the heads to make any necessary changes in the plan (DIY Committee Guide, 2020).

Several risks are associated with the scope, schedule and cost of a specific project. In regards to the ALF project, the project is scheduled to get completed by July 2000 to make the services available by summer. However, several schedule risks to the project exist. The planned tasks and activities might take a longer time than estimated which might cause a delay in further actions, thus delaying the entire construction process (Perrottet, 1998). Along with that, a slip in the schedule can cause increased expenditure on labour and material, delay in the project benefits and possible loss of competitive advantage (Perrottet, 1998).

As far as the costs of the project are concerned, a poor estimate of the expenses can cause increased expenses which might not only harm the organization’s funds but also create restlessness amongst the stakeholders and board members (Wang et al. 2004). The process of getting approval for extra expenditure can also be time-consuming, thus further delaying the construction process. Further, a manager might also resort to cheap labour and raw material in the case of increased expenses, which can harm the quality of the project. On top of that, the risk of not fulfilling every criterion included in the scope of a project can harm the team’s relations with the stakeholders. If the tasks listed down in the scope are not fulfilled timely, a disruption and chaos might be created in the organization.

However, various risk response strategies have been formulated to avoid or minimize the effects of these risks on the construction project. The first strategy is avoidance. Most of the risks that are listed above can be avoided via the means of extensive planning and analysing (Roseke, 2015). With the help of proper scheduling and estimation of the budget, the project should be able to avoid any added costs or delays in the schedule of the project. Timely changes can also be made in the scope, budget and schedule of the project to avoid any risks (Roseke, 2015).

Another strategy that will be implemented is monitoring and planning. This strategy involves listing down all the probable risks that might be encountered and building an action plan that will be implemented upon the occurrence of that risk. This process also involves monitoring the construction project for any triggers that might be noticed during the construction process. Having an action plan can eliminate the possibilities of panic and tension amongst the team members.

Quality Management Strategy

Quality management of a project and subsequent customer satisfaction is important to any product or service; hence a quality management strategy can be very helpful in establishing certain standards regarding the quality of the project. The concepts of quality assurance and quality control are very important to the quality management of a specific project. Quality assurance is defined as “the part of quality management that is focused on providing confidence that the quality requirements of a specific project are fulfilled”. Quality control, on the other hand, is defined as “the part of quality management that focuses on fulfilling the quality requirements”. Thus, quality control “ensures” that the requirements are met and quality assurance “assures” that the requirements are met (ASQ, 2020).

For the ALF project, the quality requirements include:

  • Safety inside the structure
  • Professional employees working in the assisted facility
  • Use of high-quality material
  • Quality design
  • Quality characteristics like colours, height, dimensions etc.
  • Proper certification
  • Proper ventilation and exposure to sunlight within the premises
  • Working electricity and water availability

To manage the project quality, a quality management plan will be constructed. This plan will be available to all the team members and will be referenced to regarding any decisions about the raw material, labour and other such quality-related decisions. The plan will be divided into four parts namely quality policies, quality objectives, requirement standards and other statutory and legal requirements. Once the goals regarding the quality of a particular project have been established, the next step will be to create a procedure regarding how those standards are to be met. Various technological tools can also be utilized to manage the quality standards of a specific project.

Once the quality management plan is constructed, it will be made available to all the team members. These team members will have to refer to the quality standards before any decision is taken regarding the quality of the construction. These decisions will also have to be approved by the project manager before they are finalized.

References for Project Change Stakeholder Communication

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