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  • Subject Name : Management


The research is based on an evaluation of the response of public healthcare management in crises. The situation in a crisis period can occur through various factors. This certainly may take place through natural disasters, infectious diseases, and bioterrorism events. Various kinds of challenges and issues need to be responded to with a coordinated process. This research paper will evaluate the multimodal role of public health management in crisis periods. The proposed study will look into the strategies that can be examined as a response to crisis management of the public healthcare system. Several diseases have occurred during a c crisis period in the public health care system such as - "covid 19", measles, influenza, etc. The research proposal will be diverse through the introduction, literature review of researchers and scholars, and methodology where it would describe the probable data analysis and data collection method.

Background of the Topic

Several kinds of natural disasters can occur by hurricanes, earthquakes, bushfires, and floods which is a major risk in healthcare management. Several other issues might occur through infectious diseases like - "Ebola", "Zika" and "covid 19" which need an appropriate and effective response. The occurrence of bioterrorism events and programs can be represented through the threat of chemical releases. These kinds of critical situations need to be handled with an effective response system which can be formed through planning, and disaster management, to reduce any casualties and ensure the effective health impact for people. In this response the management system of the public health system can be structured to remove existing resources, collaboration of emergency medical response and service, formation and building of temporary services, and inclusion of mental health supports. In terms of the outbreak of infectious disease in the public health care system, it can be responded to with a mentoring team which could be able to rarely detect through appropriate and proper examinations. The outbreak of infectious disease can be responded to through quarantine policies, and campaigns for vaccinations to manage the crisis period (Burkle, et al. 2021). The response to the crisis of the healthcare management system could be relevant to an effective system of communication, and a transparent system with the local people. In case of a bioterrorism attack, an effective system is critical. Several contemporary methodologies have dominated crisis management, but lesser use of technologies has been reported in the literature. Community engagement is the primary solution, but integration collaboration is another aspect that has been less explored. This can be structured by effective formation and scope of medical equipment to mitigate such occurrences. The response to a bioterrorism attack requires high-level training and exercises, along with this it is required to keep a sufficient stock of medicine that could be treated under a bioterrorism attack. [Refer to Appendix 2]

Problem Statement

In order to effectively manage health emergencies, previous research (Krausz et al., 2020) stressed the requirement of quick monitoring, community participation, and resource allocation. But there are still certain gaps in our understanding of how crisis management may benefit from international collaboration and technical improvements (Li et al., 2020; Shangguan et al., 2020). The purpose of this research is to identify the steps necessary to handle public health crises effectively. The ongoing challenges, including misinformation, ineffective leadership, and limited resources, need for a comprehensive strategy (Wiesman, J., & Baker, 2022). To strengthen the emphasis on technical advances and collaborative efforts in crisis management, the major goal is to improve understanding of the many tactics that are necessary for handling health emergencies. To do this, we shall survey the current literature.

Research Aim

The study report aims to evaluate technology-based strategies and international collaboration as a part of crisis management in the case of public health management. The research study will be based on the analysis of an Interview to find out the impact on public health management during a crisis. The current research will suggest approaches that should be adopted by various stakeholders in public health management through the analysis of Interviews.

The objective of the research is to form the scope and depth of the current research proposal. The objective would be aligned with the research aim of this study.

The objectives are,

  • To study the role of technology-based and international collaboration strategies of the healthcare management system to respond to crises in the case of Singapore.
  • To determine the challenges associated with technology and international collaborations in crisis management by public healthcare.
  • To develop recommendations & suggestions for various stakeholders for enhancing practices of public health management.

Research Questions

The research question of this proposal report is centered on getting a specific focus on the topic of the crisis of public healthcare management. The question of the proposal study would be able to describe the potential challenges of the projects. The followings are,

Q1. How effective are technology-based strategic solutions to meet the crisis management objectives in case of public health management help in reducing the impact and effect of the crisis on public health?

Q2. What is the impact of international collaboration-based strategies of public health management in the case of Crisis Management in Singapore?

Facts and Information Need to be Collected

  • The present study and context on services of public healthcare management systems to respond to critical situations.
  • Information will be gathered by evaluating the critical periods to develop the recommendation of the topic.
  • The methodology adopted in this study will be based on a qualitative survey.
  • The crucial information will be extracted through the analysis of the interview questions.
  • The analysis of the data will be primarily exploratory and involves findings based on qualitative interpretation.

Subject Areas of the Proposal

Strategies, crisis period, healthcare management, planning, survey analysis, questionnaire formation

Research Significance

The significance of researching public health management in emergency and crisis circumstances tends to deliver effective aspects inside the domain of public health. This exploration, most importantly, holds significant ramifications for strategy definition and execution. By investigating emergency reactions, policymakers can acquire important knowledge about the qualities and shortcomings of existing procedures. This information can illuminate the improvement regarding a stronger and more effective public health management system for emergencies, upgrading by readiness and reaction abilities.

Besides, this study has direct significance to medical care experts and crisis responders. It gives a stage to assess the viability of their preparation, conventions, and asset portion techniques during emergencies (Van der Meer, and Jin, 2020.). Such knowledge can direct the refinement of practices and the reception of proof-based approaches, saving lives and lessening the weight on medical services frameworks. This examination fills in as an establishment for an interdisciplinary coordinated effort. It cultivates a more profound comprehension among different partners, including government offices, medical services suppliers, and local area associations, working with more consistent and composed reaction endeavors during emergencies. The discoveries of this study can shape the future scene of public health management during an emergency. By producing proof-based suggestions, this examination adds to the worldwide work to shield networks from the staggering effects of catastrophic events, irresistible infection outbreaks, and bioterrorism occasions. [Refer to Appendix 1]

Literature Review

According to Burkle et al . 2021, the study emphasizes the crucial part that reliable databases play in handling global health crises successfully. It emphasizes the importance of thorough, real-time data gathering and analysis to guide resource allocation and decision-making during outbreaks and crises. The review explains how these databases make it easier to identify populations at risk, monitor the spread of diseases, and evaluate the state of the healthcare system. It also highlights how crucial data sharing and connectivity are for countries to be able to coordinate a global response (Burkle et al . 2021).


Figure 1: Susceptible Exposed Infectious Removed Vaccinated (SEIRV) phase one triage categorization

(Source: Burkle et al . 2021)

The article also recognizes the difficulties with data security and privacy. This review of the research highlights the importance of a well-organized, cooperative global information system as a crucial instrument for addressing and containing public health emergencies on a worldwide scale.

According to Artik et al . 2022, the examination of the literature offers insightful information on how to create emergency and disaster plans for hospitals that are appropriate for biological emergencies, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes the relevance of using a methodical approach while developing these plans and stresses the value of being adaptable and flexible to conditions that are fast-changing. The review talks about how the HDEP model incorporates epidemiological data, resource distribution, and communication tactics. It also highlights the crucial importance of training healthcare professionals and the requirement for increased planning capacity to make sure hospitals can efficiently handle an increase in patients during outbreaks of disease. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic provides an unforgettable instance, this literature analysis emphasizes the importance of well-structured and flexible hospital emergency plans specifically developed for biological disasters. The literature emphasizes the need for prompt response, community involvement, and resource distribution in crisis management; nevertheless, it falls short in its thorough examination of approaches like international collaboration and technology integration. Previous research (Li et al., 2020; Shangguan et al., 2020) suggests that a more thorough analysis of these components is necessary. Chronic issues such as misinformation, poor leadership, and limited resources are also less explored in the existing literature on crisis management (Wiesman & Baker, 2022).


(Source: Artik et al . 2022)

This illustration shows a hospital's emergency disaster response strategy for the SARS-Co COVID-19 outbreak. The outcomes of their tests represent how patients move through the hospital from screening through isolation (Artik et al . 2022). The emergency department is where patients initially arrive at the hospital, where they are assessed for urgency. Then, patients suspected of having COVID-19 are brought to a different location for testing. A patient is taken to the isolated ward if their test results are positive. A patient gets released from the hospital if the test results are negative.


Figure 3: the graphical representation of the mass media of “hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine”

(Source: Anwar et al . 2020)

According to Anwar et al . 2020 the review of the literature presents a thorough examination of the crucial part that the media and good public health communication played in the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights how the public has received important information through mass media means like radio, television, digital platforms, and news organizations. These events have contributed to raising awareness and educating the public by eradicating misconceptions and delivering updated public health recommendations. The research emphasizes the need for simple, uniform, and culturally responsive communication to influence behaviors in society, such as mask use, vaccination uptake, and isolation from society. It also underlines the impact of communications techniques. It also addresses issues with information epidemics and the dissemination of misleading information, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and trustworthy reporting (Anwar et al . 2020). The above graphical representation presents the weekly mentions of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine on social media from March 1, 2020, to May 2, 2020. The data demonstrates a sudden rise in mentions of both medications in late March, in response to President Trump's tweet endorsing hydroxychloroquine as a prospective COVID-19 treatment. Both medicines were mentioned often in April before starting to diminish in May. The graph also reveals a slight increase in hydroxychloroquine mentions beginning in March, suggesting it may be related to the announcement of a tiny study that revealed the medication would be efficient against COVID-19.

According to Atakro et al . 2019, a significant aspect of healthcare preparation is explored. Examining nurses' and medical officers' awareness, attitude, and preparation in the face of prospective bioterrorism threats. The critical part that these healthcare workers play in reacting to such incidents is highlighted by this review. The investigation shows that while some medical professionals have sufficient knowledge and favorable attitudes regarding preparedness for bioterrorism, there is frequently space for improvement. It highlights the need for specialized training courses to improve their readiness, concentrating on topics like identifying bioterrorism agents, suitable response procedures, and strategies for communication. The review also discusses the importance of healthcare professionals having a positive outlook as a catalyst for an efficient reaction to bioterrorism incidents (Atakro et al . 2019). To maintain their enthusiasm and preparation, it emphasizes the need for continual education and awareness initiatives. The article emphasizes the significance of evaluating and improving nurses' and medical officers' understanding, mindsets, and preparedness in the prediction of probable bioterrorism threats to support better-defended healthcare systems.

Theories and Models

COVID-19 pandemic system model

A thorough framework known as the SARS-associated COVID-19 pandemic systems model was created to comprehend and control the processes of the COVID-19 pandemic. This model includes several elements, such as socioeconomic indicators, capacity for healthcare, public health initiatives, and epidemiological considerations.


Figure 4: The SARS-Cov2- Covid19 pandemic system model

(Source: Artik et al . 2022)

It can simulate and forecast how the virus will spread, how it will affect healthcare systems, and how well various control methods will work. The model takes into consideration variables like transmitting rates, demography of the population, and vaccination rates, including the occurrence of variations. It enables decision-makers in public health and the healthcare industry to make well-informed choices about resource allocation, immunization methods, and the timing of actions related to public health (Artik et al . 2022). The flowchart outlines the many phases in a hospital's emergency response to biological disasters. The strategy is intended to protect patients as well as staff from encountering biological dangers to ensure patients with biological epidemics receive the care they require. When a biological outbreak is suspected or verified, the plan's initial phase is to be activated. This involves setting up a command center and informing important employees. Patients must then be evaluated to ascertain their level of severity and degree of need for care. Attention is given to treating patients who have experienced biological dangers either directly or indirectly.

The CDC developed the Crisis and Emergency Risks Communication (CERC) Theory, a strategic method for communicating during emergencies such as natural disasters, transmissible disease epidemics, or bioterrorism incidents. This idea emphasizes the critical role that effective communication plays in overcoming these difficult circumstances. Health departments and organizations are guided by the CERC's organized framework in providing data that is not only understandable but also correct and timely.


Figure 5: The goals of CERC for any biological outbreaks


It acknowledges that during times of crisis, fear and uncertainty may arise, resulting in misunderstandings and panic. Communicators can build trust with consumers and stakeholders by observing the CERC principles (DU Xinyi, et al. 2021). They may make sure that important information is delivered to their target audience quickly and in a way that encourages understanding and collaboration. CERC serves as a crucial tool in handling crises, assisting in the reduction of uncertainty, management of the communication of incorrect information, and promotion of public observance of advised health measures. It highlights the significance of open and sympathetic communication as a crucial element of successful crisis management.

Literature Gap

Notable progress has been revealed in the existing literature on public health crisis management, which outlines a variety of tactics such as community participation and timely monitoring. However, there is a lack of research into how technical advancements and international collaboration impact crisis response. A lack of in-depth analysis is evident, even though these aspects have been recognized in research by Li et al. (2022) and Shangguan et al. (2020). Improvements in data analytics, digital communication tools, and platforms for information distribution are crucial to making crisis management more efficient and successful. If government and agencies need to understand the effectiveness of these innovations, existing research fails to recognize them and most prominently in a crisis like COVID-19. The literature does not address global collaboration, which is another important aspect. International partnership dynamics during crises have not been well studied, despite the interrelated nature of global health in the case of Singapore. More research is needed to understand the function of international organizations, the exchange of information across borders, and the coordination of response activities to develop solutions that go beyond borders and tackle the global character of public health emergencies. Misinformation, insufficient governance, and limited resources are some of the ongoing issues that have been discussed in previous works (Wiesman and Baker, 2022). More robust and effective crisis response techniques may be fostered if these gaps are filled, which will have both theoretical and practical ramifications for public health practitioners and legislators.

Research Method

quality reearch

Figure 6: methods and analysis

(Source: Self-Created)

The research method for this proposed study will be the qualitative approach using the semi-structured interview technique. It is suitable for finding in-depth answers to the research questions. In this technique, the respondents will get the chance to demonstrate their opinions more elaboratively. Moreover, the research philosophy for this study will be chosen as interpretivism philosophy. This research paradigm is suitable for the qualitative study (Gonzalez and Forister, 2020). Besides, the research study is based on the assessment that is leveraged via the interview responses.

Research Approach

The inductive research approach is employed as a strategy in this study to fulfill the research’s objectives by studying the role of technology-based and international collaboration strategies in times of managing crisis with the help of pre-existing hypotheses (Mellinger, and Hanson, 2020). Also, since this study will proceed from comprehensive interviews of the individual occurrences to large generalizations, therefore inductive approach will be suitable. Furthermore, an exploratory research design will be employed in this study. Such a design is concerned with questions that have not been comprehensively examined previously. It is suitable since it usually occurs with qualitative research because of its flexible and open nature.

Sampling Strategy

It is said that to collect the data for this study, it's important to choose important stakeholders in public health management who are involved in decision-making or implementation. The motive of the semi-structured interview is to collect perceptions from key opinion leaders, such as government officials, community leaders, healthcare providers, and hospital managers. The interview study aims to identify the experiences, challenges, and suggestions of 5 respondents about public health crisis management using technology-based and international collaboration strategies. This study aims to understand the complex nature of public health management by combining these perspectives. The sample size is set at this number because the number of leaders and decision-makers are usually less accessible and therefore the insights at the top level shall be credible enough to match the low sample size (Mishra and Alok 2022). Moreover, regarding the sampling technique, the scholar will choose the convenience sampling method which is suitable for this qualitative study. It is a technique wherein data can be gathered from an easily accessible and available team of individuals.

Data Collection Method

For this study, the scholar is keen on collecting both primary and secondary data. The primary data will be utilized exclusively and gathered via a semi-structured interview technique. The questions for the interview will entail open-ended questions containing themes that the scholar aims to cover during the interview. It is selected since it enables a level of comparability amongst the questioned individuals and it certifies that the interviewing style is comparable. Besides, the secondary data will be gathered using peer-reviewed journal articles, online articles, blogs, government reports, industry reports, annual reports, and so on.

Proposed Data Analysis

In this study, the chosen technique for analyzing the collected data will be thematic analysis. In the absence of this technique, gathered data might not be assessed comprehensively and precisely. Besides, it is deemed as a suitable one as it provides vital abilities that scholars must acquire to establish more know-how on other types of qualitative analysis. Its flexibility provides freedom to scholars to attain vibrant, comprehensive yet complex accounts of data.


gantt chart

Figure 7: Gantt chart

(Source: Self-Created on project libre)

graph of gantt chartt

Figure 8: Graph of Gantt chart

(Source: Self-Created on project libre)


The entire research proposal was done on the successful answers of the participants to the complex condition of any healthcare management system. Moreover, it is concluded that the proposal reflects the scholar choosing a qualitative method to develop further study. Besides, the proposal is found to employ the inductive reasoning approach for the probable accumulating data about the overall research. The entire research study is found to be based on the qualitative research technique that can be conducted via conducting semi-structured interviews by choosing 5 respondents. The interview of these participants will be able to analyze the data of interview qualitative analysis. The study proposed that the qualitative study for the present research would be based on sample data, interviews, and formation. The qualitative study would be based on following the primary and secondary methods of data collection for this research. The project will focus on examining the critical and major responses which have included the context of natural calamity, infectious disease, and events of bioterrorism. The research will emphasize the desire and need for collaborative strategies to convey the several challenges confronted by the public health management system.

Reference List

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Appendix 1: Infection risk assessment



Appendix 2: Covid 19 section

appendix 2


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