Qualitative Research Data Thematic Analysis Assignment Sample
Subject Name : Nursing
Nurses Discuss Bedside Handover and Using Written Handover Sheets
Nurses discuss bedside handover and using written handover sheets (Johnson, 2013).
PICO question
Is bed side handover effective compared to written handovers for nurses?
P- Nurse professionals
I- Written handover
C- Bedside handover
O- Improved communication amongst nurses from the point of view of safety standards.
The PICO question will be focusing on the communication standards out of all NSQHS health standards in place for promoting safe clinical practices (Lee, 2017).
Search strategy
For the search purpose CINHAL database was used. It is one of the most commonly used databases for clinical study articles. (Cheek, 2018). All articles from the previous ten years from 2020, were taken into consideration for the review purpose. The main language of choice for articles was considered to be English. The primary key words for search included, patient care, communication, clinical hand over, nurses etc. The secondary key word for the study included, bedside hand over, quality of care, improved coordination, NMBA standards of nursing practice (NMBA standards, 2016), code and conduct, patient hand over and so on. A total number of more than 10,000 results were identified, which were scrutinized after removing the duplicate results found.
Critique using CASP tool for qualitative study (Backman, 2017).
The study was able to represent the aims and objectives of the study very clearly. The main aim of the study was to explore the nurses’ perspective on the concept of introducing the bed side handovers, in terms of written handovers. The study was very well able to cover all of the areas of concerns. The aims and objectives were set in accordance with the NSHQS standards of quality and safety pf health care. The standard of “Communicating for safety” was mainly focused on (NSQHS, 2020).
Qualitative method used is the most appropriate for this study. The study covers on a lot of dynamic aspects. With the help if qualitative design, a rich and detailed amount of data can be collected through multiple methods. As nurses’ feelings and perceptions are to be analysed, qualitative data can be most apt choice of method to be opted for this research study. This method is also helpful in providing details that are more useful for practical implications (Clement, 2018). A smaller group of samples can be evaluated with this method as reflected in our case study. It not only allows less chances of bias, but also helps in developing specific required insight to the subject.
The research design used for the study was qualitative design. By understanding the nurses’ perspective, the same can be applied in the routine clinical practice. This method makes use of open-ended question. Therefore, it enables the researcher to collect the data from the participants, having their emotional and personal insight as well. It is very important in this case study, as the results drawn will be helpful for grooming the working of the process for patient safety while delivering healthcare services. This method is also best suited for this research, as it helps on focusing on the purpose of a decision, rather than focusing on the technical details (Clement, 2018).
The recruitment of the participants for the study purpose was done in accordance with the aims and objectives of the study. The study also made sure that the nurses who had similar pattern of handover, should be included and rest other nurses posted in wards like intensive care unit, neonatal wards and so on, were excluded from the study. A total number of six focus groups were included from medical and surgical wards, from the hospitals in Sydney. It was also made sure that the nurses recruited for the study, were engaged in the process of hand overs since 2008 initiatives.
Data was collected by the method of semi-structured interview (DeJonckheere, 2019). The setting of clinical set-up was taken for collection of data, which suits the topic chosen to be evaluated. The method of choice has been very well justified by the author. By choosing this method the researcher was able to probe into multiple questions. These questions were based on analysing the patterns of communication opted by the nurses, communication difficulties faced by them in the process and the coping strategies developed by them. The method for data collection was kept uniform throughout the study.
For the study purpose, both registered as well as enrolled nurses have been taken into due consideration. This is helpful in reducing the bias and enabling a good insight in the matter from the perspective of both nurses. The method used by the researcher, helped in triggering the though generating process and providing a sound direction for further discussions on the topic taken into consideration. The researcher was able to force a probe into the challenges faced by the nurses and was thus, able to communicate with them on a better level (Johnson, 2013). This helped the researcher to deviate the study into a direction best suitable for future inferences.
The study very well took care of all of the ethical considerations. Permission to conduct the study was taken from relevant health care authorities and university ethics committee. Before commencing with the study, it was approved by the NSW health Human Research Ethics Committee, CRGH Zone of the Sydney South West Area Health Service Site Specific Assessment. The participants of the study were also provided with a written summary of the main aims and objectives of the study. Each of them was explained in details about the reason, why study was being carried out. Each of them was handed out a consent form, before joining a focus group session (Bhatia, 2019).
The data was analysed with the help of audio taped information available, which was recorded in digital voice. The data was read and re-read multiple times, till finally the valid components were identified. The collected data was coded with the help of coloured pens and expressing them in details with the help of facts and figures. Themes were dully labelled after recognizing the key words. The study made use of Inductive thematic analysis method (Castleberry, 2018). Saturation of the data was observed with a minor set of information available. To provide trustworthy readings different focus groups were identifies with different color coding.
The study was able to reflect on both positive as well as negative aspect in relation to the change to conducting clinical handover at bed side. The negative implication was reflected in terms of limitations faced by the nurses. The positive aspects were highlighted in terms of patient-centred approach. There were positive outputs observed in terms of patient engagement. The study excluded taking bedside handover in the night hours, from the point of view of advocating patient’s rights. The main limitation of the study was a smaller sample size (Johnson, 2013). The study reflected on the use of quantitative study methods to generalize the further findings of the study.
The study was very helpful in terms of implications on both patients as well as nurses. The concept of good communication was highlighted very important from the point of view of handover. This concept of communication can be very useful in making changes to clinical handover (Johnson, 2013). This can also be accepted as an effective tool for managing a patient and avoiding errors, while managing care and delivery of services to the patients.
References for Qualitative Research Data Thematic Analysis
Backman, R., Bayliss, S., Moore, D., & Litchfield, I. (2017). Clinical reminder alert fatigue in healthcare: a systematic literature review protocol using qualitative evidence. Systematic Reviews, 6(1), 1-6. DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-017-0627-z
Bhatia-Lin, A., Boon-Dooley, A., Roberts, M. K., Pronai, C., Fisher, D., Parker, L., ... & Darnell, D. (2019). Ethical and regulatory considerations for using social media platforms to locate and track research participants. The American Journal of Bioethics, 19(6), 47-61. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2019.1602176
Castleberry, A., & Nolen, A. (2018). Thematic analysis of qualitative research data: Is it as easy as it sounds?. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10(6), 807-815. DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.03.019
Cheek, C., Hays, R., Smith, J., & Allen, P. (2018). Improving case study research in medical education: a systematised review. Medical Education, 52(5), 480-487. DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.13469
Clement, C., Edwards, S. L., Rapport, F., Russell, I. T., & Hutchings, H. A. (2018). Exploring qualitative methods reported in registered trials and their yields (EQUITY): Systematic Review. Trials, 19(1), 1-8. DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-018-2983-y
DeJonckheere, M., & Vaughn, L. M. (2019). Semistructured interviewing in primary care research: a balance of relationship and rigour. Family Medicine and Community Health, 7(2). DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.1136%2Ffmch-2018-000057
Johnson, M., & Cowin, L. S. (2013). Nurses discuss bedside handover and using written handover sheets. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(1), 121-129. DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2834.2012.01438.x
Lee, C. T. S., & Doran, D. M. (2017). The role of interpersonal relations in healthcare team communication and patient safety: a proposed model of interpersonal process in teamwork. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 49(2), 75-93. DOI https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0844562117699349
NMBA standards, 2016. Retrieved from https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Statements/Professional-standards/registered-nurse-standards-for-practice.aspx
NSQHS, 2020. Retrieved from https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/sites/default/files/migrated/National-Safety-and-Quality-Health-Service-Standards-second-edition.pdf
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