This business is based on providing such services which suggest people visit restaurants which are less known to the people. Offline is a subscription-based service where the company take a subscription from the clients and provides recommendations to visit a new place nearby the location of the client. The clients can try some new things to eat. The business is location-based, meaning if someone is from Bristol, they recommend nearby restaurants. When the subscription is taken, the company provides two suggestions for restaurants and some money to spend. The recommendation is provided for a limited time only (Wefunder page, 2023).
The marketing segment can simply be defined in a manner where the customer base is divided into smaller groups based on various factors. Each group which is formed should be measurable, accessible, compatible, substantial and actionable. These various factors are demographical, geographical, psychographics and behavioural (Goryushkina, 2019).
This segment is decided considering gender, income, age, family size, occupation, religion, education, nationality, race, etc (National Geographic, 2023). The target age of the business is young people who use social media quite often. The age group is 18 to 35 years old, who are actually active on social media. Initially, there was no marketing done on the business. The business started growing on its own.
The geographical factors consist of the region, country size, city size, population density, and climate (Cambridge Dictionary, 2023). The first business started with 150 customers in Raleigh, North Carolina United States. The region which is covered is the northeast-central region. The business is expanding every because the aim of the company is to get more people who would like to invest in this company. Very soon the business will take place in different cities and countries. The business makes a partnership with the restaurants and guarantees growth to them.
The psychological factors are those factors which are related to the lifestyle and personality of the customers (Mcleod, 2023). The people who like to spend money on subscription-based services are the target customers. The people who are eager to try so something new in their own city are encouraged to take its subscription. The business provides an extra push to the people. The target audience is the people who mostly spend their time on the screens. The people who are suffering from human connection criticism are mainly the targeted audience.
factors consist of purchasing habits, user status, loyalty to the business, and attitude towards the product. The people who want to eat new dishes and goods but are not encouraged to do so, the company provides them with an extra push with their good offers. The users are the one who has a recognised status as these users already have a subscription to different platforms. The theory that foods connect all is used here.
The business of offline restaurants tries to satisfy some customer's requirements such as
Environment- the customer needs an environment where they can sit and eat their food with their loved ones. The surrounding creates happy vibes. The place is clean, decorative and attractive. The pictures, it is depicted that the customers like such an environment. The images show that customers feel free to talk in a good environment.
Human connection- the world where people spend most of their time on the screen, and do not have time to connect personally to their loved ones. The business tries to give a reminder or such offers which attract the customers to visit such places where they can take their loved ones and encourage each other company. Thus the business provides an opportunity to make people close to each other. The need for social gatherings is clearly seen in the picture.
The right place to eat- there are many people who want to visit certain places where they can eat something they have never eaten before and that is also to the nearest place from the city where the customer is living. This business satisfies that need. The pictures show how happy people are to eat in such places.
New to eat- the offers which are provided certain of those places which are less known but give amazing food. Customer who wants to experience a new taste which is never done in the past can prefer to subscribe to such services (Morley, 2023).
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is the theory which explains the needs of a human being in certain phases such as
Physiological needs- clothing, food, water, air etc.
Safety needs- employment, personal security etc.
Love and belonging- family, sense of connection, friendship etc.
Esteem- status, respect, recognition etc.
Self - actualization needs (Hopper, 2020).
In the present case study, the business is fulfilling two needs of this theory. The first need is love and belonging, the second need is self Esteem. The people who feel like connecting with others, the business is providing them with an opportunity to go to various places and enjoy themselves there. It identifies the need of enjoying the company of friends. Self-esteem is boosted as when people try new food at new and attractive places they want to show it to other which directly enhance their recognition on social media platforms.
is an expression which tells how the business product, service or brand fills the customer's need and performs better than its competitors. Identifying the specified segment of the market is the target of the positioning statement (Wigmore, 2020).
The positioning statement for the given case is that the target audience is the youth of 18 to 35 who are engaged much on screens. These are the people who need good food and attractive places. The places that they haven’t visited before and can spend quality time with their loved ones. To provide such information the business has created such subscription services where the customers will be provided with two restaurant suggestions every month for a limited period.
The focus is on the diversification of the eating habit of the people rather than visiting the same restaurants offline providing new places suggestions that the customer can visit. The aim is to provide different food and encourages human connectivity. The customers need not go anywhere, offline will provide them with offers and then customers may decide to visit. Suggested restaurants are such which are undiscovered by the people who are living in the same city.
This model suggests some levels where the product is advertised and communication is done with the customers. The ultimate target of this model is to encourage the customers to purchase the product or services. The levels are awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and purchase.
One of the objectives of this case study is to make aware people that there exists a service where the suggestions of undiscovered restaurants in their cities can be available. This can be availed through a simple subscription-based service. The page attempts to make people aware that the services are as simple as other subscriptions and that the benefits are huge. The video also contains reviews of customers as to how much satisfaction customers get while availing of the services. The awareness is about how much people are using their services. The video discusses the service benefits and the purpose is to make people aware that their only visiting a few restaurants habit can be changed by simply subscribing to their services, suggestions of various unique places to eat in their cities will be available. The page also attempts to make aware of the importance of human connection and how restaurants play a major role in it. The CEO is not just providing the details but also showing everything through the pictures, comments and users' experiences. These pictures are not only able to display the likingness but also how much people are happy in having such services. The importance of the food has been explained. The creditability of the business has been shown by displaying the revenue growth and also growth in the number of subscriptions. The awareness is also about how different kinds of people and communities can invest in business.
It is a practice of various strategies where the aim is to gain such customers who are loyal to the firm. The strategies are built in such a manner that is attempted to do potential sales. The promotional activities include advertising, sales promotion, public relation and strategies which are related to the price of the services provided (Georgantzis & Brunner, 2019).
Offline has used all the promotional strategies stated above. The CEO in this case clearly shows the uniqueness of the services which is created by the business and how the advertisement is done where it is displaying that the opportunity is gripped by this company. The video consists of the reaction of the services upon the customers. The services which are offered are shown relatable to the public’s utilities as how the effects of the service will impact the overall experience of the customers. To promote their sales the pictures, videos and existing customers' feedback has been displayed which provides a strong recommendation to the people as to how the subscription can change their life. The description of how it be in done is also clearly mentioned in the video. The sales strategies consist of satisfying human necessary needs by offering such recommendations.
These principles consist of scarcity, commitment, reciprocity, social proof, liking and authority. By following these, one can influence others to do what is required to be done according to them. In the given case, the principle of social proof has been used. This principle focuses on how people want to do certain things which are displayed or done by others (Alslaity & Tran 2020 ).
In this study case, the video consists of various social proofs where the desire to visit some good restaurants is depicted and an urge of a person is shown that the social media is simply showing what other people are doing. Through this type of display, the company is pitching its model of business. Here, the observation of what others are doing is been used. The company is attracting its customers by showing them how other people enjoy going to restaurants so that the customer will be encouraged to do the same. The description is in such a manner that the pre and post-effects are shown, which means the before and after-use feelings and state of mind. The feedback from the people who have subscribed to the services displays a lot of attractive feelings for the other people who still are thinking to take it. Here people will like to do those things that others are doing. The people in this case enjoy eating and trying new food, visiting attractive restaurants, dancing and sharing their experiences on the social media platform. The people who are watching the video will ultimately think why can't they do the same thing and the business has a chance to gain a new customer. Thus the principle of social proof has been used to attract customers to purchase their service.
The present case is a subscription-based service where the company provides suggestions of the restaurants which they can visit with their loved ones. The attempt is not just to describe how the services are taken but they have built the whole scenario in the form of a video as to how people enjoy having these services and how beneficial it is for the happiness of the people who are surrounded around us. The target audience of this business is the people who frequently use screens and have taken subscriptions on various platforms. The target location is Raleigh, North Carolina United States. The company uses various promotional effects to promote the business. The company is able to meet two requirements of the customers which are self-esteem and social connection and feeling of love.
Alslaity, A., & Tran, T. (2020). On the impact of the application domain on users’ susceptibility to the six weapons of influence. In Persuasive Technology. Designing for Future Change: 15th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2020, Aalborg, Denmark, April 20–23, 2020, Proceedings 15 (pp. 3-15). Springer International Publishing. https://.10.1007/978-3-030-45712-9_13
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Goryushkina, N. E., Gaifutdinova, T. V., Logvina, E. V., Redkin, A. G., Kudryavtsev, V. V., & Shol, Y. N. (2019). Basic principles of tourist services market segmentation. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 7( 2).
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Morley, M. (2023). The Top-Five Basic Services a Customer Needs at a Restaurant. Retrieved from
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Wefunder page (2023). Offline. Retrieved from
Wigmore, I. (2020). Positioning statement. Retrieved from
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