The purpose of the research is to elaborate all-inclusive marketing and targeting approaches for Dingo Software to develop and grow its customer base in the marketplace. Besides, it aims to investigate the usage of marketing strategies when the startup business Dingo Software aims to develop its client base and further its business development.
This section of the study reviews three contemporary business theories closely associated with the current study which entail resource-based theory; shared value theory; and co-creation theory. Besides, two analytical frameworks namely SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis tool or method will be reviewed with the assistance of academic literature.
A scholar Zahra (2021) stated that the RBV (resource-based view) of a company and the consequent RBT (resource-based theory) offer a vital framework to elucidate and predict the foundation of a business’s competitive edge and performance. As per Utami and Alamanos (2022), there exist two main assumptions for this theory associated with the elucidation of how business-based resources produce sustained competitive advantage and why certain companies might constantly surpass others by attaining greater competitiveness. The basis of the RBT is the diversity of resources and competencies in a population of businesses that differentiate the competitive edge of every business. The diversity of resources supposes that a company having exclusive resources in a particular condition might be more competent to do specific tasks and develop a competitive edge. Also, the intricacies of trading resources around businesses might develop persistence in variances in resources. A study by Roostika (2019) instanced the application of this theory in marketing. It mentioned that in the marketing area, the investigation of the business competency via the role of big data technology for innovation as the elements of RBT are used to explore market leadership by assessing the resources required by the company for big data applications.
According to Shekhar and Das (2023), creating shared value theory indicates corporate actions that facilitate businesses to refine the situations demanded by civilization and subsequently optimize business competitiveness. It has been suggested that this theory acts as a successful marketing approach for the brand reputation improvement of professional teams at the workplace. It is stated that values are vital for clients to make choices. When provided the capability to select amongst numerous competitive offerings, customers select goods or services with the greatest perceived value. Another scholar Anshari et al. (2019) stated that an offering customized to attract clients' desires surges the business's sales prospects as well as the profits of purchase recurrence that directly produces greater profits.
Sarasvuo et al. (2022) assert that co-creation with clients for the aim of innovation is a vital section of contemporary marketing and that this concept includes shared inventiveness. No doubt notified, channeled, empowered, and proactive clients are progressively co-creating value with the business. Another study by Zwick et al. (2008) found that communication is deemed a vital component in a business's capability to handle value co-creation. The co-creation can contribute to greater product success. It has been asserted that clients possess special skills that businesses are not able to equate or even comprehend. It asserts two specialized challenges for marketers firstly to appeal to and retain such clients, and secondly to offer an innovative and open communication setting wherein such clients can successfully implement and improve their know-how for the welfare of each one. The marketplace henceforth becomes a channel for engagement in a culture of exchange, wherein businesses provide clients resources to develop, and wherein clients provide businesses a contact with quick knowledge. The market as per co-creation theory is converted to a channel via which human intelligence resumes its capability to generate.
As per a study by Benzaghta et al. (2021), SWOT analysis is indicated as a vital tool to gather strategic information from diverse sources to assemble in a matrix that assists marketers in making choices. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats when monitoring the external and internal marketing environment. Moreover, it is asserted that this tool is deemed a simple means to enable marketing professionals a channel within which to investigate entire areas of the business and the surrounding setting. This method or tool will be useful for companies to develop their marketing strategies. Another scholar Rizki et al. (2021) stated that a SWOT analysis is a technique more often utilized in business analytics which facilitates decision-makers to investigate their business from numerous perspectives to get an objective view and make informed decisions. It is further stated that SWOT analysis is deemed a vital technique that companies might employ to face typical conditions by simplifying the volume of information essential to comprehend a scenario that can further serve as an initial point for tactical corporate decisions. Concerning marketing, this tool is useful to investigate prospective marketing approaches, finding healthy product launches, map the development of a novel target market, and help in choosing a novel promotional approach.
The scholar Song and Sun (2023) opines that to perform an effective SWOT analysis, it is helpful for marketers to suppose the PEST tool factors namely political, economic, social, and technology settings encompassing the business. This tool is found as a renowned technique for marketers to suppose the external setting surrounding a business. The PEST framework depicts a massive picture strategy to the external setting encircling the market and evaluates short-run as well as long-run patterns in the procedure. Another scholar Sihotang and Hudrasyah (2023) found that the PEST tool might not be impacted by one business but is formulated by a conglomeration of impressive and pertinent businesses in the marketplace at a given time. This tool further can develop a framework of large-scale ecological impacts on a company to help with tactical decisions and is deemed a helpful technique for a business to react to the changes in its external setting. The primary usage of this tool in marketing is to advocate a company's tactical analysis tasks. It further depicts its value by assisting a company in investigating the encircled environment and adapting its approaches to try and attain certain control over the uncontrollable.
This section of the study encompasses the research methodology (case study research) and entails the data sources that are used for the study analysis. Also, the section entails the chosen analytical framework for this study which is used to analyze the secondary data.
The study employs a case study research method as part of the methodology which mainly examines the case of a single organization namely Dingo Software. It is stated that the case study method is the most broadly utilized technique in research work for qualitative study. It is chosen by scholars since it assists in the investigation of an event in a certain specific setting (Dingo Software in this case) via numerous lenses to reveal various aspects of the event. Also, this method is chosen since it enables the exploration of a real-time event within its naturally happening setting. The usage of a single case study in this study has offered the scholar the prospect of investigating the subject comprehensively by reviewing current and pertinent theories (Dinesh and Sushil 2019). More specifically, the scholar has chosen a holistic case study approach which allows him to examine a unit as a single phenomenon (Dingo Software). Moreover, the theories such as shared value; resource-based; and co-creation are holistic which justifies the applicability of the holistic case study design.
The current study investigates the usage of marketing strategies when the startup business Dingo Software aims to develop its client base and further its business development. Henceforth, the major secondary data source for this qualitative research is the Dingo Software Company's marketing approaches and related businesses' strategies in the market. Moreover, the secondary sources that are helpful in this study entail peer-reviewed journal articles, annual reports of business, industry reports, government websites, and so on. Furthermore, the scholar uses the marketing plans and business plans of various related companies to make suitable marketing strategies for the startup business Dingo Software. About the limitations of collecting secondary data, it can be said that certain journal articles were not accessible and were chargeable. Further, it was difficult to collect data from the businesses' internal policies and documents. Besides, the biases associated with collecting secondary data entail selection bias; publication bias; and so on.
Of the two analytical frameworks reviewed in previous sections, the scholar chose the PEST analysis framework. This framework is ideal for secondary data analysis since it can assist scholars in attaining a superior understanding of the prospects and threats they confront. Further, it can help build a better vision of the forthcoming corporate landscape and how the business may compete profitably. This tool is applied to the collected secondary data by analyzing the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental, and legal factors affecting the Dingo Software. Further, it assists this brand in comprehending the market landscape such as fundamental partners, clients, and rivals (de Sousa et al. 2022).
Anshari, M., Almunawar, M.N., Lim, S.A. and Al-Mudimigh, A., 2019. Customer relationship management and big data enabled: Personalization & customization of services. Applied Computing and Informatics , 15 (2), pp.94-101
Benzaghta, M.A., Elwalda, A., Mousa, M.M., Erkan, I. and Rahman, M., 2021. SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business Insights , 6 (1), pp.55-73.
de Sousa, G.C. and Castañeda-Ayarza, J.A., 2022. PESTEL analysis and the macro-environmental factors that influence the development of the electric and hybrid vehicles industry in Brazil. Case Studies on Transport Policy , 10 (1), pp.686-699.
Dinesh, K.K. and Sushil, 2019. Strategic innovation factors in startups: results of a cross-case analysis of Indian startups. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 12(3), pp.449-470.
Rizki, M., Ghifari, A., Hui, W.L., Permata, E.G., Siregar, M.D., Umam, M.I.H. and Harpito, H., 2021. Determining Marketing Strategy At LPP TVRI Riau Using SWOT Analysis Method. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS) , 3 (1), pp.10-18
Roostika, R., 2019. SMEs craft industry application of resource-based view: capabilities role of SMEs performance. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research , 8 , pp.423-440.
Sarasvuo, S., Rindell, A. and Kovalchuk, M., 2022. Toward a conceptual understanding of co-creation in branding. Journal of Business Research, 139, pp.543-563.
Shekhar and Das, D., 2023. Enablers of ‘Creating Shared Value’: A Total Interpretive Structural Modeling–Polarity Approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, pp.1-28.
Sihotang, H.K.N. and Hudrasyah, H., 2023. Proposed digital marketing strategy using existing customer journey analysis case study: PT SS. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review , 6 (3), pp.1-12.
Song, Y. and Sun, J., 2023. Environmental Perspective and Strategy Selection for Sustainable Development of China's Sports Industry: An Analysis Based on SWOT-PEST Model. Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives , 11 (2).
Utami, H. and Alamanos, E., 2022. Resource-Based Theory: A review. S. Papagiannidis. TheoryHub Book. open. ncl. ac. Uk .
Zahra, S.A., 2021. The resource-based view, resourcefulness, and resource management in startup firms: A proposed research agenda. Journal of Management, 47(7), pp.1841-1860.
Zwick, D., Bonsu, S.K. and Darmody, A., 2008. Putting Consumers to Work: Co-creation and new marketing govern-mentality. Journal of consumer culture , 8 (2), pp.163-196.
Full Reference |
Analytical Framework |
Chapter/section and page number |
Summary of content used |
Where reference is used. |
Anshari, M., Almunawar, M.N., Lim, S.A. and Al-Mudimigh, A., 2019. Customer relationship management and big data enabled: Personalization & customization of services. Applied Computing and Informatics, 15(2), pp.94-101 |
Content analysis technique |
Section: third section Page number: 97 |
CRM approaches to support the customization of offerings |
Review of business theory |
Benzaghta, M.A., Elwalda, A., Mousa, M.M., Erkan, I. and Rahman, M., 2021. SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business Insights, 6(1), pp.55-73 |
Integrative literature review |
Section: the second section Page number: 56 |
Synthesis of SWOT Framework |
Review of analytical frameworks |
de Sousa, G.C. and Castañeda-Ayarza, J.A., 2022. PESTEL analysis and the macro-environmental factors that influence the development of the electric and hybrid vehicles industry in Brazil. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(1), pp.686-699. |
PESTEL Framework |
Section: First Section Page number: 1 |
Development of pastel tools for the situations which are offered by Brazil's macro-environment |
Selected analytical framework |
Dinesh, K.K. and Sushil, 2019. Strategic innovation factors in startups: results of a cross-case analysis of Indian startups. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 12(3), pp.449-470.
Cross-case analytical method |
Section: Objectives of this study
Page number: 453 |
The method was used for exploratory case studies and theory development. |
Methodology and secondary data |
Rizki, M., Ghifari, A., Hui, W.L., Permata, E.G., Siregar, M.D., Umam, M.I.H. and Harpito, H., 2021. Determining Marketing Strategy At LPP TVRI Riau Using SWOT Analysis Method. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 3(1), pp.10-18. |
SWOT Approach or Tool |
Section: First Section
Page number: 11 |
Use of SWOT framework to analyze the marketing strategy of a company |
Review of analytical frameworks |
Roostika, R., 2019. SMEs craft industry application of resource-based view: capabilities role of SMEs performance. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 8, pp.423-440 |
Quantitative analytical framework |
Section: Fourth section
Page number: 428 |
Application of RBV theory for the SME sector |
Review of business theory |
Sarasvuo, S., Rindell, A. and Kovalchuk, M., 2022. Toward a conceptual understanding of co-creation in branding. Journal of Business Research, 139, pp.543-563.
Critical review framework |
Section: the second section Page number: 3 |
Co-creation theory is used in terms of branding for a company |
Review of business theories |
Shekhar and Das, D., 2023. Enablers of ‘Creating Shared Value’: A Total Interpretive Structural Modeling–Polarity Approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, pp.1-28.
Total interpretive structural modeling |
Section: first section Page number: 1 |
Shared value theory gained relevance in sectors as a strategy to create and distribute value. |
Review of business theories |
Sihotang, H.K.N. and Hudrasyah, H., 2023. Proposed digital marketing strategy using existing customer journey analysis case study: PT SS. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 6(3), pp.1-12 |
Internal and external analytical frameworks such as PESTEL; SWOT; Marketing Mix; STP Analysis |
Section: Forth section Page number: 1899 |
Overview of issues in a company in regards to digital marketing |
Review of Analytical frameworks |
Song, Y. and Sun, J., 2023. Environmental Perspective and Strategy Selection for Sustainable Development of China's Sports Industry: An Analysis Based on SWOT-PEST Model. Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives, 11(2). |
SWOT-PEST Analytical Framework |
Section: First Section Page number: 558 |
External and internal analysis of the sports industry in China |
Review of Analytical frameworks |
Utami, H. and Alamanos, E., 2022. Resource-Based Theory: A review. S. Papagiannidis. TheoryHub Book. open. ncl. ac. Uk. |
Value creation framework |
Section: First Section Page number: - |
Resource-based theory |
Review of business theory |
Zahra, S.A., 2021. The resource-based view, resourcefulness, and resource management in startup firms: A proposed research agenda. Journal of Management, 47(7), pp.1841-1860. |
Exploratory qualitative framework |
Section: First Page number: - |
RBV theory is discussed to help startups grow by requiring highly aligned marketing, imaginative, and corporate competencies. |
Business theory |
Zwick, D., Bonsu, S.K. and Darmody, A., 2008. Putting Consumers to Work: Co-creation and new marketing govern-mentality. Journal of consumer culture, 8(2), pp.163-196. |
Critical review |
Section: First Page number: 164 |
Investigate ideological areas on which the latest innovations in aspect of the famous marketing rests. |
Review of business theory |
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