Table of Contents
Project Title.
Project Aim..
Background and context
Literature Review..
Evaluation Methodology.
Ethical considerations.
Quantitative research.
Survey tool
Structured observations.
Data Collection and Analysis.
Project Budget and Funding.
Evaluation Timetable.
Reference list
Environmental, social and financial requirements of the social program of “Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao”
The project aim is to achieve the financial and social impacts related to the BPBB scheme of the Indian government. The goal of the scheme is to celebrate the girl child and help with her education. The project aims to find out the success of the project by conducting a survey and to find out the budget associated with the successful implementation of the project (Gupta et al. 2018).
The research question that the proposed evaluation needs to answer is:
Does the beti padhao, beti bachao scheme increase the chances of education of a girl child and what are the funding constraints that are faced in the implementation?
The project plan assesses the impact of the scheme on the educational facilities on the different urban and rural areas of India. The scope of the evaluation is the geographical area of Madhya Pradesh district in India based upon which the survey will be conducted and the allocated funding will be determined.
The objectives are:
The “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” scheme is considered as a unique initiative to deal primarily with the discrimination done against the girl child. India currently is positioning as 198 among the 149 countries allocated in the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Index. The child sex ratio of the country is at a continuous decline. Though there are certain positive education consequences for women, these are not linked with better participation of them in the workforce. Amidst these circumstances, the government of India implemented the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” that is a flagship initiative (Kumari and Rani, 2019). The initiative was launched in 2015 with the main goal to address the concern of reducing CSR and emphasizing on girls' education as an empowerment tool. The scheme was launched by setting certain quantifiable targets like growth in the sex ratio at birth by minimum 10 ranks annually, improve in the enrolment of girls in their secondary education. The launch of the scheme has two main components, such as a countrywide mass communication campaign for increasing awareness. It also has the component of multi-sector interferences at the regional level to enhance education and health results for the girl child. The scheme emphasizes mainly on the regions that are gender critical to the use of intensive actions. The scheme holds communication campaigns for promoting the growth and education of the girl child. It challenges the current gender traditions and the evil customs that are prevalent for the girl child. The national initiative mainly focuses on 100 districts that are below the average CSR and are selected based on the statistics of census 2011 (Parmar and Sharma, 2020). The scheme targets the whole country, however, takes an easier target for the audience. The categorizations are made based on primary, tertiary and secondary groups. The scheme is implemented not just to benefit the girl child but to provide benefits to the entire community. The government till date has made an expenditure of 150 crores for extending the security reforms made under the scheme. In the current day, the community is going through an urgent change for modifying the approach made towards women. To maintain the same principles, there are citation pilot schemes that are implemented for maintaining a healthy sex ratio, and to make sure that equal facilities are available to all sectors (Saini and Sangwan, 2018).
The theory of change revolves around providing workshops and free training facilities to girls and women in MP based on the BPBB scheme. This can help the women to have an elevated status in the society and also make them the breadwinner for certain families that can in turn improve their well being. The assumptions made in the theory of change that will be implemented in the program are providing finical independence to women of MP, increase the demand for handloom and agriculture products, provide more skilled workers to successfully run the program. The activities that are implemented in the program are training of agricultural and hand looming techniques, monitoring and developing workshops, recruiting staffs, developing a time table and obtaining the materials needed (Bhat and Qurashi, 2019). It is intended that the probable outcomes of the program will be a skilled workforce, improved education and employment rates, active participation of women in agricultural and other business, and a better gender ratio in the workforce (Maheshwari, 2019). With the effective evaluation plan, it is estimated that the psychological and social empowerment of women in MP will increase and the literacy rate in the district will improve.
An inappropriate sex ratio which has favoured the male gender is evident in India from the first-ever conducted census. There are several scholars who have highlighted the issue of missing girl child in the country that is mainly done through sex-selective abortions or discriminated girl child practices. The irregular sex ratio in society highlights the prevalence of son preference in the country. The rate that is unfavourable to girls is most importantly seen in the Indian states irrespective of any distinctions seen in wealth, education, and empowerment and so on. Taking importance in this matter, the PMO implemented an initiative to save the girl child and educate her on 2015 (Jain et al. 2018). This campaign was initiated in Haryana that had the lowest SRB in the country. This action led to a multi-stakeholder action that involved actions by several departments of health, child development, police, and woman education and so on. Several studies are conducted in various districts and states to understand the impact of the campaign. It is noted that most of the women are not aware of the initiative as no awareness campaigns were conducted. These studies use quantitative methods for understanding the approaches that can help in making the women in these districts aware of the campaign and successfully empower them. The evaluation program that has the aim to improve the empowerment opportunities for women in MP made use of different successful campaigns that were conducted in several other states (, 2020).
This evaluation is made based on the program logic model earlier developed for executing a summative evaluation for the goals to demonstrate the effectiveness of the program to reach the intended outcomes and impact. The research question is evaluated with the help of quantitative design for effectively testing the various aspects of the program.
As a research project of a university, this particular evaluation is subjected to ethical requirements provided by the university. The evaluation refers to the “ethical conduct of research involving human participants Vice Chancellor’s directive”. The evaluation will be approved by the UTS human research ethics committee. Consent for the involvement of the girl child will be received from the parents and guardians. The elderly members of the society will also be approached for giving consent for their participation. All of the participants in the evaluation will be provided with an information package detailing the intricacies of the research.
This evaluation makes use of a wide range of quantitative data that are collected by the government and the societies regarding the empowerment and education of the girl child. Sex ratio, Gender equality, rise in employment opportunities, and empowerment chances are retrieved and are massively useful for tracking any developments after the implementation of the program. Past data present at the governments will be beneficial in implementing a benchmark of empowerment chances of girl child and women with identical quantitative features (, 2020).
Survey monkey will be used in this evaluation for understanding the responses of the participants in the survey. The use of survey monkey will be helpful in understanding the progression of women empowerment and record any instances of recent employment and education opportunities of a girl child in MP. The questions regarding the opportunities of agriculture and handloom opportunities, Chances of financial dependency and improved wellbeing of the women and girl child in MP are evaluated (Nimmagadda et al. 2019). The tool will also be used for guiding the collection of particular data customized for individuals as per the emerging aspirations and interests of the women in MP. The survey will be conducted after the girl child enters primary school and will then carry on after they complete school to analyze the job opportunities and training that they receive.
Another major part of the evaluation will take place through structured observations from the employment officials, society and parents. Observations will be made from official and parental perspectives at different times for documenting the reactions of the girl child towards the program acts, the job opportunities, and their interactions with the staffs in those areas. Care will be taken to make sure that structured observations are done uniformly throughout the society ad employment places.
The use of structured observation will be incorporated at a lower frequency after a girl child's completion of school for adding an extra dimension to the study of the progress of the child in the later years with the help of the scheme (B Nanda et al. 2019).
The study will be enriched with the help of several data sources for providing evidence for the research question. Surveys will be evaluated per year by comparing the data the previous year. The survey will also be conducted in parents each year to measure the progress and the help that they have received from the BBBP scheme. A structured observation of the experiences of students in response to the program during the evaluation program will have an essential role in understanding the progress and also give a better comparison in the years that the girl child in school and the employment opportunities that she receives. With the help of the data set of Survey Monkey, questions were asked to the parents of the girl child, the men and the organizations where they are employed. The restrictions were faced in this as some women were not interested to provide answers and did not want to reveal the details about their child. The difficulty was faced in retrieving any incidence of killing the girl child from the databases present in society (Dandannavar et al. 2019).
Throughout the period of conducting the project, a total sum of 36 thousand was allocated to the members for a successful understanding of the progress of BBBP scheme. The project required more than half of the sum in the initial years to recruit the correct training centres and set up suitable workshops for the women. However, the project was completed within the allocated budget as after the beginning years there was substantial progress and the surveys were conducted successfully in MP. Internal funding was provided by the communities as they had an interest in the products that the women made in the workshops.
The evaluation will take place in a period of 5 years from 2016 to 2021. This will be helpful to understand the data sets in the evaluation plan covering the time when girls went into school and their completion of school. The data gathered over the years will be supplemented with enough quantitative data for making an analysis of the progress.
Women in India face diverse violence initially from female infanticide to domestic violence. There are numerous social obstacles that make it hard for women to boost their position. A program executed by Beti Bachao Beti padhao in Madhya Pradesh will give rise to a huge alteration in the successfulness of BBBP. BBBP can personalise the workshops based on the main profession of the state. The census data states that 59% of the revenue is generated from agriculture. counting women in this business will be an additional benefit to the state. With the assistance of women in the business, the revenue of the state will increase, and there can be superior manufacture and cultivation of crops.
B Nanda, R., Chandrasekharan, A., Oosterhoff, P. and Burns, D., 2019. Participatory Research, Planning and Evaluation Process in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar Hotspots Summary Results: Participatory Action Research.
Bhat, B.A. and Qurashi, G.U.D., 2019. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Scientific Research (IJAMSR) ISSN: 2581-4281, 2 (3), March, 2019,# Art. 1313, pp 13-21. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Scientific Research (IJAMSR) ISSN, 2581(4281), p.2.
Dandannavar, P.S., Mangalwede, S.R. and Deshpande, S.B., 2019. A proposed framework for evaluating the performance of government initiatives through sentiment analysis. In Cognitive informatics and soft computing (pp. 321-330). Springer, Singapore., (2020), Survey to evaluate ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ progress, available at:, accessed on: 15.10.2020
Gupta, R., Nimesh, R., Singal, G.L., Bhalla, P. and Prinja, S., 2018. Effectiveness of India’s National Programme to save the girl child: experience of Beti Bachao Beti Padao (B3P) programme from Haryana State. Health policy and planning, 33(7), pp.870-876.
Jain, A., AIACTR, D., Gupta, C., BPIT, D., Sharma, D. and Arora, A., 2018. Sentiment analysis on the social campaign “BetiBachao, BetiPadhao”. Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, p.64.
Kumari, K. and Rani, J., 2019. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: A boon. Labour, 12, pp.80-0.
Maheshwari, M., Role of development communication in improving Child Sex Ratio (CSR) inHaryana: A case study of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’programme. Organising Committee, p.358.
Nimmagadda, S., Gopalakrishnan, L., Avula, R., Dhar, D., Diamond-Smith, N., Fernald, L., Jain, A., Mani, S., Menon, P., Nguyen, P.H. and Park, H., 2019. Effects of an mHealth intervention for community health workers on maternal and child nutrition and health service delivery in India: protocol for a quasi-experimental mixed-methods evaluation. BMJ open, 9(3), p.e025774.
Parmar, M.S. and Sharma, A., 2020. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign: An Attempt to Social Empowerment. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(13), pp.1242-1248.
Saini, V. and Sangwan, S., 2018. Awareness on Gender Empowerment and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Through Intervention. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, 6(1), pp.227-234., (2020), Beti Bachao Beti Padhao – A critical review of implementation, available at:, accessed on: 15.10.2020
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