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In real-life scenarios, there are many situations where we are involved in a conflict. It may lead to heated arguments and tension between two or more people. It may be intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict. Learning ways to resolve conflict is important and theory of conflict resolution can guide parties in the same manner. The theory of conflict resolution provides an ideal framework to resolve conflict and promote stability. It enables identifying finding a peaceful alternative to resolve the issue (Brandon & Robertson, 2007). The aim of the report is to reflect on own experience of a previous conflict situation and demonstrate understanding of the theory of conflict resolution in resolving the situation. The essay will also discuss the role of another conflict resolution approach, mediation in resolving in the conflict. The critical reflection will analyze the role of a mediator in the conflict situation and my personal role in mediation. While discussing about personal role in mediating a dispute, all the steps involved in the process will be described.

Discussion on question:

Overview of the Conflict Situation

I have been involved in many conflict situation in the past. One such event was when I entered into a conflict with my boss in the workplace. It was my first job and I worked there for five years. During the second year, I was expecting my appraisals. Based on my performances and other metrics that I calculated through my appraisal sheet, I was confident that I would get ‘A’ in my appraisal result. This grade would mean maximum increase in salary along with additional leaves benefit. I was quiet excited about it. However, when the appraisal results came, I was shocked to see a ‘B’ grade. In addition, a fellow colleague who was new and whose performance was not at par as my performance, he got a ‘A’ grade. I could not accept this and I immediately mailed regarding unjustice done to me. I mentioned that it was not justified and I wanted a clarification regarding the same. The above incidence is clearly an example of a conflict situation. According to Himes (2008), conflict is defined as a strong disagreement or different of opinion arising from opposing interest, personalities, beliefs and idea between two persons or more. It may take place in any settings and when such conflict takes place in the workplace, it is known as workplace conflict.

After the conflict situation, my boss tried to resolve the issue. He called me up for a meeting tomorrow and his purpose was to ensure that we both come to a common point of agreement. His approach was to justify his decision based on metrics. He gave me low points not for my performance, but for the reduction in working days a for a long holiday I took. I tried negotiating and mentioned that I took leave within my balance and it was my right. My performance should be evaluated excluding this period. He was finally convinced and he agreed to revise the results in the coming week. The manner in which the conflict was resolved is linked with the theory of conflict resolution. The conflict resolution theory guides regarding formal and informal procedure to support two or more parties find a peaceful solution to the dispute (Brandon & Robertson, 2007). There are four assumptions linked to conflict theory which are competition, revolution, structural inequality and war. Most of the theorist believes that competition exists and it is a default element present in all settings. The outcome of the conflict is regarded as a revolution. It is based on the assumption that human and social structures all experience inequalities of power. War is seen as a consequence of growing and cumulative conflict between individuals and groups (Danesh, 2011). 

 There are many theories of conflict resolution. The first approach is called an impasse that involves setting a productive tone by letting the opposing member to speak first. After the first party raises his point, the second member should be allowed to put forward his perspective on the conflict on the same ground. Impasse is one of the dynamics of conflict resolution and it is a part of the resolution process. It can take place at cognitive, emotional and behavioral level. When confronted with an impasse, parties should consider identifying what is causing this, alternative ways to satisfy basic needs and come to a conclusion (Mayer, 2010). In my case, my boss called a meeting with the purpose of understands each other’s perspective and coming to a similar conclusion on the issue. Another theory of conflict resolution has been proposed by Mortion Deutsch. It is based on the assumption that conflicts can be resolved through the development of a peaceful system. It involves the use of cooperative disposition to evoke an atmosphere of trust (Deutsch, 2011). However, there are parties who may adapt a different of orientation to the negotiating table. They may be competitive disposition which may lead to a lose-win situation. The advantage of this approach is that it may further intensify the conflict and lead to animosity and distrust between parties. The positive aspect of my conflict situation was that we were focused on cooperation and coming to a mutual agreement (Coleman, 2011).

Contingency theories in the conflict management are another approach to conflict management. It aims to give insight into best ways to cope with a current situation. This theory is grinded in the reality of the current situation and thus is pragmatic in nature. It has emerged as a dominant theory in crisis communication and conflict management. It is a critical management theory that asserts that appropriate style of management depends on the context of the situation. When a manager use contingency approach during conflict resolution, their role is to pay attention to both parties situation and style and ensure that both interacts effectively. This approach can ensure that collaboration is successful (Keashly, Minkowitz & Nowell, 2020). In addition, Roger Fish and William Ury put forward the theory of principled negotiation. It allows parties to get a clear picture of the problem and focus on interest rather than their position. During my conflict situation, I was lucky because my boss did not utilized advantage of his position. When I put forward my point of arguments, he understood and accepted instead of utilizing his power to dismiss my claim. The steps that are important in following the process are separating the people from the problem, focusing on interest, not position, inventing options for mutual gains and focus on use of objective criteria. Objective criteria involve looking at fair standard and proposing an argument based on market value, professional or moral standards. It can support use of fair process to resolve the conflict (McKeown, 2013).

Role of Mediation in Resolving Conflict

The paragraph above discussed about different approached used by two parties to resolve a conflict. Contrary to these methods, another method that can help in resolving a conflict is the mediation process. It is a voluntary process during which an individual or a third party tries to help two people in conflict to negotiate and mutually come to an agreement that resolves the issue. It can allow parties to transform their attitudes and move towards peaceful relationship. Hence, it enables moving towards reconciliation process. The advantage of mediation is that it can help to resolve conflict before the need to escalate it. The role of a mediator is vital in this case. (Moore, 2014). In my conflict situation, the ideal mediator could be my team leader or someone who sees and manages my work on a daily basis. He will be better able to comment on my performance and sit with my boss to resolve the conflict.

It is important that the mediator is an impartial person and he does not personal favor to anyone. Moore (2014) gives the argument that the mediator is an acceptable and impartial individual who can amicably resolve the differences. The steps that a mediator needs to take involve welcoming both parties to the meeting in a positive tone, describing his or her role and defining a process to talk about the problem. For instance, a mediator can confirm that each member would be given the chance to speak. The goal should be stated which is to develop a mutually acceptable solution. The mediator can give each person uninterrupted opportunity to express their opinion but they also need to intervene when strong emotions are expressed which could act as a barrier in resolving the conflict. After listening to each party’s views, mediator need to take decision based on best standards and help the two parties to look for multiple possible solution. At the conclusion of the mediation process, the final agreements should be restated (Tillett & French, 2006). It is also recommended to engage in informal remediation process as formal process is time consuming. Informal approach ensures keeping the matter confidential and allowing both parties to be open and honest during the conversation (Väyrynen, 2019).

Personal Role in Resolving Conflict During Dispute Situations

If I had to act as a mediator in any conflict situation, my approach would be avoid all implicit biases or favor towards one party. I will try not to be influence by the position or power of either party. I would try to be neutral and use accepted standards to judge and resolve the situation. I will do my preparation to be neutral. It will involve setting all my personal beliefs and opinions aside and trying to take ethical decisions. During conversation with both parties, I will try to refrain from supporting any party. Through my interpersonal communication skills, my goal will be to encourage both the parties to develop a mutual understanding. By adhering to the above rules, I can gain mutual respect of both the parties. I will try to research for certain ethical standards that mediators need to follow. According to Menkel-Meadow, Porter-Love and Kupfer-Schneider (2020), appropriate mediator conduct is important to engage in ethical mediation process. They have the duty to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the mediation process. Prior to the mediation process, the mediator should disclose all possible conflicts. It may involve making full disclosure on any relationship with the parties which may affect the neutrality. The mediator should also inform the participants about their qualification and experience. I will try to follow all the above points during the mediation process.

Thus, the ethical guideline can support me to practice ethically during the mediation process. I have learnt that mediation is an important standard during the process. To achieve this, it is planned to ensure that I keep all records and information confidential. I will try to be impartial and provide the best judgment without any form of favouritism in words, action and appearance.


To conclude, the paper provided an insight into the personal experience of conflict and the impact of conflict resolution theory in addressing the problem. The conflict situation was related to conflict with a boss regarding the appraisal process. Using the situation, different theories of conflict resolution and ways to resolve conflict was suggested. Some of the theories that were reviewed were the contingency theory, the cooperative model and the theory of principles negotiation. In addition, the second approach to conflict resolution namely the mediation process was discussed. Mediation is a process when a third party intervenes to resolve conflict. It involves being impartial and using formal or informal approach to support to parties to come to a point of argument. The paper gave insight into the role of mediator in resolving the conflict and the ethical standards that they follow during the process. Some of the ethical standards that were important for mediators were to be impartial, maintain neutrality and confidentiality during the negotiation process. In addition, they should be involved in taking steps to ensure that full disclosure is given on any conflict of interest. The knowledge in this area can ensure that people can effectively resolve conflict in any settings.


Brandon, M., & Robertson, L. (2007). Conflict and dispute resolution: A guide for practice . Oxford University Press, USA.

Coleman, P. T. (Ed.). (2011). Conflict, interdependence, and justice: The intellectual legacy of Morton Deutsch . Springer Science & Business Media.

Danesh, H. B. (2011). Human needs theory, conflict, and peace. The encyclopedia of peace psychology , 4 , 63-67.

Deutsch, M. (2011). Cooperation and competition. Conflict, interdependence, and justice: The intellectual legacy of Morton Deutsch , 23-40.

Himes, J. S. (2008). Conflict and conflict management . University of Georgia Press.

Keashly, L., Minkowitz, H., & Nowell, B. L. (2020). Conflict, conflict resolution and workplace bullying. In Bullying and harassment in the workplace (pp. 331-361). CRC Press.

Mayer, B. S. (2010). The dynamics of conflict resolution: A practitioner's guide . John Wiley & Sons.

McKeown, T. (2013). Fisher and Ury's' Getting to Yes': A Critique: The Shortcomings of the Principled Bargaining Model. Available at SSRN 3054357 .

Menkel-Meadow, C. J., Porter-Love, L., & Kupfer-Schneider, A. (2020). Mediation: Practice, policy, and ethics . Aspen Publishing.

Moore, C. W. (2014). The mediation process: Practical strategies for resolving conflict . John Wiley & Sons.

Sandole, D. J., & Van der Merwe, H. (Eds.). (1993). Conflict resolution theory and practice: Integration and application . Manchester University Press.

Tillett, G., & French, B. J. (2006). Resolving conflict: A practical approach .

Väyrynen, R. (2019). From conflict resolution to conflict transformation: a critical review. The new agenda for peace research , 135-160.

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