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Reflective Essay on Teamwork

Whenever it is spoken of teamwork, there are several aspects through which one we can gain the team work energy and policy. It was then when I and my group were in the project of the semester which was regarding teamwork for assessing the different skills useful in interaction, situational team support had helped us to learn a lot. There were a lot of skills such as communication skills, negotiation skills, emotional intelligence and many more. The skills that I found important on a cognitive level was emotional intelligence in the people of the group. Emotional intelligence is considered important because it can help in the productivity of the group as far as working is concerned.

The peer reviewed article that I have chosen on teamwork issues is by McEwan and his colleagues. There are several skills but the most important ones are communicating skills, negotiating skills and emotional intelligence skills in teamwork. It is considered very important in new age teamwork groups because the emotional intelligence enhances the work quality of the people. The performance, team building, intelligence on emotional level, all are connected and it is very important in deciding the working of the people in a group (McEwan et al., 2017). I personally feel that the emotional intelligence must be skillfully developed in the groups so that the work experience can be made better. It would also help in creating an atmosphere where a healthy competition would exist and the work quality would increase. The EQ has been considered the same importance as that of IQ. The EQ is sometimes overlooked by the organization but one must understand that the EQ is very important and have to be watched out with full care and concern with the employees or the team.

Emotional intelligence works well for the team as far as the individual performance is concerned. It is also important because it relates and affects the interaction of the team work. According to Weiss & Hoegl (2015), it is important to build the EQ so that the performance gets better thereby increasing the collaboration among the members. The emotional intelligence helps in cascading down the frontline managers and also helps in improving the negotiating and communicating skills (Weiss & Hoegl, 2015).

The academic journal chosen also speaks of the importance of the emotional intelligence affecting the working of the team. I analysed that it spoke of building trust within the team members by increasing the emotional intelligence. The emotional intelligence can be increased by communication, negotiation, increasing the listening power among the team members. The journal also suggests that in the team work it is assessed that spending time together working with the mates also increases emotional intelligence and can help in building trust among the people of the team. The feeling of self motivation, discipline and listening of the team members can also determine and affect the improvement of emotional intelligence. The team members spend a lot of time trying to figure out the situational targets and the overall target. The intelligence is required to cope with the problems arising and help in solving the problems. The research conducted by Abid et al., (2016), due to emotional intelligence, the collaboration of the work has increased by 50% in the last decade. This also helped in completing the other targets by enhancing the ability of the team members. To improve the EQ communication skill is also required and it is important to enhance both skills.

There are five basic areas related to the emotional intelligence

  • Self-awareness is the awareness related to the awareness of the self skills and the awareness of the emotional tendency to deal with the complications arising within the group. The communication skills can help in self awareness.
  • Internal Motivation is an important factor to determine the motivation in the group so that all the members can achieve a certain amount of motivation in order to collaboratively work with each other and can have the work done with full support.
  • Empathizing with the co- members of the group is very important emotional support that can be provided to the members. Empathy is about understanding the situation of the other in the same environment and portraying the behavior that calms the negative or disturbing emotions that are portrayed forward. Empathy is important to understand the feeling of distress that the other person goes through and thus is helpful in emotional understanding and development. It also helps in developing the communication skills
  • Social skills are the skills that would help in making the team workers in negotiation and communication. The social skills are helpful in making the work environment friendly and understanding. Human beings being a social animal can effectively use the skill in making the work environment healthy where problems can be solved easily and effectively.
  • Self-regulation is the way through which regulations can be applied on the team members and they can easily go through the rules and regulations and they can apply them throughout their working. Communication increases emotional bonding thereby increasing the emotional intelligence (Abid et al., 2016).

I and my teammates have applied the skills including the communication and negotiation skills. The work became easy and communication always helps in clearing the misunderstanding between the mates. The communication within us has helped us to be in touch with each other while working and has also made the work become easier. The major skills that I and my teammates followed are the communicative, negotiative and emotional intelligence skills. The communication helped in collaboration and the collaboration helped in understanding the emotional needs of the peer members.

The team leaders of the team must assess and give time on building the team strength. They must figure out how the team would work and make the use of the man power in enhancing the areas of emotional intelligence. The collaborative situations must be made in such a way so that the inability to make the coordination of the team is reduced or removed. Through negotiation and communication, I assessed that the frustration and lack of motivation is also reduced. The inability of the team to communicate is also reduced. The emotional intelligence skills are also increased through these steps. During the team work, I observed that the head of the teams spent a lot of production of the team collaboration exercises. Earlier, the team leaders used to ignore this part as they thought the groups would themselves figure it out. But on the contrary the case is different. The team members cannot perform the way leaders expect. The leaders must put the members in such a way that the production is increased and the team work can be improved (Mattingly & Kraiger, 2019).

Many team leaders encourage the team groups to make their emotional intelligence skills on individual basis. They also provide them resources to enhance the skills. The training of the group members has to be well coordinated and the environment of the workspace must be done, because coordination is important and is mandatory to solve challenges that are faced by the group. The group training for increasing emotional intelligence is very important and essential to create a normal complex free environment. It is of utmost importance that the emotional skill can only be developed if the communications skills are good.

As stated by Mattingly & Kraiger (2019), one of the main reasons that emotional intelligence is important is because according to academic research, the emotional call is easier to make the running of the team and it helps in making the social interactions easy. The alone worker can get angry or irritated much more easily than the workers in the group. The disagreement of the can irritate the team member if the other one interrupts him/her. This can only be avoided if the emotional intent is there within the group. The successful working of the team is highly dependent on emotional intelligence and the negotiation within the team mates. The success of the members can be followed up through the communication, negotiation and understanding between the members (Mattingly & Kraiger, 2019).

In my opinion, for building emotional intelligence and improving communication many factors can be looked upon. The same has been said by Kotsou et al., (2018). They are:

  • Inter team relationships can be increased and improved in a way by taking the weekly meetings and healthy interactions among the people of the team. The meetings would help understand the dealings of the working of the team in proper order with involvement of team members.
  • The organizational understanding between the company and the employees is also important as to make the work environment friendly and helpful.
  • The helping of the members of the team in the work environment can make the team work proactive and can help in understanding the behavioral change.
  • The proactive helping can also help in making the optimistic culture around the working of the people. optimism is very important in making the work culture healthy and can make the team members encouraged and develop collaboration among the members.
  • The feeling of compassion must be there within the team members so help developing the emotional intelligence and the compassion can make the person believe that the work done would be full of efficiency. The team members must be provided with care, emotional support and help wherever necessary (Kotsou et al., 2018).

The success rate of the skills are highly important because these skills help in managing the work pressure in the team with full efficacy. The team work is also dependent on the success of the enhanced skills. But nevertheless, there are many parts where failure can be expected. The management of the team work gets interrupted if there is no proper discourse of the skills within the group. Therefore, the skills must be enhanced and motivated to the members so that they use it for better providing of the work.

According to Maqbool et al.,(2017), the team members must strive to create and harmonize the emotional intelligence as it affects the working of the members and helping the team members can also work in a friendly environment and create an atmosphere where the working becomes effective and work friendly (Maqbool et al., 2017). I think the success of the team depends on many factors such as communication, negotiation, social skills and emotional intelligence. The overall development of the team members also depends on the enhancement of the skills which would make the working team efficient and full of care and compassion towards each other.

References for The Effectiveness of Teamwork Training

Abid, A., Kallel, I., & Ayed, M. B. (2016, September 1). Teamwork construction in E-learning system: A systematic literature review. IEEE Xplore.

Kotsou, I., Mikolajczak, M., Heeren, A., Grégoire, J., & Leys, C. (2018). Improving Emotional Intelligence: A Systematic Review of Existing Work and Future Challenges. Emotion Review, 11(2), 151–165.

Mattingly, V., & Kraiger, K. (2019). Can emotional intelligence be trained? A meta-analytical investigation. Human Resource Management Review, 29(2), 140–155.

‌McEwan, D., Ruissen, G. R., Eys, M. A., Zumbo, B. D., & Beauchamp, M. R. (2017). The Effectiveness of Teamwork Training on Teamwork Behaviors and Team Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Interventions. PLOS ONE, 12(1), e0169604.

Weiss, M., & Hoegl, M. (2015). The History of Teamwork’s Societal Diffusion. Small Group Research, 46(6), 589–622.

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