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Family-Centred Care Clinical Scenario

Introduction to The Role of Empathy in Crisis Communication

Family-centred care is important to improve the paediatric health and experience concerning the care. The Family Centred Care helps the health care professional to improve the care by increasing participation of the family member in decision making related to care (Festini, 2014). Communication is important in care to improve the relationship between the client and health care professionals. Effective and efficient communication is important from the health care end to improve the understanding of the patient concerning the care (Vermeir et al., 2015). The case study is about a Syrian child and he has recently been inserted grommets under the anaesthesia and he also has intravenous cannula in-situ in the left hand. The report is going to discuss the right communication approach that is utilized to improve the rapport with the client and the family. The report is also going to discuss the nursing care plan concerning the Amir current health status


The case scenario indicates that the Amir belongs to the Syrian family and English is their second language and Amir’s parents face difficulty while dealing with the medical terminologies. The discharge process requires the excellent exchange of information concerning patient health and precautions related to health status. The two-family centred principles that will be focused during the conversation are participation and dignity with respect (Kokorelias et al., 2019). UNICEF (2019) discussed the four child’s right that includes non-discrimination, the best interest of the child, right to live and survive and view to the child. The two rights that will be upheld in the conversation include the best interest of the child and non-discrimination.

The first approach that will be utilized in the conversation is the therapeutic communication in the care that will address the decrease in health literacy of the parents of the child. The therapeutic communication will help to improve the understanding of the regarding the necessary discharge information and precaution that need to be followed to decrease grommets complication. According to Abdolrahimi et al. (2017), nurses are expected to utilize their interpersonal skills in communication to improve the therapeutic relationship with the client. The therapeutic communication help to improve the patient understanding concerning the care that are important to improve the family centred care perspective. The different aspects that are covered by the therapeutic communication include listening to the patient, connecting with the patient, answering the clinical query and assisting the patient in need. Therapeutic communication is important to lay down the foundation of professional practise that is important to deliver the holistic care that leads to better patient and family understanding. Moreover, the article presented by Kourkouta & Papathanasio (2014) discussed that communication is important to develop a rapport with the client that is important for family-centric care. Therapeutic communications utilize verbal and nonverbal communication to improve the patient and family understanding concerning the care. Therapeutic communication improves the active listening ability that is required to understand the patient perspective concerning the care.

Another communication aspect that needs to be addressed concerning the case scenario is the cultural competent communication as they belong to the different cultural background and English is not their first language. Cultural competent care helps the health care professionals in communicating by respecting the different cultural belief of the patient and family. One of the studies presented by Brown et al. (2016) cultural competent communication is important for the health care professional as they have to deal with the diverse population in the care. The cultural competency in communication helps the patient to feel comfortable and clearly express their concern the care and it help the health care professional to deliver the family-centric care. Health care professional utilizes their cultural competent skills in the communication to improve the dignity of the patient cultural perspective and it helps to improve the patient engagement in the care. Moreover, the study presented by Pollozhani et al. (2013) indicates cultural sensitivity in communication is important to improve the patient comfort and experience concerning the care. The cultural competent communication is important to improve the rapport with the patient that lead increased patient participation and understanding concerning the care. The cultural competent care also plays a major role in discharge education as the recommendation can be communicated concerning the cultural belief of the patient.

The third communication approach that will be utilized in the case scenario includes the empathetic communication that will improve the patient expressiveness. Empathy in the conversation helps the health care professional to connect and feel the issue of the patient that will directly improve the family centred care. The decreased health literacy may have increased complication for the patient thus empathetic communication will support them and improve their comfort. The article presented by Yun et al. (2018) discussed that empathetic communication is important to provide the judgmental free environment to the patient so that the patient can express their perspective concerning care preferences. The empathetic commination helps the health care professional to improve patient satisfaction concerning the treatment procedure. Moreover, another study presented by Schoofs et al. (2018) added that empathetic communication utilizes the emotional intelligence of the health care professional that helps them to understand other person feeling. The health care professional utilizing empathetic communication improves the quality of care by increasing the patient understanding and preferences in the care. 

Nursing Care

Nurses are expected to be the key players in the care of the patient and their action directly influence the health status of the patient. The nursing care is important to address the specific issue of the patient to improve the health status (Feo et al., 2018). The one nursing care that is required by the Amir is the oral plan relief that is due before the discharge. The article presented by Aluko (2019) discussed that post-operative pain in grommets insertion is normal and the patient should be administered with proper medication to decrease the discomfort. The grommets insertion should be followed by the care of the patient to decrease the chances of complication like an infection.

The patient in the care is in his toddle stage of child development that directly increases the child perception of independency and they get frustrated if anything is forced over them. One of the studies presented by Dosman et al. (2012) discussed that children in the toddle stage generally refuse things and prefer to complete their work independently. The toddle stage increases the tantrums of the child thus instructing them to become difficult as they prefer to do as per their preferences. Handling Amir during the medication can be an issue as he will refuse it due to negative perspective. The negative behaviour of the Amir can be handled by children engagement method that includes diverting the mind of the child with parent followed by slowly providing the medication. One of the studies presented by Alavi et al. (2015) discussed that for toddlers the right method for oral medicine administration is to fill the right of the dose in the oral syringe. The next step is to allow the baby to suck the medication from the syringe that helps to deliver the medication easily.

The principle of child-centred care can be maintained by improving family participation in nursing care. The increasing participation of the family in the care will distract the mind of the child and he will easily suck the medication from the syringe. The article presented by Vasli & Salsali (2014) discussed that family participation in paediatric care is important to improve the effectiveness of the care. The family engagements in the care help the health care professionals to deliver the right care concerning the health status patient. Children feel anxious during the care thus family participation in the care improves their comfort that is important to improve patient participation in the care. The increasing participation of the parents in the care improves their understanding. The care to the Amir will be provided by collaborating with the parents so that he can be more comfortable that will improve his participation in the care. The increasing participation of the patient in the care improves the quality of the care that is related to the better health outcome.

Conclusion on The Role of Empathy in Crisis Communication

The report can be concluded that communication is important in family-centred care as it helps to improve the family and patient participation. Therapeutic communication is important to increase the understanding of the family and patient concerning the care. Cultural competent care is also important to improve the cultural sensitivity in the care to improve patient satisfaction and experiences. Empathetic communication helps the health care professional to understand the patient perspective concerning care preferences. The nursing care that is required to the patient is the oral pain relief that can be improved by increasing family participation in the care. The nurse can improve family participation in the care followed by using an oral syringe for the medication administration. The family centred care requires the equal participation of the parents in the care as they are major caregivers.

References for The Role of Empathy in Crisis Communication

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Alavi, A., Bahrami, M., Zargham-Boroujeni, A. and Yousefy, A. 2015. Pediatric nurses' perception of factors associated with caring self-efficacy: A qualitative content analysis. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery research, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 232–238.

Aluko, A. A. 2019. Use of phenol as a local anaesthetic for adult grommet insertion in resource-limited settings: a preliminary report. International Journal of Otolaryngology, vol. 2019, pp. 1–6. 

Brown, O., Ten Ham-Baloyi, W., van Rooyen, D. R., Aldous, C. and Marais, L. C. 2016. Culturally competent patient-provider communication in the management of cancer: An integrative literature review. Global Health Action, vol. 9, pp. 1-3.

Dosman, C. F., Andrews, D. and Goulden, K. J. 2012. Evidence-based milestone ages as a framework for developmental surveillance. Paediatrics & Child Health, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 561–568.

Feo, R., Kitson, A. and Conroy, T. 2018. How fundamental aspects of nursing care are defined in the literature: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 27, no11-12, pp. 2189–2229. 10.1111/jocn.14313 

Festini F. (2014). Family-centered care. Italian Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 40, no. Suppl 1, p. A33.

Kokorelias, K. M., Gignac, M. A. M. and Naglie, G. 2019. Towards a universal model of family centered care: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, vol. 19, no. 564, pp. 1-11.

Kourkouta, L. and Papathanasiou, I. V. 2014. Communication in nursing practice. Materia socio-medica, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 65–67.

Pollozhani, A., Kosevska, E., Petkovski, K., Memeti, S., Limani, B. and Kasapinov, B. (2013). Some aspects of culturally competent communication in health care in the republic of Macedonia. Materia socio-medica, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 250–254.

Schoofs, L., Claeys, A.-S., De Waele, A. and Cauberghe, V. 2019. The role of empathy in crisis communication: Providing a deeper understanding of how organizational crises and crisis communication affect reputation. Public Relations Review. 

Unicef. (2019). Four principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieve from:

Vasli, P. and Salsali, M. 2014. Parents' participation in taking care of hospitalized children: A concept analysis with hybrid model. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 139–144.

Vermeir, P., Vandijck, D., Degroote, S., Peleman, R., Verhaeghe, R., Mortier, E., Hallaert, G., Van Daele, S., Buylaert, W. and Vogelaers, D. 2015. Communication in healthcare: A narrative review of the literature and practical recommendations. International Journal of Clinical Practice, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 1257–1267.

Yun, J. Y., Kim, K. H., Joo, G. J., Kim, B. N., Roh, M. S. and Shin, M. S. 2018. Changing characteristics of the empathic communication network after empathy-enhancement program for medical students. Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 15092.

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