Organisational change is defined as the set of actions under which a business or company alters their critical components such as underlying infrastructure or technologies that they use for operating, culture, or their internal processes (Akbar et al., 2019). Organisational change management implies the process to guide the change to successfully resolve the issues through preparedness, execution, and follow-through.
The report is based on the RSEC organisation which has acquired EBF to amplify their operations within the marketplace. They are making use of the decentralised system for execution of their operations but the acquired firm makes use of centralised processes. Due to this acquisition, there has been a relevant change in their operations due to the use of different working structures. Thus, there is a need for the change so that they can conduct their operations in an alignment. The report will provide an insight into the change initiatives, requirements of change, a framework for evaluating the change and an action plan for future perspective.
Change initiative refers to the creation of an environment that will allow employees to behave in a particular manner for supporting and embracing the new process, system or policies that are being utilised by them. Change implies execution of the new technologies or procedures that will enable organisations to realign with the altering requirements within the business environment. The current scenario of the marketplace illustrates rapid evolution in terms of competition, and economic crisis prevailing in different countries or industries. It is essential for the firms to have leverage from the technologies to attain the inclined edge. The change process must be conducted by the organisation depending on the urgency that prevails within the firm, its strategies, functioning and marketplace. RSEC experienced significant pressure after acquiring EBF, and it created a relevant influence on its brand image and market value. To ensure this aspect, RSEC has to restructure their functions, and operations to ensure the smooth delivery of their deliverables (Yue, Men and Ferguson, 2019). The different change initiatives are being taken up by RSEC for handling the issues that are being experienced after the acquisition of EBF to ensure that they can deliver their services effectively. The change initiatives taken by RSEC are depicted below:
The critical change initiative that is needed by RSEC is that they have to incline the involvement of their human resources as it will create a positive impact on their decision-making so that a positive attitude can be attained in terms of adaptation (Faupel and Süß, 2019). Additionally, it will enable them to have an innovative approach to dealing with the situations that prevail within the organisational context. The employees are not provided with relevant time through which they might address the organisational requirements but they faced issues when transformation took place. It led to an incline in the turnover rate of the employees as they did not adjust to the environment that prevailed. There has to be a relevant discussion with the employees so that alterations can be communicated.
The organisational environment is changing because of the altering needs of the market in which firms are operating their operations. It is essential for the firm to bring in changes through which they can ensure that sustainability can be attained. The different problems are being faced by RSEC after the acquisition of EBF and they have to bring in change to make sure that market and customer requirements are addressed. Force field analysis is a change management tool that is being utilised by the firm for bringing in changes. It is the technique that is being utilised for the identification, discussion, and documentation of the factors that oppose or support the change initiative. A force can either aid in the attainment of the objective or will block its attainment. In the context of RSEC, the Force Field Analysis change model is presented below:
Driving forces: It implies the affirmative forces that are liable to support or influence the change initiatives considering the reasons for bringing in change. For example, RSEC has captivated new market opportunities through the acquisition of EBF. It enabled them to acquire an affirmative and strong brand image among their customers (Burke, 2022). It denotes that efficient investment is being made by the firm through which they have attained the inclined reach within the marketplace.
Restraining forces: The term implies a pessimistic force that possesses the ability for blocking the change initiative in the context of restricting the execution of new changes or innovative ideas. For instance, the high turnover is being experienced by RSEC due to change within the working structure and employees are not considering the fact that it is needed. The fear of the unknown creates an impact on the functioning of the firm and its operations.
In the context of RSEC, the driving forces have created a strong impact that enables them to reach specific customers as their market reach is inclined. The usage of respective technologies such as SAP will enable them to attain a positive outcome (Naslund and Williamson, 2020).
Based on the case scenario, it is determined that the working system that is being utilised by the firm is different in terms of centralised and decentralised which enables RSEC to accomplish the operations simultaneously. It hinders the function of the organisation as it can create problems in developing the strategies and making decisions along with this it will impact the functioning of the employees. It is essential that identical processes have been used for delivering their services. For instance, the decentralised system is used by RSEC which makes it critical for the firm to develop the similar and transparent decisions for each department. Therefore, it is essential for the new business system manager to bring in the change. Further, considering the organisational scenario, it is determined that the significant restraining forces are being experienced by the firm from their employees as they are not relocating. It influenced their customer services operations as they did not have efficient employees who would address the potential requirements of their customers.
The new working environment is delivered to the employees which cannot be considered as effective as it has increased their workload. Further, the human resources were also involved in the process to deliver the training and learning to the replacement agency. It becomes difficult for them to manage the extended pressure and workloads that are put on them (Duchek, 2020). It impacted the job satisfaction, stress and absenteeism ratio that further created a negative impact on the brand image of RSEC. The firm also experienced client dissatisfaction and complaints from the customers. It became important for RSEC to address these hindrances as sustainability might become a critical issue for the firm. The organisational human resources must be provided with transparent information on why the change is needed and how their functions will be impacted.
To deal with the uncertainties that might arise within the organisation, the decision-makers make use of the planned change techniques so that they can bring in change in their working premises. It will enable them to have leverage from the opportunities that are present within the marketplace. RSEC can make use of the emergent changing approaches through which they can have inclined leverage while proposing the change initiative. Emergent change refers to the ongoing adaptations, alterations, and accommodations that are liable for producing the fundamental change without intent for doing so (Zhang et al., 2019). It is the method that is utilised rapidly for creating and releasing functional improvements and creativity within their actions to deliver their operations for the attainment of the precise outcome. RSEC is operating within the uncertain working environment after the acquisition of EBF rather than having benefits through the process. It created an influence on the services that are being delivered to the consumers as efficient pressure is created on the employees in terms of new working methods or centralization of the operations or training that has to be given. It declined or demotivated the employees while delivering their operations. The unplanned changes created a controversial and dynamic state that the firm has to deal with.
Change management model is defined as the system that is liable for strategically assisting the firms within navigation through the transition and transformation periods. It involves methodologies, theories, and concepts that are liable for furnishing the organisational alterations. For the organisation, models behave as the guide to bring in changes within the working environment through which they tend to bring in changes to acquire precise and informed outcomes. Considering this, RSEC opted for making use of Kotter’s 8-step change model. It refers to the process that is developed to assist leaders in the execution of organisational change. It denotes a successful framework for the execution of organisational change. Each stage is responsible for providing the management to identify what needs to be done so that the project can be kept on track. It is utilised for ensuring that the change process can be executed step-by-step in the RSEC as the firm is facing certain challenges while doing so (Sousa and Rocha, 2019). The model is liable for furnishing the relevant guidance through which restraining factors can be handled adequately. Considering the RSEC scenario, the model is illustrated below:
Create urgency: To attain effective transformation, a sense of urgency must be created among the human resources by informing them about why change is required so that it can be attained through which growth will be attained. Transparent and precise information must be provided by the management of RSEC so that precise understanding can be created of why certain aspects are important and the team must be encouraged to participate. For instance, once the acquisition occurred then it became essential to bring in change within the firm through which they can address the requirements of their potential consumers. The precise information must be given to the employees through which they can be encouraged for bringing in respective changes.
Building the guiding team: As the sense of urgency is developed among employees in RSEC, it will enable the management to have a team who knows the changes are required and how they will be impacted by them. The formulated team must have significant connections, skills, and qualifications through which change can be initiated and impact can be created on their stakeholders (Ellström et al., 2020). The team leader can be chosen from them based on their willingness and knowledge that they have to furnish human resources with efficient knowledge on what they have to do. The teams are liable to ensure that the RSEC can conduct their operations in an efficient manner and in a timely way by getting them involved in the process.
Developing the vision: The clear vision must be developed by the management of RSEC to accomplish the initiatives that are considered by the firm. Further, the strategies must be precise as they will allow them to attain the vision that is being developed. Human resources of the firm will be inspired to make collective efforts so that the end outcome can be attained as per the requirements. Here, vision will act as a guiding and motivating aspect for the actions that are being conducted by them. Realistic goals must be developed so that the stakeholders can acquire these.
Communicate the vision: The vision and strategies of RSEC must interact with the employees so that they can furnish support to the organisation for bringing in change initiatives. The employees might be inspired when they will be involved in the decision-making process through which problems can be further solved while delivering their routine activities (Koll and Jensen, 2021). It will allow RSEC to address the concerns and issues that are faced by employees when they deliver their operations.
Removing obstacles: RSEC has to ensure that they have all the aspects aligned in terms of organizational, structure, culture and processes considering the organisational vision. Under this, the management must monitor the human resources who resist the change and create hindrances so that the obstacles can be efficiently removed while dealing with the change process.
Create short-term wins : While the change process is conducted, short-term wins can be developed, for instance, RSEC can opt for developing diverse milestones to bring in changes (Vlados, 2019). Here, attaining these milestones will lead to the creation of an affirmative environment and employees will be motivated to give their best to attain their overall objectives.
Consolidate the improvements : It has to be considered that the change is a slow-going process that will alter the corporate culture. The quick wins depict that long-term changes have been initiated. Thus, the firm has to ensure that they work towards having continuous improvisations within the strategies for attaining a better outcome. RSEC management must make sure that the efforts made by the employees towards attaining the organizational goals are in the same direction.
Make change stick: The rationale of the change leaders within the firm is to adjust to the organisational norms, reward systems, values, and various infrastructure components (Tripon and Dodu, 2016). It enables to keep the different processes aligned with the new strategies considered by RSEC to ensure that the requirements of their potential consumers and brand expectations are addressed.
Based on the case analysis, it is determined that EBF is acquired by RSEC but after this, they experienced hindrances in their operations externally and internally. Considering this aspect, specific recommendations are given to firms to enhance their functionality, they are as
The action plan through RSEC can attain the change process is illustrated below:
Who will execute
Expected outcome/deliverables
Time required
Involvement of employees within the substantive decision-making
Management and leaders of RSEC
⮚ Open interaction between the team
⮚ Conducting employee surveys
⮚ Embrace the collaborative working environment.
1 month
Development of centralized system
IT Team
⮚ The information will be accessed from anywhere based on the stakeholder requirements. The credentials will be used for accessing the information.
⮚ A new system will be created through which centrally the departments of two organization can access the information.
3 months
Inspire employees
Executives and management
⮚ Employee recognition is the key aspect where there efforts will be recognised.
⮚ Staff performance analysis and reward programs must be launched so that organizational values can be resembled.
3 months
Develop decision-making capabilities
Managers and Leaders
⮚ Conduct training programs for development of the skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.
⮚ Formulate the communication culture to develop the knowledge.
5 months
Responsibility: The firm on the whole is liable for ensuring that the respective action plan is considered and initiatives must be taken to acquire this opportunity. It will allow RSEC to attain relevant performance and profitability levels.
Resources: The critical resources that are needed for the successful attainment of the change management model include information regarding the market, customers, stakeholders, etc, human resources, and finance will be an asset for the firm (Radwan, 2020).
Timeline: It will take around 1 year to complete the change process and ensure that RSEC has developed their valid brand image within the market. Further, there has to be efficient employee engagement within the process of decision-making.
The action plan formulated above will allow RSEC to attain the clarity on the actions that they have to take and how long will it take. Here, the potential resources are also specified to determine the cost that will be involved. The purpose is to make sure that change is efficiently handled by the firm and acquire the respective leverage from this.
From above it can be concluded that change management refers to the process through which a firm can bring in change through preparedness and support from the team, by considering the different steps post and pre-change activities. Change within the organization is needed as the environment in which employees are delivering their operations is not favourable and RSEC is experiencing hindrance from them. For the creation of understanding on this, Kotter’s 8-stage model is used and depending on this specific recommendations are given. The action plan is included so that the respective changes can be executed efficiently.
Vlados, C., 2019. Change management and innovation in the “living organization”: The Stra. Tech. Man approach. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy , 7 (2), pp.229-256.
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Yue, C.A., Men, L.R. and Ferguson, M.A., 2019. Bridging transformational leadership, transparent communication, and employee openness to change: The mediating role of trust. Public relations review , 45 (3), p.101779.
Faupel, S. and Süß, S., 2019. The effect of transformational leadership on employees during organizational change–an empirical analysis. Journal of Change Management , 19 (3), pp.145-166.
Burke, W.W., 2022. Organization development. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology .
Naslund, D. and Wlliamson, S., 2020. A critical analysis of organizational transformation–PSR. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences , 12 (2), pp.187-200.
Duchek, S., 2020. Organizational resilience: a capability-based conceptualization. Business research , 13 (1), pp.215-246.
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Sousa, M.J. and Rocha, Á., 2019. Digital learning: Developing skills for digital transformation of organizations. Future Generation Computer Systems , 91 , pp.327-334.
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Koll, H. and Jensen, A., 2021. Appropriating the Past in Organizational Change Management: Abandoning and Embracing History. In Time, Temporality, and History in Process Organization Studies (pp. 220-239). Oxford University Press.
Radwan, A., 2020. Lead transformational change, minimize resistance with 8‐step model. Dean and Provost , 21 (7), pp.1-5
Tripon, C. and Dodu, M., 2016. Change management and organization development.
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