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Question: Using 3 Principles of the Global Business Standard Codex - Essay Writing

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Essay Writing Assignment

Assessmentquestion Using three principles of the Global Business Standard Codex, evaluate the use of child labour in a global economy. Argument 1:The children are overworked, abused and are paid little. Topic:Child labour is unethical both in the social and the legal sense Argument 2:The social activist for the children rights, have been highlighting the issues of child labour in an attempt to informthe world on the moral and legal aspect of child labour Topic:They are affecting the child development and in the long run, affect their education and wellbeing (Gupta, Pirsch & Girard, 2010).
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ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SECTION 1:ESSAY PLAN THESIS STATEMENT: EVALUATION OF THE CHILD LABOUR IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY BY THE USE OF THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF THE GLOBAL BUSINESS STANDARD CODEX (GBSC) Section one: case study Option one Because of the continued devastation in the economy over the years, many families encounter rough times and forcing their children to work in the industries, workshops and streets. The children are overworked, abused and are paid little. The highest levels of unemployment are also attributed to be one of the causes of the child labor (Gupta, Pirsch& Girard, 2010). A nation or a country that is facing international sanctions experience tough economic times and reduces the ability to afford the basic needs. Thus, child labor is unethical both in the social and the legal sense. It is exploitation to minors by employers in the global markets. The child exploitation arises because of the fact that children are forced to work or get employed in an attempt that they fill the gap of fulfilling the basic needs. The children do not have the opportunity to have better and improved services because their employment terms are dictated by their employers. They are rewarded poorly and most of them even work under deplorable conditions (Kolk& Tulder, 2002). These issues affect both the physical and psychological states of the children as they grow. The child labor issues are affecting nearly all the countries that are still unindustrialized. Moreover, the need of cheap employment to be able to make profits in the marketplaces that are highly competitive is a contributing factor.Most of the employers operate in diverse cultural, social and unethical environment in their pursuits of the profits. The ethical conflicts erupt when the developed countries invest in the underdeveloped nations and operating in nations whose ethical standards are poorly articulated in safeguarding the interests of the children. The competition in the international markets defines the business practices and the principles that guide the employment and labor in industries, workshops and streets. There is a need to tackle the problem through campaigns, education and awareness of the child labor. Option 2 The social activist for the children rights, have been highlighting the issues of child labor in an attempt to inform the world on the moral and legal aspect of child labor. The issues are illegal and it requires continuous and strict adherences to the rule of law. They are affecting the child development and in the long run, affect their education and wellbeing(Gupta, Pirsch& Girard, 2010). In the later years of life, it negatively affects the economic status. These child labor issues are being addressed by the Principles of the Global Business Standard Codex (GBSC). The GBSC provide an understanding and outline its roles that it playswhen trying to reduce the child labor issues across the developing nations. It also provide how are the child labor issues are being addressed in an attempt to restore the corporate conduct of the cultural and social conduct of the international business community. Through the GBSC, it provides an outline of what need to be done to manage the issues. Through the process of standardizing the framework that is used in approaching the analysis, it helps in identifying the minimum-age requirements for employment(Hansia, 2015). The GBSC in it principles, dictate the moral and legal expectations that any employer should adhere to in the terms of employment. Due to the advancement of businesses, the global business standard codes (GBS), is setting business principles that would act as standards in any business practice. The codex of GBS bases its principles in the values such fairness, dignity, and citizenship (Kolk& Tulder, 2002). These principles would discourage the violation of child labour and thus, cannot recognize the children as employees, but instead, protect them. OPTION 3: USING THREE PRINCIPLES OF THE GLOBAL BUSINESS STANDARD CODEX IN EVALUATION OF THE CHILD LABOUR Section two: The GBSC and the child labor essay 2.1 Introduction The child labor issue has become one of the regulations and social attention which widespread all over the world. Several industrialize countries has developed laws concerning the working condition and the minimum working age for children. These have demanded the international organizations to adjust to similar measures worldwide in order to safeguard the interest of children. Through code of conducts, several attempts have been made in the regulation of multinational behavior to act as a response to the law (Paine et al., 2005). Despite pressure from several developed, emerging government and Non-governmental organization, the codes were not made mandatory in the 1970s. The codes were then amended in the 1990s which enhance new efforts to the commitment of particular values and norms. 2.2 The Global Business Standard Codex (GBSC) and child labor essay The GBSC is linked to the child labor in the industrial market as shown by the outlined principles below
  1. The principle of dignity
Dignity refers to the regards for the individual’s right. Such rights include expression and associations, safety and healthy, secure employment, development, and learning. The codex would ensure that the individual dignity in business is respected. Children employee will not meet privileges, unlike seniors since the law denies (Kolk& Tulder, 2002). It is because of their age that limits them from obtaining some benefits such as health benefits schemes. Some mining companies do not take into consideration the dignity of people and disregard their health and safety. It reflects poor conduction of businesses and thus violations of dignity principle. These companies do not disclose the use of child labor, and they end up benefiting themselves by offering lower payment(Stanwick& Stanwick, 2014). Children have no way of expressing their interest. The dignity would uphold the interest of children. Some companies might make use of children employee to benefits herself by children working overtime. It is because the children would be not able to sue their employers. As much as the codex can limit this behaviour, the law would encourage poor benefits and low wages since promotions shall limit children. Many children suffer high illness and injuries during mines, mines and quarries (Hansia, 2015). They earn poorly, and the do not have health insurance that would cover their illness.
  1. The principle of fairness
The principle stipulates the adequate dealings, adequate processes, fair treatment and reasonable competition within business dealing. For the business to meet their strategic goals and objective, they have to adhere to this principle (French, 2010). Despite the principle being documented some employers ignore the fair dealings and transact their businesses the way they want. The employees who do not have potential say such as children are likely to be discriminated. Employees under the age of 17 are likely to be discriminated in terms of salary, promotions and access to training. This unfairness is reflected by subsequent years of working without promotion and poor returns from work (Wolfe & Dickson, 2002). Also, underage of 17 is denied training of which it is the business codex violation. Moreover, children are not given studies benefits when they are employed. Despite the many hours of working, payment is little. Some children are still forced to work and are expected to do prohibiting work without compensations.
  • The principle of citizenship
This is the law and regulations abiding behavior through compliance with civic and authorities contributions. For the business to grow, gain image, gain brand and continue being in its operations, it must abide by this principle. Businesses should allow collaboration with the unions in their transactions in order to promote their ways of action. The union can provide the business with opportunities such as markets information, ideas, and culture (Gupta, Pirsch & Girard, 2010). Most businesses have violated this principle thinking that the unions would interrupt their membership. Employees who are not documented are likely to suffer most since they cannot express their views to the unions in sharing their experiences. Companies that transact their businesses globally their wealth has grown substantially. They use this wealth to influence the government and politics because they form the biggest part of the economy (Hindman, et al., 1999). Thus, they conduct businesses according to their wish thus violating the citizens' rights of which they are targeting child labor. The companies have potentials to fund elections and as a result of that minimal chances of environmental regulations. This violates the citizenship principle (Stanwick & Stanwick, 2014).
  1. Conclusion
In conclusion, the principle of global business standard codex enhances the equality and fairness among employees. Thus, employees are required to uphold the principles in order to ensure that the interest of the employees is respected. The implementation of this law would discourage the violation of children, and immigrant rights are respected. The business should have the proper approach to children issue rather than benefiting themselves. More so, the companies with substantial wealth should not use their wealth to influence the government and political systems.
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