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The purpose of the paper is to discuss in-depth about the Ted talks shows and to draw the comparison of the speaker’s styles and even the content. The importance of the speaker in influencing the audience and how to present the information in the structured and the sequences manner can draw the audience attention to the details (Key, 2017). Both the speakers in their set styles, course of discussion and even with the gainful insight has been able to inspire the people to think innovatively and to have the changing perspective (Patrutiu-Baltes, 2017). The speakers Amy Cuddy discusses the “Body language shapes that you are” and inspires to do self-body audits and how to change it. The other speaker Simon Sinak discusses the "Great leaders inspire action" and draws a factual comparison based on the facts, information and even with the real-life examples. Both the speaker intended to provide a unique way to changes and promote adaptably to the new ideas (Patrutiu-Baltes, 2016).
In the Ted Talk “Body Language Shapes who you are”, speaker Amy Cuddy voice, tone and modulations are attentive and draws an engaging style of the communication. Amy enters and begins with the discussion of drawing attention to one own body behaviour, body audits and also supports the audience with the quick overlook upon oneself. The speaker is participative and even encourages the audience, through her opening line to self-access the body behaviour, which makes the audience influence and willing to participate with the speaker (Kannan, 2017). After the audience has drawn to the attentiveness in checking their body language closely, then she corrects and laughs, which shows that the audience while being attentive moves with the speaker notes, gesture and fissional points. The speaker voice is not only influential but draws a scope of discussion on the body behavior (Todor, 2016). During the talk show, she draws some examples such as handshakes and also compares it with the other language (Saura, 2017). For example, the speaker draws the comparison of the importance of handshakes and for this, she says "Police Men having a handshake with the “Prime Minister”, this means her humorous intent to draw audience attention to the detail. From the example, what she wanted to discuss was the “handshakes” rather than on two people like policemen and the prime minister shaking hands. The speaker also has drawn the facts, discussion and but her presentation style is unique and quite engaging. She does not include any real-life facts and draws a comparison of the figures. For example, she mentions '"it only takes a second" and then the audience is again drawn to the attention to details. The audience is made to participate, analyses and even understand the relevancy of the body language. She discusses the reciprocations and the imitation of the body language due to the verbal and the nonverbal communication, such as an individual feeling the other person would lean forward and respond that shows care. The content of the speaker is sequenced and structured, such as after the body language and the reciprocation of emotions, the speaker draws to the main pointers and even links with the body language being not too positive and being biased and transparent to the discussion (Herhausen, 2020).
The speaker discusses the “complementing” and not always in a good way, that draws a point to the mirroring the other person emotions and even addressing the concern in the same style as the spacer and the listener is engaging. Such as if the speaker is discussing the content with the crossed arms and has no open arms, the same nonverbal behaviour would be reciprocated and the audience would be less influence with the content and the style of discussion. So the body language plays a strong role in shaping up the conversation (De Pelsmacker, 2018).
Speaker also mentions the power and the risk willingness that has provided a strong insight as to how the speaker and the risks would be over the little more confidence and the more risks and the willingness to take (Hanlon, 2018).
Speaker during her changing course of the interaction not only presents the structure and sequence the discussion, but through the interactive discussion, engaging words and even with the unique examples keeps the discussion alive. For example, she mentions how the superman pose is helpful and when being part of the conference and meeting the people, having low confidence and meeting with the new people, one would be feeling embraced and shy. The strategy here is to place you as the entrepreneurial personality and to stand out of the crowd, with the superman pose. Similarly, she discusses how the body language is important that tells most about oneself, for this is how to have the non-verbal engaging communication and to build one own platform with the confidence and by describing the way of emotions, transparency, vibe and even with the revealing emotions (Herhausen, 2020).
In the ted talk of “Great Leaders inspire Action”, the speaker Simon Sinek, draws a discussion on the inspirational facts and even gives the big leaders examples and then discusses the great leaders. He questions about how the Apple company is successful, what makes the leader being successful, as all of us has the same resources, time and facilities. The speaker also questions the innovation and the out of the box thinking, how to brainstorm ideas and even use it for the personal benefits (Kannan, 2018). He again in the opening line draws and compares with the present leader Apple Tim Cook and compare with the past leader Martin Luther who bough the revolution. The speaker is more inspirational with the presentation of the facts and drawing a comparison with the present facts to the past facts and then questions the audience about the "why" and "how", it not only brings an alertness and the attentiveness to the discussion but also makes the audience understand what option are present to the leaders and what are present to them. The speaker claims, during the discussion, that even though we have the same resources, same funds and the same types of the opportunities, it is "Why" the leaders only lead in the given scenarios and circumstances and what sets them apart. The speaker then again draws a comparison from the personal reflection purchasing a car and an Apple product and how as the marketing person what makes them successful salesmen or the product being sold to the maximum audience. The product is sold in the store, but the language, words chosen and the body language and the style distinguish the leader differently from the common products (Confos, 2018). For example, when we go to the store we say expensive product and all the details, the marketing people bluffs and present too much information in a short period to influence. This shows eagerness and keenness to buy. While the customers are still absorbing the information, still the product manager presents more information and tries to convey the message that the product is the best which is like the rest, still unique. The customer is lost with too much eagerness, lack of decision making and even facing the challenge of gaining too much information in a short period. On the other hand, visiting the Apple store, when the too much information is presented, but it is done in an influencing manner, for example, a customer visiting the store and willing to buy the product, firstly the sales/, marketing person would not be very pushy and even customer-driven (Kannan, 2018). The products on the display are left open for the customers to sue and even explore the innovation. There is no pressurized sale from the Apple people. The customers feel more rationalize and even willing to buy the product, as they are pushed to buy it. Even if the approach to discuss the product uniqueness, the salesmen are trained to mention "that the challenge and the innovation are the two kye points which the Apple products discover, and this brand is about this features and quality". In the Apple store as a comparison to the other brand's stores, the customers are engaged and driven due to the uniqueness, quality of the designs of the products and even the distinguishing features rather than in the other products sale, the same products can be pushed over the customers to buy due to the price, features and with the same features. Even though Apple stores sales/marting driven are not customer driven and acquisition to expand, but their strategy is unique and influential making the customers willing to buy products themselves, rather than getting lost in the information. The speaker then draws the comparison of the leader attributes and how the followers follow (Kannan, 2018). While the Apple leaders distinguish its approach and the products in a distinguishing manner, that is unique and even inspiring, for the other followers like the Samsung, Nokia, they are focused on the costs, imitation of the technology and even adopting the regular marketing tactics. In the Apple stores, the sales, marketing and even the various staff are trained not to be customer chasing, pushing and cluttering with too much information. The products are open to making the customers think and relate with the innovation in the challenging manner. Not only the customers feel fascinated with the product, but the customers also visualize themselves using the products as it is easy to handle, convenient to use and even inspiring. That what makes the Tim Cook CEO of Apple as the successful leader. Not only his actions, behaviour and the attitude inspiring but also unique in the manner that has drawn a distinguish market for themselves. The leaders and the followers can be distinguished with the set styles of the methodologies they adopt, influence and even with the change in the behaviour and the attitudes.
It is concluded that both speakers can relate and identify the important points from the topics, that are discussed in their set styles. Both the speakers have a different style of discussion and have a content that flows from the real-life examples to the inspirational examples. Even though the content and the show structure was of one hour, but still the audiences have followed and found it innovatively challenging to accept. Comparing the speakers such as Amy Cuddle has the more humorous content, that keeps audience engage and follow the speaker behaviour, attitude and the discussion in the same manner. Her voice modulation and the changes to the tones, has helped the audience to be engaged. In the other even, Simon Shirkk is an inspiration as he questions why and how and makes the audience question their abilities and existence. The audience can question that even with the same resources, availability of the same types opportunities and the choices, how the Tim Cook of Apple and the Martin Luther Jr. have not only inspired but have also drawn a distinguishing self-assessment.
Confos, N., & Davis, T. (2016). Young consumer-brand relationship-building potential using digital marketing. European Journal of Marketing.
De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S., & Holthof, C. (2018). Marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 47-55.
Hanlon, A. (2019). Marketing: strategic planning & integration. SAGE Publications Limited.
Herhausen, D., Miočević, D., Morgan, R. E., & Kleijnen, M. H. (2020). The marketing capabilities gap. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 276-290.
Kannan, P. K. (2017). Marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), 22-45.
Key, T. M. (2017). Domains of digital marketing channels in the sharing economy. Journal of Marketing Channels, 24(1-2), 27-38.
Patrutiu-Baltes, L. (2016). Inbound Marketing-the most important digital marketing strategy. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 9(2), 61.
Saura, J. R., Palos-Sánchez, P., & Cerdá Suárez, L. M. (2017). Understanding the marketing environment with KPIs and web analytics. Future Internet, 9(4), 76.
Saura, J. R. (2020). Using Data Sciences in Marketing: Framework, methods, and performance metrics. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
Ted Speaker
Todor, R. D. (2016). Blending traditional and digital marketing. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 9(1), 51.
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