This report highlighted the personal resilience strategy in managing stress. The report addressed the change in work set-up up resulting in work from home, flexible working and its impact on stress. Personal resilience strategies for stress reduction is highlighted to improve work -life balance and mitigating stress work setup through psychological hardiness and adapting flexible working to prevent burnout .
Table of Contents
Week 1 – Losing productivity from home
Week 2 - Organisational culture to prevent burnout –Flexible working
Week 3 - 5 ways to boost your resilience
Week 4 - Psychological hardiness, workplace stress and related stress reduction strategies
Reference list
The weekly post by Robert states that his productivity has declined after work from home since COVID 19. The weekly post portrays the tangibility and experience of the office. Practicing self-care will increase refreshing feelings and a clear mindset. This shows a lack of fixed schedule creating anticipating stress due to change in a work condition (The conversation, 2019). Office environment creates an environment for thriving and developing work plans, individual work without team assistance is new and difficult to adapt. The office design, availability of movable asset creates performance boost. The clutter-free space and work design adaptability have shown results for my growth productivity. Working from home shows higher work intensity with overwork leading to lack of sleep. The office design availability of a movable asset creates performance boost
Managing work deadline with personal life requires balance. Customized office set up creates availability and use of a self-designed portal to assist in query and physical help by employees to guide one another. The tangible aspect of the work environment prevents employees from moving in isolation. Work from home creates struggle with technology only way to connect with one another .It creates social isolation and tangibility which creates saturation for the employee. Prioritizing work is essential for productivity by scheduling work from difficult to easy to maintain strength and focus along with the task while working at home. I interact with my peers to check on them occasionally for gratitude and solidarity that brings a lighter note in the day.
Stress can mount on due to social isolation and alone at work reduces the fast time frame set up. Creating a supportive network within the organization for virtual meet up and connecting through online webinars for employee initiatives by the organization will increase effective change while working at home. Lack of control due to physical distance creates change in working scenario by the employee and increase overburden due to no boundation. This can lead to procrastination and disconnect from work
Sharing of ideas and creativity creates employee acknowledgment and a sense of belonging to ensure working morale is maintained. Freedom entitled through work from home create a distraction and hampers discipline. Stress relating to procrastination and unmanaged timeline creates a barrier for employees. Setting up time based goals, use of the internet to access office work and timely switching off from work is necessary while working from home to ensure productivity. The weekly post describes the negative effect relating to a failure in coping balance in work life.
Feeling disconnected and creating plans take a toll on mental health. Physical exercise at home can be used for taking time-off from work and using the time to relax and engage in healthy habits. Maintaining a journal to set deadlines for self –timing and reflection on the features of the day will imbibe gratefulness and reduce stress (The converstion,2019) .Creating makeshift office for daily use will create an office environment at home for working. Discouraging personal intrusion during the working hours at home will boost productivity and prevent a lack of focus. Short breaks between working hours will help to refresh and chat with friends and family. Using technology as a platform to connect with client and learning new skills will sharpen the mind towards the adaptability of ICT in the future too.
Personal care through meditation and yoga will help in practice mindfulness for living and understanding current challenges and self-discovery. Dealing with anxiety and frustration can be prevented by speaking with peers and family to discuss and workout solutions. Stress relating to emotional exhaustiveness can further lead to an emotional breakdown. Time constraints stress relating to work and project delivery due to round the clock availability creates mental strain (Barry, 2018). The substantial modification can be used for maintaining lighter environment at work and focus on current situation that can be controlled and modified rather than worrying about uncertain .
Work stress mounted with projects autonomy being given to partners had a cognitive effect on not being able to cope with the workload. These stressors related to time constraints and situational stress. The mechanism to deal with stress is through adapting change with self-discovery and individual resilience in optimizing lifestyle change
Burnout causes physical and emotional exhaustiveness (Valcour, 2016). The feeling overwhelms causes distress in all aspects of employee work. Flexible working as an arrangement provides employees flexibility relating to location and timing .Manage care and employee engagement show growth in wellbeing. Reduced absenteeism and improve in health condition prevents fatigue. Workplace stress primarily relates to job dissatisfaction due to a lack of flexibility in team ownership and employee guidelines (Nagoski, 2019). Child care and parental responsibilities with a fixed schedule create a barrier for employee productivity. Adjusting new arrangements by an employer creates mutual trust and employee engagement by flexible working. Physical exhaustiveness causes decline in focus and employee well-being.
Distant and frequent headaches result from over-work and causes tiredness. The weekly post emphasis on work as secondary to well-being and promotes organizational culture for adopting flexible working. The inability to focus is central to overbearing responsibility to diminish work performance and productivity. Social withdrawal caused by chronic burnout leads to procrastination and persistent tiredness. Positive outlook and self -confidence boost is essential to prevent burnout from turning to chronic depression
Child care cost and maintaining the balance between works create a relaxed approach for employees working through various timelines. Burnout results from prolonged hours at work creating the mental block. The effective pace of work at flexible hours will accommodate organization objectives. Disconnect at the office due to non-availability at personal care and child care responsibilities in the long term will reduce employee motivation at work. The stress and work condition will lead to employee absenteeism. Day off and designed break by employer focusing on employee well-being will boost confidence in an individual .Structured office and weekly schedule by accommodating employee work through flexible hours can relax the environment to brainstorm and design work setup (Nagoski ,2019).
Commuting at work with traffic increases the overall time schedule. Flexible working reduces working hours and promotes flexibility through the designed schedule for employee s personal activities. Self-care is essential for preventing burnout. Flexible working encourages the employee to practice mediation and tweak his schedule. Decreasing productivity and irritability caused by poor work morale effects employee’s attitudes towards work. Advocating employee welfare through flexible working will determine the individual’s interest by self-skill upgradation to motivate self for work through boundaries set by schedule to reduce pressure .Job dissatisfaction and work monotony are key factors relating to a drop in efficiency of employees. Organizations quickly adapt to change in operational structure will enable employee retention in the organization.
Overworked employees have a negative impact on business operations. Poor management and lack of focus in employee performance can be improved through the organization’s adaptation to prevent wearing out of employees. A compact workplace environment affects employee creativity and intellectual thinking creating stress due to monotonous work schedule Flexible timing shows reduced burden and de-attachment from work to boost energy prevents burnout. Week 2 the post shows work environment and social change as a major influence on customer stickiness. My experience with burnout was major. No recognition and decreased flexibility and autonomy on work assignments created mental exhaustiveness (Forbes, 2018).
The cultural aspects are a part of engagement exercise uplift employee's behavior and productivity. Creating a consultative environment on work allocation can prevent burnout (Schnall, 2018).Flexible working provides an option for empowering the employee to work at the office or through the home to accommodate work. Careful assessment of activities will help in reducing un-productive and designed practice used previously, to be customized by the employee in flexible working. My experience with burnout made me aware to look for a change in behavior and work habits to identify the erosive impact of burnout and anxiety. Work accomplishment and organization objectives are balanced through emotional stability and focused approach.
Obsessive thinking and decline in recreational activities are signs of burnout .Flexible working hours provides an employee to concentrate on work with nurturing time for self-care. This will minimize overthinking and fear of compulsive activities to enable better working condition .Addition of team members in creative input and creating flexible works that boost projects initiation and work by reliance on employee demand to increase physical activities in the schedule to promote new work cycle and increasing cognitive ability and physical well being
The article described work as a primary stressor. It shows concern with the increased use of ICT in impacting stress on an individual. I have encountered stress due to ICT. The risk of anxiety and depression is related to a negative feeling. The weekly post describes 5 ways to boost resilience. The availability of work outside working hours creates a bridge between employee’s time to switch off and recover from time demand (Fernandez, 2018). The employees are bound by ICT round the clock due to the availability of technology. Technology act as an external enabler for connectivity in communication between workflow and employee. The supervisor‘s monitoring by ICT creates a lack of flexibility in operations. Mobility through technology creates pro-longed working hours
Practicing mindfulness – Mindfulness creates awareness that increases our cognitive ability and focuses on work which will result in flexibility. Mindfulness fosters primary wellbeing for emotional and negative behavior. Mindfulness encourages an emotional response in a non-judgmental and compassionate way. Mindfulness improves physical and mental health both through steady emotional practice. The redirection of the brain in indulgence in sticking to a standalone point is removed through mindfulness (Greenberg, 2016).Concentration through meditation helps in learning to go with the flow and being comfortable with self-emotion. Acceptance without judgment helps in coping through emotional aspects relating to self-behavior for anger, erratic behavior and frustration due to work
Compartmentalize work activities – Compartmentalizing reduces cognitive load, helps in coping to fix work boundaries adds as resilience, and reduce burden. Work can become overwhelming and can cause mental exhaustion. Compartmentalizing cognitive areas can help an individual in processing information. The order of preference of task set us in streamline operations and handle external queries. The weekly article relates to scheduling of activities that are related directly to work are creating stress and unhappiness in the employee. Prioritization work schedule through making the adapting structural change in operational work activities and personal goals creates a meaningful dimension of work lifestyle for the organization of work. Creating time block schedules for activities establish structure boundaries while working across a time zone. Deliberate compartmentalizing by assigning emails, schedule of meetings helps in moving from one task to another smoothly. I have experienced this in my administrative work by creating a dedicated slot for exercise, I was able to follow the schedule.
Taking breaks- Short breaks strengths in increasing focus towards projects. Breaks restore energy and remained the focus for long term goals. Exhaustion due to long work hours creates a barrier in productivity. Short breaks help the employee to rejuvenate while remaining engaged in work for longer horizons. Problem-solving at the organization affects our observation and cognitive ability. By taking breaks we will be able to respond flexibly by reactivating our self after short breaks. Higher growth performance is linked with reflective behavior and shifting perspectives for creating growth options (Greenberg, 2016).
Developing mental agility – To embrace the situation and developing flexibility with technology will eliminate distractions. Positive coping by identifying stressors and keeping mind healthy and strong that helps in building resilience. Logical reasoning will lower anxiety and emotional trigger. Reaction to stress is tapped by cognitive ability. The focused approach will help in creating an automatic response to the stress prone situation by meditation.
Cultivating compassion- Work colleagues act as a support system for collaboration. Positive emotions substantially provide us positive outlook to boost resilience. Asking for help to reach out in team meetings. The key to build resilience relates to tuning wiser and grateful to the situation by turning the negative events learning in experience to guide for improved behavior (Rees, 2019). Lack of compassion creates hostile behavior by the team member. Mentoring and adaptiveness by work colleagues create a support system that builds a positive environment. Durability and self-awareness through work, dynamics creates balance in working relationship. Cognitive thoughts create a planning, sustainable and creative environment other than isolation due to hostility in the workplace.
Be proactive- Sustaining changes in the work place due to situation crisis, organizational shift shows employees s behaviour and personality trait. Being proactive will increase adaptability and foster self-discovery. Developing strength for self-goal will make the individual more resilient to stress.
Stress in the workplace is caused by a physiological state that causes an individual reaction to being negative in this stressful situation. To create work-life balance one has to maintain consciousness of work surroundings setting deadlines and goals for achievement. The effective ways to deal with stress relates to setting a time-based goal for product quality achievement (Schnall, 2018). The situational stress situation due to compliancy by individuals creates a communication barrier.
Psychological hardiness has three components-commitment, control, and challenge
Commitment establishes individual’s belief and purpose about work. The employee work compatibility with social well-being is important in creating a positive attitude
Control is the component which focuses on individuals through the process and ability to cope with situations in stress and his decision -making ability. Control includes individuals alternatives and resource available (Stein,2020)
Challenge is the ability to embrace changes in the organization. Employee workload and stress increases due to non-management of time and self updation to change in the organization
A person’s interest in work is done through belief and control that own ideas have progression and source for courage and motivation for action in stressful situation (Maree, 2017).
Hardiness indicates individuals coping and perseverance capability determined by demand at work. The combination is necessary for motivation for lack of security and threat experienced by diminishing authority at work, interpersonal conflict and communication barriers in the organization. Handling direct conversation in the meeting is helpful to tackle disagreement and voice the issues. Increasing long term productivity shows time management. Personality style helps to command our will power to overturn events by our perception and self-awareness. Perception drives our vulnerability in a stressful situation, focus on work. The individual resource as psychological hardiness with self-appraisal and coping mechanisms. High hardiness shows the problem -solving orientation developed through building resilience by streaming of operations and organizational growth
Figure 1- Stress management - (Chen, 2017)
Cognitive ability plays a key role in inculcating behavior in adverse situations. Personal resilience is built trough changes in lifestyle and social behavior. As an introvert,I could not build a rapport with my peer. Open forum created a diverse team that helped me withdraw my inhibitions. The development of self-control acts as an individual response to our intellectual attitude. Acknowledging stress and dealing with negative emotions build endurance from through change in mindset (Barry,2018). Procrastination further will add to anxiety which will adversely affect health
Some stress reduction exercise I practice is – meditation and early morning walks. Below are the strategies for stress reduction by psychological hardiness
Revising and rephrasing course of action through discussion and gathering information by an event associated to stress reduces the stress level. Directionless thought -provoking insight creates a barrier in re-insisting new processes and deploying efforts in time management and implementing change in lifestyle. The Personal goal act as a key metrics linked with motivation while working in a difficult scenario.
Dedicating an hour to physical activities. Long hours have been accustomed to fixed places may lead to muscle tiredness. An exercise is a great form of relaxation for the mind-body sanity. Identifying schedule for activities both work and personal for well-being. Muscle relaxation exercise through breathing exercise reduces anxiety
Curbing cynicism to reengage in work without preset notions is additional to growth mindset and adaptability in the organization by employees. Building a light environment in the workplace. Intellectual attitude and open mind relate to identifying the stressor and potential influence on work -life (Maree, 2017). Potential negative thoughts create a depressive attitude and self-loathing in accepting and understanding situation leading to isolation
Positive affirmation improves our thinking for taking stress as a challenge to create personal resilience by turning alternatives into opportunities.
Social support is essential for fundamental wellbeing helps in coping with stress. Communicating resolves potential health deterioration and anxiety that are caused by work demeanor. Reaching out for assistance by expressing disappointment and prevalent discomfort will enable understanding and engagement in maintaining work -life balance.
Analyzing problem and establishing control for learning strategies at work to increase adaptability to the fast-changing environment at work. Psychological training at work effectively transform an employee for working with organizational culture and timelines associated with the project by introducing self-affirmation and organizational culture
From the above discussion and understanding it can be concluded that personal resilience is effective in managing stress. Psychological hardiness helps in effective stress management through commitment, control, and challenge. Productivity varies through a change in work at home and flexible working. Effective organizational culture prevents burnout and boosts productivity. The 5 factors discussed are a measure for effective resilience at work can be adapted at work for developing resilience
Reference list
Barry, H. (2018). Emotional resilience: How to safeguard your mental health. London, UK: Hachette
Chen, D. (2017). Stress management and prevention: Application to daily life. NY, USA: Routledge
Fernandez, R. (2016).5 ways to boost your resilience at work. Retrieved from
Forbes. (2018). How to reduce burnout in your organization. Retrieved from
Greenberg, M. (2016).The stress-proof brain: Master your emotional response to stress using mindfulness and neuroplasticity. CA, USA: New harbinger publications.
Maree, K. (Ed.). (2017). Psychology of career adaptability, employability, and resilience. NY, USA: Springer
Nagoski, E., Nagoski, A. (2019). Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle. London, UK: Vermillon
Rees, J. (2019).The resilience toolkit: Powerful way to thrive in blue light services. London, UK.SRA Books
Schnall, L.P., Dobson, M., Ross, E., Elling, H.R. (2018). Unhealthy work: causes, consequence, and cure. NY, USA: Routledge
Stein, J.S., Bartone, T.P. (2020). Hardiness: Making stress work for you to achieve your life goals. NJ. USA: Wiley
The conversation. (2019). How remote working can increase stress and reduce wellbeing. Retrieved from
Valcour, M. (2016). Beating burnout. Harvard business review.94 (11), 98-101
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