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This report will consist of five tasks. The first task will evaluate different aspects related to the workforce planning and high turnover. In the second task, workforce planning will be developed as per the given case scenario. In the third task, equal employment opportunity statements and aspects will be covered. In the fourth task, flexible working arrangements projects will be implemented. In the fifth task, analysis of the exit interview will be done.
Task 1
Answer 1
Two benefits of Workforce Planning
Alignment: Workforce planning assists the managers to align the strategic plan with talent planning (Cacciattolo, November 2014).
Provide easy-to-use Reports: By using the workforce planning, managers can assess the impact of talent decisions. In addition, managers can also decide about the investment needed for future requirements.
Answer 2
Five reasons of High Turnover
Poor Working Conditions: Working conditions should be flexible and have proper amenities for the people. Poor working conditions due to physical elements lead to low productivity and overall job dissatisfaction. So, as a result of this, employee turnover increases.
Lack of Training: Training is important to develop required skills and competencies among the employees who start new jobs. Hence, due to lack of training, employees fail to adapt to the new working environment and leave the job.
Ineffective leadership: Ineffective leadership is also responsible for high employee turnover.
Employee Communication: Ineffective communication also avoids employee management and results into poor job satisfaction. This poor job satisfaction results into employee turnover.
Workplace Conflict: Workforce conflict is also a main reason of high employee turnover. It is so, as sometimes conflicts are not resolved by the management or HR. So, unresolved workplace conflict has a detrimental effect on employee morale.
Answer 3
Impact of High Turnover
High employee turnover is not good for the organizational business due to its negative impacts over the people morale. In addition, due to turnover, the organization has to hire new employee. So, hiring these new people also needs investment in training programs. Hence, it also increases the overall cost of the organization. Due to high employee turnover, the brand image or reputation of the organization is also affected in the public. High employee turnover also restricts the organization to focus over other productive activities needed for business growth (Flamholtz, 2012).
Answer 4
Benefits of Workforce Diversity
Sharing of Knowledge:
Workforce diversity promotes the culture of inclusiveness that believes in creating and sharing the knowledge.
Promote Innovation: With workforce diversity, an organization can motivate the employee to think innovative ideas for the business.
Productivity: Productivity of the organization is also increased with a diverse workforce.
Language Skills Development: With a diverse workforce, language skills among the employees also develop that is positive for adapting to the new culture of host countries (Daft, 2015).
Answer 5
Succession Planning
Succession planning is the process of exploring and developing people to address the needs of key business positions (Daft, 2015).
Answer 6
Three Ways to Retain Employees
Motivational Practices: By adopting motivational practices like rewards, appreciation for contribution or additional efforts etc., employees can be retained.
Equal Employment Opportunity Practices: By ensuring to adhere to the equal employment opportunity practices like fair wages, flexible working environment, anti-discriminatory practices, employees can be retained.
Training and Development Practices: By organizing training and development practices, an organization can help the employees to achieve their career progression goals. So, this can also help to retain the employees.
Answer 7
Five Characteristics of Employer
Leadership: An employee expects that his/her employer demonstrate a strong leadership towards the achievement.
Expectations: Employees should know about the expectations.
Environment: Working environment should be flexible, inspiring and free from discriminatory activities.
Core Values: The employer of choice should ensure the workplace based upon shared values and core principles of working (Champoux, 2010).
Encouragement: Every employee wants that their employer provide opportunities by encouraging them for every littler venture or activity.
Answer 8
National Skills Needs
National skills needs list is based upon labor market research. It identifies national trades that are categorized as the trade experiencing shortage of skills. Different trades included in this list are painter, carpenter, cook, baker, drainer, farmer, printer, binder, finisher, arborist, stonemason, toolmaker, machinist, joiner etc (About the National Skills Needs List, 2015).
Answer 9
Minimum Entitlements
10 minimum national employment standards are Maximum weekly hours, Requests for flexible working arrangements, Parental leave and related entitlements, Annual leave, Personal carers leave and compassionate leave, Community service leave, Long service leave, Public holidays, Notice of termination and redundancy pay and Fair Work Information Statement (National Employment Standards). An employer in Australia needs to follow all these 10 standards while employing the people.
Answer 10
ABS Labor Force Survey
ABS labor force survey (LFS) is conducted on monthly basis. The purpose of this survey is to determine number of employed, unemployed, rate of unemployment, participation rate of labor force etc. it also determines rate of change in the employment and employment to population ratio. Information like hours worked, part-time and full-time employment is also collected under the LFS (Overview, 2016).
Task 2
Workforce Planning
Plan Objectives
- To hire diverse people
- To recruit experienced and fresher
- To promote equal employment opportunities
Operational Priorities
Time management: The hiring operations will be aimed to save the valuable time to fill the gap between existing and new staff requirements for the two new campuses.
Cost Effectiveness: The workforce plan activities like sourcing, training and development will be cost effective.
Contingent: The workforce plan will be based over contingent strategies.
Diversity of Workforce
Currently, the workforce at Kind Edward vii Collage is not highly diversified. So, for the new campus planned to open in Sydney and Brisbane, it is important to hire a diversified workforce. Here, diversified workforce means people from all religions, all ages, both genders etc.
Organizations Requirements
The organizations requires a staff consisting of diverse background, both genders (male and females in equal proportion for both campus, fresher as well as experienced ones, people with multi-talent as receptionist, student service officer and trainers.
Factors impact workforce supply
Economic Conditions: Changing economic conditions influence the workforce supply for the college campuses.
Education Industry Trends: Education industry is directed towards a sustainable growth in Australia. For this, universities are collaborating with transnational opportunities to gain more expertise and promote Australian education by inviting people from all over the world including Asian countries (For Education Sector, 2016).
Skills and Labor Shortage: There are skills and labor shortage in Australia for positions like student service offers and trainers. So, it is also influencing the workforce supply for King Edward Vii College.
Unemployment Rate: As per the survey by ABS, the unemployment rate in Australia is 5.7%., as number of jobs is higher of part-time workers as compared full-time workers (Janda, 2016). So, it is problematic for the college.
Turnover Rate and Issues
Currently, the staff turnover rate is higher, as over 500 students, the staff number is only 24. The turnover ratio of trainers at the college is higher. Issues like career growth, management of college operations and inflexible working environment are influencing the turnover rate.
For high turnover: to address the high turnover rate of trainers, motivational practices and reasons of leaving the organizations will be assessed. For this, exit interview of the trainers will be conducted.
Retention: To retain the employees like trainers, flexible working environment, proper communication and effective leadership will be followed.
Cross Cultural training: To develop workforce diversity and ensure a cross-cultural environment, new and existing staff will be provided cross-cultural training.
Sourcing Skilled Labor: To ensure sourcing for skilled labor, both internal and external recruitment methods will be used (Flamholtz, 2012).
Contingency Strategies: To handle contingent situations, contingency planning like workforce planning including investment in workforce hiring will be determined in advance.