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BSBPRO301: Recommend Products & Services

May 03, 2017
Author : Mike Carey

Solution Code: 1JB

Question: Marketing Presentation Assignment

This assignment is related to "BSBPRO301: Recommend Products & Services" and experts at My Assignment Services AU successfully delivered HD quality work within the given deadline.

Assessment (2 products)

On 2 different occasions, Assume that you are working in a marketing department in a business (choose any organisation of your own choice) selling different product range and services. Some new employees have been recruited to work in your organisation. You have to provide training to new employees. This will be delivered after their initial induction.

Develop a presentation to explain the procedure involved in recommending products and services. In your presentation you will discuss the following:

Steps taken to research the product range (Gathering information by using survey or customer feedback (student can find an example of survey and customer feedback on website)

1. Compare your product warranties, price, features and benefits with the competitor’s

  • Compare – Benefits
  • Features
  • Strengths
  • Limitations
  • Price
  • Guarantees and Warrantees


2. Promotional activity

3. After sales services.

In last, you will present information about the importance of client feedback Each presentation is to run for 10 minutes

You need to submit two presentations notes including all the above mentioned points it.

It is strongly suggested that you select the same organisation but products / services range.

Example: nike shoes,nike watch compare with Adidas etc.

These assignments are solved by our professional marketing assignment writing experts at My Assignment Services AU and the solution are high quality of work as well as 100% plagiarism free. The assignment solution was delivered within 2-3 Days.

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