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Integrated Production Management

Table of Contents


IPM Plan – Part A discussion and relevance.

Financial Management

Environmental Management

Ethics and social Sustainability.

Implementation and conclusion.


Introduction to Precision Agriculture Data Management

The major contribution to agriculture and agricultural production is made by water. Water enhances the chances of economic viability of farming system and creating sustainability for the same. However, considering the positive impact and contributions of water management it can also be observed that water management practice includes various challenges and negative effect. Effects like loss of biodiversity, pollution, water resource exhaustion, climate change, fossil fuels are some of the ethical issues faced considering water management practices.

IPM Plan – Part A Discussion and Relevance

In the past few years, it has been observed that increase in agriculture production has enabled the need for water management. In fact, water management in a way has enabled the substantial increase in the production of agriculture. With the increase of negative impacts and challenges in water management it can be said that it must be carried out by fulfilling all the ethical liabilities. Challenged to farmers have been possessed with the water management practices. Water contribute substantially to food and security of humans and their nutrition. Water management must reduce the harmful effect in terms of environment, human health and maintaining decent living conditions. 

Financial Management

When it comes to the financial management of water resources management then it creates a clear and pressing need for government to act and strengthen the financial dimension of water resources management or water management. According to previous studies, it has been identified that water management policies and instruments are focusing on overall water management considering it as a major objective. There have been a lot of challenges in water management considering the protection of water resources from excessive use, misuse, pollution and to save the ecology (Mukherjee et al, 2018). Challenges like safeguarding and improving the hydrological cycle are there along with adequate water supply quality and quality of water out of the challenges. There is always a financial gap identified when it comes to water resource management. Water-related services are underprovided considering the requirement. Two parties please important role that is private and public water managers. Both of them are not clear with the responsibilities and beneficiaries to be provided. A framework to stand and exes the financial dimension in terms of water management is very much necessary. Increased competition, untreated wastewater, number of dwellers, and water supply challenges are common by outlooking at the environmental Outlook report of 2050 (Shelef et al, 2018). There are four principles available to manage the finances related to water management. This will help in providing proper policy to be taken on priority and versify the local conditions of water to manage the financing of water management. The first one is for polluter pay. According to the polluter pay principle that will be followed in the financing of water resource management of activity or principal will be created to ensure that pollution and cost related to water will be minimized and revenue generation practices will be increased for compensation of water or welfare losses. The next one is beneficiary pay. According to this principle, water resources management will not be sharing any financial burden. However, opportunity cost will be taken as public funding and private goods and a provision of offering can be offered considering the affordable amount. Private benefits will be attached to the water management practices and beneficiaries will be identified and valued by setting some that are completely harmless. Equity on the other hand will also provide a policy framework for water management (Dita et al, 2018). It addressed the competitiveness, for ability, driven of principles, and disproportionate of water and user capacity. Then other policies related to coherence will be there considering the water resources. Energy policies will be increased by increasing the cost of water management. Agriculture and land use will be identified and will be reform and reallocated. Public money and policy will follow the cost-effective measures while channeling on additional funding and mobilizing the additional funding in the water management sector.

Environmental Management

Water management and sustainable water management are two identical yet different tones. Water must be self-sufficient and must ensure to meet the requirements of multiple people whether it comes from agriculture to industry or other municipalities. Water supply having to be consistent and must create climate-changing impacts like rainfall and brought being the party of equality. Too much of rain or too much flood is resilient but still, water supply and its management must win the more Sistine able manner. Economics is considering a clear margin balance between the demand and supply of the water delivery processes. Many management practices are trying to ensure water management as much efficient as possible. Water and sustainability insist on managing the water and water treatment technology are so that they can neutrally couple that additional water treatment and provide renewable energy is. Sustainability of water management is done to meet the needs of water without compromising on any need of any person. Any kind of discrimination can be avoided considering achieving the desired level of water management and it’s much Efficient inability (Röös et al, 2018). A multidisciplinary and holistic approach is being applied to address the issue. Technical, economic, societal, environmental, the landscape is thetic and cultural issues are also addressed as a part of water management and environmental management. Sustainable way or in environmental water management also includes the provision of water to be considered at the minimum rate to sustain life. Water is essential for full enjoyment of life and human rights and therefore the environmental management approaches are there to effectively manage the water resources? An integrated approach is are there to meet the multiple demands of water and make sustainable water not just a dream but a practical scenario. Environmental management of water insists on the factor of making sustainable water management practices that will make sure to plan effectively on water and wastewater system management. The process will also include the infrastructure, operations, Sustainability of the water management and community is serving in the same area. For the effective environmental management of water management goals and projects are optimized economically, socially, and environmentally to provide an inclusive and transparent process in water management. Consistent reliability and alternatives are being approached to meet the objective of the water utility and community goals. Long-term financial, technical, and managerial capacity of the utility considered with water management has always been enhanced and an increase. While taking a long-term planning horizon in terms of water management long-term infrastructure operations and management and maintenance commitments must be increased (Fulton and Port, 2018). The potential benefit of environmental management on water management does not realize overshoot repeat of time but take a long wait of time to be visible. Environmental management practices on water management insist on cost-effective factors of water management that are also resource-efficient and consistent.

Ethics and Social Sustainability

Ethics and social sustainability of water management examine water management with an integrated model of three pillar sustainability that are economic, social-cultural, and environmental. A better understanding of environmental concerns related to water management can be understood with this approach. It has been reported that meeting the water need is becoming difficult with each passing day. Therefore, considering the ethic and social sustainability approach on water management equal distribution must be taken as a prioritized criterion. In this case, the ethical framework of the social development model of water management must be approached. It states that each one depends on the biosphere for sustaining one life. Whether it comes to community, country everyone is striving for their survival and learnings. The fundamental human right is equitable and must be accessed by all (Tei et al, 2020). Therefore, equal distribution should be taken as primary criteria even as mentioned in economic, social, and cultural scenarios. The new methodology must be there to handle the water needs and water management challenges in both ethical and sustainable practices. Accordingly, a culture of trust must be created when it comes to self-expression, individual freedom, and having political orientation. Crucial to the democratic approach must be applied. It will integrate factors of resource usability in the most sustainable criteria, economic welfare, and other developments in terms of social and cultural aspects (Shah and Wu, 2019). Also, it has been mentioned by few researchers that economic scarcity and water scarcity are two major issues and both are interlinked therefore to have survival it is important to take both of them as an important expression. Ethical values and social behavior must be in a context that they provide social sustainability and environmental protection to various environmental challenges like water management. Tolerance of diversity is also raising a high demand for management of economic and political life which also creates a barrier among water management practices. A justification for ethical and moral conduct or is also the social sustainability conduct must be justified (Migliorini and Wezel, 2017).

Implementation and Conclusion on Precision Agriculture Data Management

The conclusion can be drawn that the integrated production management plan related to water management will identify important principles related to it considering the financial, environmental, and social sustainability criteria is. Management priorities are being focused on reflecting on the recommendations important for water management. Ethical social and environmental issues are discussed related to crop and water management in local and global space effectively providing relevant information for the decision-making process.

References for Precision Agriculture Data Management

Dita, M., Barquero, M., Heck, D., Mizubuti, E.S. and Staver, C.P., 2018. Fusarium wilt of banana: current knowledge on epidemiology and research needs toward sustainable disease management. Frontiers in plant science, 9, p.1468, Available at:, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

Fulton, J.P. and Port, K., 2018. Precision agriculture data management. Precision agriculture basics, pp.169-187, Available at:, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

Migliorini, P. and Wezel, A., 2017. Converging and diverging principles and practices of organic agriculture regulations and agroecology. A review. Agronomy for sustainable development, 37(6), p.63, Available at: file:///C:/Users/TEMP.DESKTOP-1JCDSQN.001/Downloads/Migliorini-Wezel2017_Article_ConvergingAndDivergingPrincipl.pdf, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

Mukherjee, J., Mridha, N., Mondal, S., Chakraborty, D. and Kumar, A., 2018. Identifying suitable soil health indicators under variable climate scenarios: a ready reckoner for soil management. In Advances in Crop Environment Interaction (pp. 205-227). Springer, Singapore., Available at:, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

Röös, E., Mie, A., Wivstad, M., Salomon, E., Johansson, B., Gunnarsson, S., Wallenbeck, A., Hoffmann, R., Nilsson, U., Sundberg, C. and Watson, C.A., 2018. Risks and opportunities of increasing yields in organic farming. A review. Agronomy for sustainable development, 38(2), p.14, Available at:, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

Shah, F. and Wu, W., 2019. Soil and crop management strategies to ensure higher crop productivity within sustainable environments. Sustainability, 11(5), p.1485, Available at:, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

Shelef, O., Fernández-Bayo, J.D., Sher, Y., Ancona, V., Slinn, H. and Achmon, Y., 2018. Elucidating Local Food Production to Identify the Principles and Challenges of Sustainable Agriculture. In Sustainable Food Systems from Agriculture to Industry (pp. 47-81). Academic Press, Available at:, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

Tei, F., De Neve, S., de Haan, J. and Kristensen, H.L., 2020. Nitrogen management of vegetable crops. Agricultural Water Management, 240, p.106316, Available at:, [Accessed on 24 October 2020].

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