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Introduction to Digital Visual Journal

Every digital visual journal is an amalgamation of documentation which incorporates ideas and rejuvenates new process is that are able to conceptualize the emergence of a new inquiry followed by ensuring engagement completely into the procedure by addition of photographs, narratives, drawings, sound recordings, music as well as other creative domains (Abidah et al., 2020). The objective of this report is to ensure an inquiry into the children education and their future requirements which is conceptualized through the platform of digital visual journal respectively.

Existing Scenario

Based on the situation with which the entire world is confronting and dealing with such uncertain situation, here it is quite obvious that children are facing similar troubles in their duration of schooling. Children in the rural areas were not able to access proper schooling and educational facilities (Sahin et al., 2018). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation there is lesser probability that students are able to access the classes after being present physically in their schools. They have lesser ability to convey their actual situation and it is the responsibility of the elders to understand the challenges that they are facing and how the children can cope up with the situation followed by ensuring that their educational process do not get interrupted (Leszczynski, 2019). Children through the entire growth process have different capabilities of their learning skills. Initially a child is being found to grab information and knowledge by visualizing things followed by trying to speak and communicate with others and hearing what others say. Hearing things in children to obtain knowledge by cognitive learning and it is within the sphere of cognitive development when they acquire education and whatever is taught around them. Each and every children both in the urban and rural areas doesn't have the facility of accessing online platforms and reveal their education that are being taught by the teachers in the respective classes to the digitalized platform. Every student doesn't have literate parents who can guide them to access the video conferences on the same units that are thrown by the teachers and respective faculties (Surber, 2020). Hence, it is highly required that proper internet connectivity is available in the door steps of each and every children followed by them they are enough knowledgeable about accessing the educational platforms to digitalize mediums. This is because of the fact that all the rural and urban areas throughout the countries in the entire world doesn't have the sufficient speed and availability of internet connections for which children face lower connection and the class get interrupted through which educational given to them (Torrau, 2020).

Probable Measures that Should Be Undertaken

The digital visual journal provides an understanding through which strong connection can be established thoroughly between in the children who are getting their education and the people who are giving the education through the digitized platform which is currently the need of the hour after the pandemic situation globally.

The nitty-gritty of confronted by the children are necessary to be understood appropriately. It is important to ensure that the regulatory measures should be undertaken based upon proper safety assessment and along with that it is also necessary that the ongoing educational process should not get interrupted for the children. Moreover, this should be true for each and every child irrespective of the fact that would live in urban area who lives in rural area (Ahmad & Zabadi, 2020). The facilities obtained by each and every children should be equivalent and should be freed from any kind of biasness depending upon their demographic condition are there economic situation. The core idea that is invigorating a strong influence and its necessity for the children is the sustenance of future generation based upon the existing limitation in terms of pandemic that has changed the entire scenario of the world. Such a limitation due to any pandemic cannot interact with the progress of the human race and at any cost it should progress over time (Chavez-Arana et al., 2018). This requires our endeavor to inculcate the process of appropriate educational management that can take care of the future generation. The limitations of the children should be understood and the availability of appropriate educational facility is to be available for them at their door steps. Non-profit organizations as well as a government that is working at the next available of any country should take care of these aspects so that the future generation who cheat plane in the current Singh are you do not get suffered due to the pandemic situation that is prevailing currently (Churiyah et al., 2020).

The fundamental plinth lies in identifying the existing scenarios by conducting surveys for facing the children as well as their parents and different educational institutions that are providing education to children on a face to face base. If that is not possible, in that case, video conferencing as well as continuous monitoring procedure for overtime should be implemented in order to understand the scenario towards which the educational system is moving forward (Delgado et al., 2018). A proper digital visual journal will help in understanding this time scenarios based upon digitalized platforms as well as converting the real facts and figures through visual platforms. Journal provide appropriate understanding with arranged information and images formed by produce as well as narratives and sound recordings, etc. through which appropriate understanding over the scenario can be made. Along with that a digital visual journal provides a beforehand document based upon appropriate actions can be undertaken by appropriate authorities depending upon the understanding that it delivers as well as a necessity that it reveals as requirement (Erll, 2020).

The following diagram clearly depicts the importance of communication as well as channelizing in action by utilizing the digitized mediums and ensuring the people are maintaining safety in their way of living. The first part of the digital visual journal incorporates the importance of electronic media; apply computer tabs or mobiles through which children can communicate with their parents and tutors (Gómez Cruz, 2016). The next part incorporate the importance of gathering knowledge about what has already taken place in it and what is the existing situation globally. It is important to ensure that today's generation should be much aware about the information that are circulated in the international level as well as they should get acquainted about the entire world by sitting in their home. There should be provision for enough internet connectivity e in each door steps where children are growing and they should have enough access to every possible opportunities through which they can communicate with their elders whether it be parents as well as teachers (Khan & Faisal, 2020). They should remain connected with each and every body from their required at any situation (Leszczynski, 2019). This will reduce the hindrance of any kind of educational interaction and will allow the progress of education of children to grow over time.

 It is also required for children as depicted from the picture where there is a visual image of a globe and a girl child is sitting in front of it in a playground. It reveals that there is also necessity for children to go around in Grounds but with appropriate protection (Keifer-Boyd & Smith-Shank, 2017). It has been incorporated in the images below that there is higher necessity for washing hands as well as every body parts liberally to avoid any presence of germs in the body and is it can affect the health drastically. Children should be aware about the importance of taking sufficient care of health from their early childhood since it will help them to grow as a man appropriately for the coming generation (Sahin et al., 2018). Doctors concern as well as their prescription should be appropriately followed along with that value should be given to each and every knots and Healthcare supporters who provide their endless and relentlessly kind-hearted support 24 hours for each and everybody (Pentini & Lorenz, 2020).

From the above diagram it can be incorporated that it is highly essential to understand the children requirements and improvise the educational system accordingly so that it can be delivered in a appropriate manner (Surber, 2020). This will help to access the knowledge database as well as grow overtime from an infant to a mature human being even in situations of natural disasters. The digital visual journal provides what those specific information that are desired by a child from playing a Piano, turning the page on the books as well as holding their baby brother or swimming in the pool. Along with that drawing and colouring followed by writing and reading stories are other requirements of children apart from only substantial education. Children requires to not only accurate information and term them as knowledge but also they requires there growth of Mind with playfulness (Valentini et al., 2018). It is also important that the children should remain adhere to the direction towards which the future generation is moving like the digitize gadgets like iPad, Mac book, iPhone or even the upcoming artificial intelligence equipped supercomputers. Children should get opportunity to have a ice cream as well as a full spoon of candies as well as they should have opportunity to use Scrapbook and laptops with lollipops where they can actually with their openness of mind and do whatever they want to do in their playfulness (Torrau, 2020). All these are shown with a two-hand figure in the digital visual journal where there is importance of making cookies as well as Pancakes along with that playing eaters or travelling to Candy bars followed by playing with toys and learning how to tie the shoes up. This will allow the children to grow with both their hands crossed and allowing their desires and learning procedure to be developed in a playful manner.

Recommendations on Digital Visual Journal

It is recommended that appropriate measurement should be undertaken to implement a significant inquiry upon the children education and system and the required improvisation based upon the existing pandemic situations that can come even in near future. Considering natural disasters as well as pandemics to be something very common it is essential to to care of the education system and to ensure that the growth process of the children do not get hampered due to such barriers. A digital visual journal provides an informative understanding about the necessity of children in the present case as well as the requirements based upon which efficient channelization of resources can be made to ensure optimum obtainment of the appropriate outcomes as required or as ought to be.

  • It is the role and responsibility of the teachers as well as parents to ensure student safety in terms of cultivating the process of sanitizing their hands and their dresses making then disinfectant of along with making them of self-conscious about taking care of health
  • Health is the most precious gift whether it be Physical health or mental health but it is the most required aspect that should be taken under consideration from the childhood and every children should be taught about it.
  • To cope up with situations and uncertainty is it is essential to ensure that internet connectivity should be available irrespective of whether the children that are acquiring education are present in urban area or rural area.
  • Irrespective of any demographic limitation of the children it will be the responsibility of the government as well as organizations that are working at the Grass root level.
  • There should be presence of internet connectivity as well as access to any request information about the internal Revolt in the doorstep of the students so that they can I will the knowledge and required skills that will assure their survival in the long run.
  • It is important to value doctors prescriptions as well as their recommendations for maintaining a safe environment around every people in their family as well as home and their office areas and every children should be acquainted with these facts from their early childhood to their education system and cognitive development process
  • It is essential for every children to acquire knowledge to digitize medium since it is the direction towards which the world is proceeding currently there is hi necessity of learning artificial intelligence as well as other areas of electronics
  • It is necessary for the children to get aware about health as well as valuable life by enjoying their playfulness also outside their home but within safe zones where their health will not get affected due to any jobs are viruses or disease
  • Children should practice sanitizing their hands as well as washing their hands whenever possible since it will keep them free from any diseases and will reduce the probability and risk associated with virus bacteria or any kind of jobs that can affect their biological health
  • Parents and teachers should allow practice of maintaining hygienic and Healthy lifestyle within children from their early childhood so that when they grow up the two not get bifurcated from the track
  • Children should nurture the skills to take care of the natural environment which is helping them to survive in a mutually beneficial manner without allowing environmental degradation
  • Children are the future generation of the human species and hence their educational system should cover up the whole things that complete the survival of human beings in the materialistic world even in situations like natural disasters for pandemics with which currently the world is suffering.
  • Children of the flagship bearer of the human species and hence they should be taken care of to the educational improvement and developing the children from their early childhood in a significant manner by improvising the process of education the difference in a substantial way that is simultaneously effective as well as helpful for the future generation.

References for Digital Visual Journal

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Ahmad, N. A. A., & Zabadi, A. M. (2020). Transition to Online Education in Palestinian kindergartens During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Al-Ameen Kindergarten as a Case Study. American Journal of Educational Research8(8), 600-608. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Chavez-Arana, C., Catroppa, C., Carranza-Escárcega, E., Godfrey, C., Yáñez-Téllez, G., Prieto-Corona, B., ... & Anderson, V. (2018). A systematic review of interventions for hot and cold executive functions in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury. Journal of pediatric psychology43(8), 928-942. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Churiyah, M., Sholikhan, S., Filianti, F., & Sakdiyyah, D. A. (2020). Indonesia Education Readiness Conducting Distance Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding7(6), 491-507. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Delgado, D. A., Lambert, B. S., Boutris, N., McCulloch, P. C., Robbins, A. B., Moreno, M. R., & Harris, J. D. (2018). Validation of digital visual analog scale pain scoring with a traditional paper-based visual analog scale in adults. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Global research & reviews2(3). Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Erll, A. (2020). Afterword: Memory worlds in times of Corona. Memory Studies13(5), 861-874. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Gómez Cruz, E. (2016). Trajectories: digital/visual data on the move. Visual Studies31(4), 335-343. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Keifer-Boyd, K. T., & Smith-Shank, D. L. (2017). Born digital: Visual culture & gender. Visual Arts Research43(1), 17-35. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Khan, N., & Faisal, S. (2020). Epidemiology of Corona virus in the world and its effects on the China economy. Available at SSRN 3548292. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Leszczynski, A. (2019). Digital methods II: Digital-visual methods. Progress in Human Geography43(6), 1143-1152. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Pentini, A. A., & Lorenz, W. (2020). The Corona crisis and the erosion of ‘the social’–giving a decisive voice to the social professions. European Journal of Social Work23(4), 543-553. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Sahin, N. T., Abdus-Sabur, R., Keshav, N. U., Liu, R., Salisbury, J. P., & Vahabzadeh, A. (2018). Case Study of a Digital Augmented Reality Intervention for Autism in School Classrooms: Associated With Improved Social Communication, Cognition, and Motivation via Educator and Parent Assessment. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 3, p. 57). Frontiers. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Surber, R. S. (2020). Corona pan (dem) ic: gateway to global surveillance. Ethics and Information Technology, 1-10. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Torrau, S. (2020). Exploring Teaching and Learning about the Corona Crisis in Social Studies Webinars: A Case Study. Journal of Social Science Education19, 15-29. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

Valentini, C., Romenti, S., Murtarelli, G., & Pizzetti, M. (2018). Digital visual engagement: influencing purchase intentions on Instagram. Journal of Communication Management. Retrieved 22nd October, 2020 from

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