Leadership in nursing or in medical services can be critical as compare to the leadership in a business or a product dealing organization. Nurses and doctors are the ones who take responsibilities to lead a proper and effective medical organization. According to a study conducted by Ahlström (2019) demonstrates that leadership is a quality which enables to guide and to influence a group of people towards a common goal. One of the qualities of leadership is to influence the team members of the organization. Medical services are very critical as doctors and nurses have to deal with the people who need treatment. Education is very important to lead a medical organization because it includes the research for the treatment of the patients. Leadership in medical management has many characteristics like listening, vision, empathy and integrity.
Listening: According to a study conducted by Amestoy et al. (2017) states that a good leader believes in communication and listening to the member of the teams. Leadership is more effective when leaders are always open to listen the point of views and recommendations from the team members or employees. In an organization when employees have given the opportunity to share their views are more likely to stay and work in an organization because they feel respected (Van Hecke et al., 2019). Those employees who participate actively in the activities, projects and decision making have a very high job satisfaction and higher commitment towards organization.
Vision: According to a book (seven habits of highly successful people) states that a successful leader needs a clear vision in his mind to achieve anything. Visions are the realistic goals of an organization or a person. Leaders share the visions with all the team members to get the best results from them (Balmer, 2020). Successful leaders are most likely face the challenges on the daily basis and they know how to tackle the problems. It’s very important to make a mind full of visions while working in a health facility.
Empathy: Empathy is considered to be a very basic quality of a human, but it’s actually missing in the workplace. In a healthcare sector providers and nurses show the empathy to the patients but also neglect same with the coworkers that they also need the empathy. Empathy is as similar as respect, if we are ready to give respect to others then we will get respect from them as well same goes with empathy, if we give empathy to others we get the empathy in return from them. Good leaders never roll their eyes by getting frustrated and never show that they don’t have time to listen to the complaints and the feelings of the coworkers or employees. A great leader is always open to listen the feeling or the problems that the coworkers are facing.
Integrity: Integrity creates a thread that holds all the health workers and doesn’t matter what position a person is holding in the organization, they helps each other in every point of time. A good leader is the one who always helps the person that is in need. It’s never about the position of provider or a management. A great management of work can only be done when there is integrity as a nature in all the workers.
These were some characteristics which are needed while working as leader in a healthcare organization. Quality of the best team leader measures on the basis of improving the team performance after knowing all the positive and negative factors of the team. A group leader should be present to address issues revolving pressures of personal differences as well as to develop a cohesive environment within the group. Leadership in the context of medical management can be critical as it is oriented to deliver and provide the experience of best medical facilities to the patients. As everything cannot be perfect, same goes with leadership as well. While adaption the leadership, leader faces many problems as well.
In this report, shared the recommendations and solutions briefly that how can we build a team that is more efficient in doing the work. Some of the major key recommendations to make an efficient team are good communication, team members should have a clear vision of the process to reach the goal of the organization and that includes in commitment, each member of the team working on the same project must have a mindset of ownership and ready to contribute their knowledge as well as time and focus not only on the organizational needs but also on the team member’s perks and benefits. All these recommended keys can help in constructing an efficient team in the medical management.
Leadership in nursing is very critical and highly valued. Nurses have to be prepared for all the circumstances. In the research by The Institute of Medicine, it’s been observed that, nurses have to be ready for all the part of the medical. Mainly leadership refers to influencing the group of people. Leadership includes the key factors such as motivation, communication, and integrity and goal attainment. These were the factors which helps a leader to achieve a good team. Achieving a good and effective team is a very big task. It takes a lot of courage to build a team which follows and work with same dedication as a leader has. Leader can only modify the team efficiency with the help of some solutions. Leadership is only based on the teamwork.
Teamwork is an action that is taken by all the team members to work or accomplish the task in an effective and efficient manner. Teamwork plays an important role in an organization as all the team members have a common goal. Actions taken by the team members are always to reach the organizational goals. Efforts of each team member are goal oriented for the organization. Teamwork helps to reduce the burden of excessive work load from an individual. Teamwork leads to achieve many difficult tasks as every team member shares their innovative ideas to make it successful. Teamwork helps to complete a project in a very short time of period as one work is divided and given to each member equally.
There are different types of responsibilities and practices in medical management. Doctors and nurses have to take care of many things such as to teach and to train all the team members so that they can perform well in the absence of any department manager or doctor, another critical responsibility is to plan all the work and to manage or using the available resources effectively and efficiently, the doctors or the medical management also have the responsibilities regarding to the issue of employment and the most important responsibility is to improve the facilities and the services which are provided by the hospital and the management which includes doctors and nurses. Leadership has several practices to manage the management of medical and the first principle is leadership based on evidence (Klinke & Jónsdóttir, 2019).
Evidence oriented leadership refers to the research and study done by the management for the efficient and impactful leadership. Nurses and doctors firstly studies and research about the facts and collects evidence so that they can provide the best services to the patients. Evidence is actually required for the medical management to create trust in between the patients for the medical faculties. Nurses and doctors use the researches and the data so that they can provide the best and excellent practices to the patients. There are three types of behavior in the leadership which is based on evidence that are strategies, cross cutting and functional. The leadership which is based on the evidence actually requires focus on the language and literature and they are used on the daily basis.
This helps in to plan that are the issues related to the research and that build on each other on a continuous basis and that results to adapt the change. Now another part of the leadership that is based on the evidence is functional. Functional is a behavior that includes encouraging others to apply the practices that are evidence based. In functional behavior, if leaders want a team to adapt the wanted behavior then leaders have to act as a model to get the wanted actions and behavior from the team. Now the last type of behavior in the evidence based practice that is cross cutting. In cross cutting, the leaders provide a culture that supports the practices based on evidence (Uhl-Bien et al., 2019). In this behavior, leaders encourages the faculties to motivate them and have a proper communication behavior for the team members and also make sure that every team member follows the strategic behavior and functional behavior to provide the best services to the patients. Second principle of the leadership in medical management is leadership excellence.
Leadership excellence has characteristics that provide better understanding of the principle; the first characteristic is leadership philosophy that includes service, communication and commitment, Mission commitment that tells to attach the mission to an organization, Leader should always covey these qualities to others that are encouraging, empowerment and mentoring, Leaders should always respect the members of the team because they all are the prestigious part of the organization (Suhonen et al., 2019). Leaders of the medical management should use the perspective for the short and long term both. Every member of the management should always open to the feedback of the services from the respective patients.
So, these were the characteristics that define the leadership excellence in a proper manner (Meretoja et al., 2019). Third principle of the leadership in medical management is organizational excellence. Organizational excellence refers to an organization which is constantly putting efforts to improve the environment of organization, standard of the services provided by the doctors and nurses and framework. Organizational excellence needs a strategic planning, leadership and also a direct focus on the patients and the customers. It also includes the focus on the business management, information and analysis, process management and human resources (Kiss et al., 2020). Organizational excellence completely depends on the internal factors as well as on the external factors.
An internal factor includes the aspects of the employees. Internal factors are only dependent on the employee that includes the goals related to them and an external factor depends on the customers and market. Now the last principle of a leadership in medical management is optimal health status. Optimal health status refers to a state where a patient is completely well. In the leadership of medical management, optimal health status plays a very major role because providing a good service and helping patients for the total recovery helps to improve the standard of an organization (Miles & Scott, 2019). It creates trust in all the patients who are trusting to the hospital and doctors or nurses for the better cure. Evidence oriented leadership, leadership excellence, organizational excellence and optimal health status are the four principles of the leadership in medical management and all the four factors provide a better leadership in the management of an organization.
Leadership in medical management faces several critical issues like reimbursement, technology, workforce shortage, health care policy and leadership gap. Reimbursement refers to a situation when government tells health care organization to lower down the cost and the fees charged from the patients (Harvey et al., 2019). Technology can be a very critical issue for the medical management because medical authorities have to keep on updating the technologies. Workforce shortage refers the shortage of staff.
Reimbursement: Reimbursement refers to the situation when a health facility has to cut down the fees and the costs that are charged by the patients. It is a major external challenge for the medical services provider. It means that the providers can’t earn much profit because government is always changing the fee schedule as per the services (Heinen et al., 2019). This situation creates a major barrier for the providers of health organization. After having this challenges, health organizations creates fundamental changes in their work standards to survive the business.
Technology: In the medical services, providers and organization need to change and update the technology for the better services. Technology can be categorized for the equipments that are specialized to the system that provide information. The way it’s creating a problem or challenge for the organization is the increasing cost of the technologies for the personalized medicines (Collins et al., 2019). These technologies are not only costly to buy and difficult to implement but also these technologies needs qualified and updated workers to operate them. Leaders have to look for the best decision for business and should know the actual needs of technology. They also have to hire and train the workers which are required for the updated technologies.
Workforce shortage: There are many health care facilities that are facing the shortage of qualified and skilled workforce. There are very less count of graduates in the industry of health care and it’s becoming very difficult to find the nurses (Jónsdóttir et al., 2019). As the health care industry grows then its need more employees and nurses to fulfill the requirements of the health care services. Leaders are responsible to hire the people who are suitable for the jobs required in the hospitals so that they can help the management and the providers. The understanding of labor market is very important for the health care. Leaders should know that how to hire the qualified and talented people without affecting the cost and the profit of the business much.
Healthcare policy: Affordable care act has high uncertainty. There is a tremendous impact of ACA in the market for the insurances. The impact of ACA created a major barrier for the health care companies and insurance companies in the expansion of their business (Goemaes et al., 2019). These health care policies are based on the predictions. They predict that what scale of the populations will be served and then they predict the profits and the expenditure. In today’s date many providers have to provide the services and operate with the availability of uncertainty. Providers and leaders have to ready to adapt every change that might come from the rules and regulations of health care policy.
Leadership Gap: Another major challenge of the health care facilities is the leadership gap. Health care leaders have very high standard tasks to manage all the staff and management of the industry. They have to accept the changes which are uncertain and the expenses of the business (Heinen et al., 2019). They also have to take care of the vacancies and to hire the qualified workers for the effective work in organization. They are most likely to have a very busy work schedule that they hardly get time to have leadership training. Leadership training is the most important factor that helps the leaders to sharpen their skill while working at their job and helps to manage several factors.
These were the five problems and challenges that every health care organization faces.
All the problems and the critical issues can be resolved by the good strategy and planning. Leadership in health care services can be improved by some recommendations and the factors that can improve the leadership in health care services are:
Strategic Decision Making: Leadership can be improved in the health care facilities if the decision making is very strategic. While making decision management and leaders of the health care facilities should know what will be the outcome of the respective decisions (Jónsdóttir et al., 2019). They have to prepare a strategic plan so that the decision outcomes can be more profitable.
Communication: Leadership can be improved when there is a practice of communication in the health care service. A good leader believes in communication and listening to the member of the teams. Leadership is more effective when leaders are always open to listen the point of views and recommendations from the team members or employees. In an organization when employees have given the opportunity to share their views are more likely to stay and work in an organization because they feel respected. Communication should be a prior responsibility of a leader.
Training: Health care leaders have very high standard tasks to manage all the staff and management of the industry. They have to accept the changes which are uncertain and the expenses of the business. They also have to take care of the vacancies and to hire the qualified workers for the effective work in organization (Fischer, 2016). They are most likely to have a very busy work schedule that they hardly get time to have leadership training. Leadership training is the most important factor that helps the leaders to sharpen their skill while working at their job and helps to manage several factors in work area.
Encouragement: When someone is appreciated for any work they get motivated, same goes with the employees and coworkers. A good leader always encourages other people to work better. Encouragement is a very important factor that makes employees and coworkers feel appreciated and they have a perspective that their work is important for the organization so they starts taking initiative and responsibilities to deliver the work perfectly.
Feedback: Feedback is very important to operate a good and profitable health care facility. Leaders should always ask for the feedback from their patients so that they can be aware of where they are lacking and what needs to be improved from the management end. The high standard of services always holds a customer for a long time.
These were the key factors which can help in improving the standards of work and the leadership in the health care facility. Leadership in nursing is very critical and highly valued. Nurses have to be prepared for all the circumstances (Harvey et al., 2019). In the research by The Institute of Medicine, it’s been observed that, nurses have to be ready for all the part of the medical. Mainly leadership refers to influencing the group of people. Leadership in medical management has four principles that help to conduct the leadership in a very effective and efficient manner. Those characteristics of leadership are listening, vision, empathy and integrity. Leadership in medical management also faces some critical issues like reimbursement, technology, workforce shortage, health care policy and leadership gap. The critical issues can be resolved by the proper planning and strategies. There are five factors which can shape leadership in health care facilities and they are strategic decision making, communication, training, encouragement and feedback.
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Goemaes, R., Decoene, E., Beeckman, D., Verhaeghe, S., & Van Hecke, A. (2019). Where is leadership in nursing and midwifery: activities and associated competencies of advanced practice nurses and advanced midwife practitioners. In CARE4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Congress, Third Edition.
Harvey, G., Gifford, W., Cummings, G., Kelly, J., Kislov, R., Kitson, A., ... & Ehrenberg, A. (2019). Mobilising evidence to improve nursing practice: A qualitative study of leadership roles and processes in four countries. International journal of nursing studies, 90, 21-30.
Heinen, M., Van Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(11), 2378-2392.
Jónsdóttir, H. (2019). State of Leadership in Nursing Science in Iceland. In Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries (pp. 131-147). Springer, Cham.
Kiss, E., Simpson, A., & Smith, C. M. (2020). Nursing Professional Development Practitioners in Leadership Roles: Leading Academic–Practice Partnerships. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 36(2), 99-103.
Klinke, M. E., & Jónsdóttir, H. (2019). Complexity Leadership in the Collaboration Between Academia and Clinical Nursing: Searching for Harmony. In Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries (pp. 149-160). Springer, Cham.
Meretoja, R., Lindfors, K., & Kotila, J. (2019). Professional Practice Competence Framework for the Nurse Leader. In Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries (pp. 115-127). Springer, Cham.
Miles, J. M., & Scott, E. S. (2019). A new leadership development model for nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(1), 5-11.
Suhonen, R., Ylönen, M., Jalonen, L., & Holopainen, A. (2019). Leading Evidence-Based Practice in Finnish Healthcare. In Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries (pp. 83-98). Springer, Cham.
Uhl-Bien, M., Meyer, D., & Smith, J. (2020). Complexity Leadership in the Nursing Context. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 44(2), 109-116.
Van Hecke, A., Goemaes, R., Verhaeghe, S., Beyers, W., Decoene, E., & Beeckman, D. (2019). Leadership in nursing and midwifery: Activities and associated competencies of advanced practice nurses and midwives. Journal of nursing management, 27(6), 1261-1274.
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