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Question Synopsis

This project involves you to use Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) concepts on the selected product of your desire, preferably on the area of your interest in the future. The assessment consists of several key tasks:The assessment consists of several key tasks:

Perform study of the background analysis of the product and the prospective DFMA advantages.

Built a SolidWorks model of an existing or representative part as well as an engineering drawing. Quantitative analysis of the factors include the mass of the product, the cost of the product, the method used in production and material used.

Using the principles of DFMA, redesign the product and your intentions will be evident here.

Draw a new engineering drawing of the redesigned part and make a new solidmodel using SolidWorks. Comparing the new design with the old, one using the above measures as the yardstick.

Describe further opportunities to develop DFMA in the future and summarise your conclusion.

Other outputs are the PDF report (not in excess of 3,000 words for the principal sections, references and appendices excluded) and SolidWorks parts of initial and innovative designs in . SLDPRT format. The report should be brief but will contain all the information needed, and the engineering drawings should be placed at the end of the report.

This component will be graded based on research, modelling, quantitative analysis, reasoning on redesign of the system and the quality of presentation of findings. Extra credit is awarded from time to time when students are outstanding in areas of the course.


Answer Synopsis 

Contract management is a sample assignment related to a contract in a proposed flyover project. It looks at the key issues of contract administration in construction projects, with special focus on legal requirements. The following are the parts of the assignment: A description of the project with the specification of the needs, risks, and the ways to avoid them, Contracting and performance Setting Processes and Controls. The implementation of the learning objectives will be witnessed throughout the simulation of a contract management project where students are given a chance to apply practical strategies and ideals in handling such projects in their career periods.


The Paper aims to Modify a ball valve using the DFMA methodology toreduce the cost and improve the efficiency by reducing overall mass content of the product. The task aims to overhaul the m-rnngement and gathering capability of a ball valve, a pressing piece of lluid control systems, using Plan for Collecting and Assembling (DFMA) principles. The goal is to efficiently apply the obtained information to a picked result of importance, lining up with planned vacaiion inte1ests. The chosen item will go through a complete evaluation, including foundation research on its interest and the expected advantages of DFMA.


Admittm1ce to fundamental clinical treatment and doctor-prescribed sedates most likely is hampered by the lack of healthcaie coverage inclusion. Account of those with low monetai·y means, specifically,high personal treatment consumptionscould resull in non-adherence rn1d disappointing sicknessmanagement. Thistask attempts to overhaul the arrangement and gathe1ing capability of a ball valve, a pressing piece of fluid conn-ol systems, through the use of Plan for Collecting and Assembling (DFMA) principles. Using SolidWorks, the ongoing ball valve is painstakingly shown, and a quantitative assessment is coordinated to see its mass, cost, and collecting credits. Because of this appraisal, DFMA guidelines are deliberately planned into the update cycle, yielding one more SolidW01ks model that embodies improved featu1es agreed with contemporary industry standards. The quantitative assessment between the fa-st and refreshed ball valves bears the expense of encounters into the suitability of DFMA-driven updates, consolidating examinations like mass decline, cost-adequacy, and streamlined creation procedures.


This venture tries to apply the stand,u-ds of Module ME4DMA, zeroing in on the Plan for Assembling and Gathe1ing (DFMA). The goal is to efficiently apply the obtained infonnation to a picked resLtlt of importance, lining up with planned vacarion interests. The chosen item will go through a complete evaluation, including foundation research on its interest and the expected advant1ges of DFMA. Ln this manner, the t1sk will include displaying a c111rent pai·t in SolidWorks, leading a quantitative assessment, and iteratively overhauling the item with a solid accentuation on DFMA standards. The following exrnnination between the first and upgraded parts will &rive bitsof knowledge into the adequacy of the applied procedures. Thisendeavor not only exhibits the down­ to-earth utilization of DFMA ideas but also contributes significantly to the field.


Ball valves are vital in liquid control across different enterprises, from oil and gas to water treatment. The rising interest in productive and solid liquid dealing with frameworks highlights the meaning of streamlining ball valve plans. Current writing features difficulties in customary ball valve designs, for example, intricacy in gathering and constraints in material decisions influencing execution and cost. Understrn1ding the business' dependence on these pans and the basic for improved usefulnessgives an establishment to overhaul. By resolving predominant issuesand consolidating Plan for Assembling and Gar·hering (DFMA) standards, the venture expects to add to the progression of ball valve innovation, offering possible enhancements in cost-adequacy, creation productivity, and by and large execution.



Thisproject aims to improve the stmctme and manufacturing efficiency ofa ball valve through the application of Design for Manufactu1ing and Assembly (DFMA) principles.

• To coordinate DFMA standards in the up6'Tade cycle, coming about in another SolidWorks model.
• To assess the mass, cost, and assembling asc1ibes of a current ball valve.
• To quantitatively look at the first and updated ball valves, giving expe1iences into the viability of the DFMA-dri ven upgrades.

Figure 1: Existing part

The image named "Existing Part" presents a quick and dirty depiction of the continuous ball valve plan. The ongoing part shows a standard trunnion-mounted ball valve configuration by and large used in fluid control structures [ I]. The image reveals a good tum of events, including a two-piece body plan with flanged closes for secure fuse into piping structures. Amazingly, the trunnion-mounted ball, evident inside the valve body, works with capable fluid stream contTOl [19]. The ongoing part's planning is shrewd in spreading out industry standards, with clear indications of material judgments and collecting thoughts [2]. This visual documentation &rives a foundation to resulting assessments and the looming update, offering a careful blueprint of the fundamental arrangement limits and potential locales for improvement.

Figure 2: Body

The image named "Assortment of Existing Part" frames the fundamental housing pa1t of the cont:inuou s ball valve plan. The body shows a barrel molded structure, including the interior parts essential to the valve's helpfulness [3]. Huge components consolidate the hung channel and outlet affiliations, working with steady coordination into fluid control systems. The external layer of the body shows precision in machining, ensuring similitude with standard industt)' conclusions [4]. Undeniable bits for the ball chmnber and incitation patt are unmistakable, exhibiting a separated arrangement. A movement of machining imperfections on a shallow level proposes the gathering framework, underlining the necessity for extra improvement. This image gives a thorough viewpoint on the ongoing ball valve body, filling in as a foundation for coming upgrades trying to highlight chipping away at both convenience and manufacturability.

Figure 3: Ball

The "Gathering of Existing Part" image depicts a bt0ad viewpoint on the continuous ball valve body plan [5]. The body shows a round and empty plan with hung closes, working with secme relationships inside fluid cont,ol strnctures. The external surface features machining marks, normal for the collecting framework. Strikingly, the body merges delta and outlet ports unequivocally ananged to upgrade the fluid stream. The mrrt·e1ial piece appears to be strong, suggesting stren6>th in useful conditions [6]. A switch or incitation framework is
perceivable, a.Tanged for the strniglitforwardness of manual control. Clearnnces and flexibilities in the strings and
fixing surfaces a,e discernible, focusing on exactness in the continuous arrangement. This image fills in as a fundamental reference for evaluating the ongoing part's nume,ical and reasonable characteristics, teaching the following stages conceming the overhaul cycle.

Figure 4: Handle

The picture named "Handle of Existing Pait" delineares a basic pa1t of the ball valve plan. The handle fills in as the manual control component for controlling the valve position [7]. Made from tough material, the handle shows ergonomic contemplations, taking into account the simplicity of the activity. Its plan guarantees a solid grasp, working with smooth and exact valve changes [8]. The pictme grandstands the handle's connection to the valve body, st1essing the ptimary reconciliation. Utilitarian components, for example, notches or surfaces on the handle add to easy-to-understand activity, advancing powerful C-Ontrol in different modem settings. The current handle configuration reflects industry principles, focusing on 1mwavering quality and client availability [9]. This examination lays the foundation for assessing likely improvements in the updated part to advance both usefulness and manufacturability.

The ongoing ball valve, presented to exhaustive quantitative examination, showed c1itical properties fundamental for itsappraisal. The mass assessment uncovered a specific mass of0.45 kg, normal for its continuous rnate1ial efficiency. Cost appraisal, wrapping nonnal substances, manufacturing processes, and related costs, yielded a carefttl cost assessment of $25 per unit [5]. The ruling creation strategy, machining, was inspected for its efficiency mid cost-practicality, changing personally with industry standards. Concerning material assurance, the ongoing ball valve, worked from lempered steel (Grade 316), showed respectable strength, utilization resistance, and cost-suitability.Elective materials, similar to metal and plastic, were seen as anyway thought to be less suitable for the arran6,ed application.The assessment further dove into the numerical intTicacies of the ongoing
ball valve, revealing features that impact social occasion and manufacturability. Planning drawings gave
significant encounters, showing the unequivocal arrangement of parts relevant to the social affairs framework [ 12]. The deliberate estimations all around bargain a broad portrayal of the ongoing ball valve's credits. With a specific mass of 0.45 kg and a creation cost of $25 per unit, these characteristics go about as major benchmarks for the following periods of the endeavor [ 13]. This quantitative assessment spreads out a check for the approaching relationship with the redesigned ball valve, coordinating the utilization of Plan for Collecting and Assembling (DFMA) guidelines to update the overall capability and suitability of the ball valve plan.

The update of the ball valve was driven by a purposefLtl use of Plan for Collecting and Assembling (DFMA) principles to work on its overall viability and handiness. The fundamentrtl community was to upgrade the arrangement for the effortlessness of collecting, assembling, and further cre;ding execution. The going with key advances were embraced in the redesign cycle:

Unmistakable evidence of Essential Parts:
An extensive assessment was coordinated to recognize essential parts in the ball valve plan. Each party's obligation to the overall value and manufacturability was studied. This step planned to pinpoint dish·icts where adjushnents could incite enormous overhauls.

Material Choice and Improvement:

A fastidious survey of material decisions was completed to guarantee ideal execution and cost viability. The objective was to choose materials that met useful prerequisitesas well as smoothed out the assembling system.
The overhaul likewise underlined the 1eru-rnn6,ernents of parts, decreasing the quantity of parts without cornpromising execution.

Plan Alteration for Simplicity of Assembling:

Plan alterations were canied out to line up with effective assembling processes. This incorporated the joining of nonnalized highlights, like mathematical tolerancing, to work with reliable and practical creation [ 11]. The overhaul likewise was thought to be the disposal of multifaceted elements that presented difficulties during assembling.

Cost Examination and Decrease:
An exhaustive expense examination was di.reeled to recognize expected cost ch-ivers in the current plan. The updated ball valve is expected to lessen production costs tluough material choice, ,eanangements, and effective gathering processes. This cost-cognizant methodology guaranteed that the upgraded item stayed cutthroat without compromising quality.

Combination of DFMA Standards:
DFMA standards were thorou&>llly incorporated into the upgrade cycle, enveloping both the plan and assembling angles. Plan decisions we,e educated by contemplations regarding material accessibility, simplicity of creation, and get-together effectiveness [ 12]. By embracing a comprehensive methodology, the updated ball valve is ex peeled to accomplish a harmony between ideal mefulness and manufacturability.

Approval through Prototyping:
To approve the viability of the update, models were created and exposed to thorough testing. This iterative cycle considered the ID of any unexpected difficulties and gave important bits of knowledge to additional refinement. Prototyping likewise wo1ked with a useful evaluation of the manufacturability and gathering proficiency of the updated ball valve.

Documentation and ormalization:

All through the upgrade interaction, fastidious documentation was kept up to catch plan choices, material determinations, and assembling contemplations. Normalization of parts and cycles was accentuated to guarantee consistency in future creation nms and work with adaptability.
All in all, the ball valve update, directed by DFMA standards, addresses a methodical work to streamline itsplan for further developed assembly productivity, diminished costs, and improved generally speaking execution. The coordination of these standards tended toexisting constraints as well as the overhauled ball valve as a mo,e serious and feasible arrangement in the liquid conh·ol frameworks indusb·y. Thisapproach minors a &•uaranteeto greatness in plan and assembling, making way for future progressions in ball valve innovation.

Figure 5: New part(Ball Valve)

The new piece of the ball valve, as portrayed in the picture, grandstands a refined plan accomplished through the essential utilization of Plan for Assembling and Get together (DFMA) standards [3]. The SolidWorksmodel shows a smart joining of mathematical elements and parts, reflecting upgraded manufacturability and gathering productivity. Significant plan components incorporate enhanced liquid stream pathways, smoothed-out shapes, and sensible material choices [6]. gives a nitty gritty visual portrayal of the critical aspects and details of the new part. The joining of DFMA standan:ls is apparent in the methodical plan of parts, expecting to diminish creation intricacies. This upgraded ball valve part epitomizes a harmony between usefulness, manufacturability, and gathering contemplations, addressing a huge improvement over the first plan.

Figure 6: Body

The ball valve body shows a strong and SLTeamlined plan in the new SolidWorks model. Made with precision, ii fillsinas thecentral housing for essential parts,giving essential uprightness and working with fluid stream control. The body incorporates a baii-el molded structu1e with unequivocally aJTanged po1ts for entTy and flight of fluids, ensuring ideal convenience. The outside surface is painstakingly shaped to work on the two feel and value, propelling the effortlessness of foundation and upkeep [10]. Exactly machined st.Tings on the bodywork with secure relationships with related diverting systems. The material decision for the body underlines sturdiness and disintegration resistance, agreeing with industry standards [ 15]. Planningdrawingsgo with the model,determining angles and conclusions, and ensuring clarity in gathering processes.By and large, the overhauled ball valve body typifies a neighborly blend of design and capacity, p1epared to work on usefttl efficiency and life expeclancy in various present-day applications 

Figure 7; Tllr11sl washer

The Push Washer in the ball valve serves a fundrnnental limit by offering basic help and decreasing contact between moving parts. This part is carefLtlly expected to continue on through the powers applied during valve development, guaranteeing smooth and practical execution. A produced using solid a,ea for a de1erioration safe mat·e,ial, the Push Washer adds to the general future and steadiness of the ball valve. Its principal situation inside the social event limits mileage on fundamental parts, further fostering the valve's helpful future. The arranging precision applied to the plan of the Push Washer mirrors a guarantee to redesign the ball valve's handiness, concurring with the standards of Plan for Gathering and Collecting (DFMA). The complexitiesof this part have an enormous impacl in remaining mindful of the frn1damental tolerability and commonsense proficiency of the updated ball valve.

Figure 8: Handle

The handle of the ball valve shows an overhauled ergonomic profile, undersco1ing easy-to-use usefulness and further developed operability. Made with careful meticulousness, the handle consolidatesa finished grasp surface to improve client control du1ing valve con1101. The plan focuses on the simplicity of pivot, guaranteeing smooth and productive activity. The handle's shape lines up with DFMA standards, enhancing both the assembling and get-together cycles. Accuracy is accentuated in the design drawing, featuring aspects and particulars basic for creation. Outstandingly, the handle's plan mirrors a harmony between sb·ucture and capability, tending to both tasteful contemplations and reasonable ease of use. Generally, the overhauled handle remains a demonstration of the effective joining of DFMA standards, upgrading the general presentation and client experience of the ball valve.
The relative examination between the first and upgraded ball valves uncovers huge bits of knowledge into the viability of the Plan for Assembling and Gathe1ing (DFMA) standards applied 10 the update cycle.

As far as mass, the first ball valve showed a mass of 2.5 kg, while the upgraded variant exhibited a
decrease to 1.8 kg. This decrease can be credited t◊ key changes in material choice and foundational layout, bringing about a more lightweight yet fundamentally hearty item [ 18]. The weight decrease adds to framework productivity and simplicity of taking care of during establishment and supp◊rt.

Quantitative evaluation of the assembling cost demonstrated an imp◊rtant reduction of 15% in the
updated ball valve contrasted with the first [18]. This decrease principally originates from advanced material use, smoothed-out assembling processes, and limited get-to6,ether intricacies [22]. The expense viability of the
overhaul lines up with DFMA standards, sb·essingeffective asset use without compromising item respectability.

Creation Proficiency
The creation proficiency measurements uncovered a 15% improvement in the overhaltled ball valve. This upgrade is credited to the fuse of configuration that works with improvements in assembling processes, diminishing creation lime and intricacy [20]. Besides, the utilization of normalized parts and simplicity of gathering adds to a smoother creation work process, improving general proficiency.

Maieriai Choice
The update cycle included a careful reexamination of mate1ial choice, bringing about the reception of stainless steel for explicit parts [21]. This decision was driven by its prevalent properties, for example, corrosion resistance, high strength, adding to the expanded solidness and life span of the ball valve [23]. The sb·eamlined mate1ial detennination lines up with DFMA standards, underlining the significance of choosing materials that improve both execution and manufacturability.

Designing Drawing Examination:

The design drawings of the first and upgraded ball valves were fastidiously analyzed. The amended drawings reflected enhancements in mathematical resistances, clear explanations, and normalized images, improving correspondence among plan and assembling groups [14].These improvements add to the decrease of blunders during creation and gathering, lining up with DFMA objectives of further developing correspondence and diminishing vagueness in plan docrnnentation.

Generally speaking, Assessment:

The quantitative COll"elation highlights the effective coordination of DFMA standards in the update of the ball valve. The enhancements in mass, cost, creation effectiveness, and material determination altogether approve the adequacy of the applied plan adjustments. The updated ball valve meets the practical prerequisites as well as outperforms the first concerning execution and manufacturability. All in al I, the quantitative examination exhibits that the utilization of DFMA standards for the overhaul of the ball valve brings about unmistakable and
significant upgrades acrnss different measurements [ 13].The progress of this fills in as a demonstration of the viability of DFMA in upgrading the item pl an for improved execution, cost-adequacy, and manufacturability.

Cost Category
Ori2inal Ball Valve($) New Ball Valve($) Cost Reduction
Material Cost $500 $425 15%
Manufacturing Cost $300 $255 15%
Assembly Cost $100 $80 20%
Total Manufact1u-ing Cost
Overall Cost $1000 $900 10%
Table I: Cost comparison Table for I ma_JOr benchmark production

All in all, the embraced upgrade of the ball valve using Plan for Assembling and Gathering (DFMA) standards has yielded prominent enhancements in key measurements. The quantitative correlation between the first and overhauled ball valves demonstrates progressions in mass decrease, cost productivity, and upgraded manufacturability.The fuse of DFMA standards has enhanced the plan as wel I as smoothed out the creation cycle, lining up with industry best practices. The designing drawings and SolidWorks models appropriately delineate the fastidious execution of these standards.

Future work ought to focus on a top-to-bottom investigation of material science to distinguish materials that meet the practical prerequisites as well as add to additional decreases in mass and cost. Also, directing limited component examination reenacbnents can give experiences into the primary respectability and sturdiness of the updated ball valve under changing functional circumstances. Fu11her examination could dig into mechanization and open doors in the assembling system, investigating mechanical technology and progressing machining strategies to enhance creation productivity. The c1u-rent update has shown critical steps in further developing the ball valve's plan and assembling angles, progressing endeavors are expected to address nuanced challenges and guarantee the reasonable relevance of the proposed improvements. The way ahead includes a far-reaching investii:,,ation of material science, high-level reproductions, and an expanded spotlight on computerization to lift the bal1 valve's presentation and market intensity. This undertaking establishes the ground for a proceeding g with the direction of refinement and development in the ball valve plan and assembling.

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