Make sure you support your arguments with evidence from the case and additional external research. It is essential to avoid general, unsupported statements. Reference all material used – both in-text and at the end of the report. References must follow the Harvard referencing style. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills handout on Report writing. Please see Academic Learning Skills staff for assistance with this, or any assessment. Use at least five reference sources including the text book, none of which are internet sources, e.g. websites.
At the time when Fiona’s father was running the company the most significant factor of motivation was recognition. Every individual working in the company was recognised for the hard work and efforts that they do. The leadership style followed by Fiona’s father was majorly connected with Path-goal theory of leadership style. In that a leader fixes up the goals after consulting the followers and the leader also supports followers to achieve those goals. This is a kind of participative leadership (Attridge, 2009). Fiona’s father was following the same leadership style and this leadership style kept the employees motivated and enthusiastic towards the work. At the same the culture of organisation was such that everyone has a say in the decisions of the organisation. The organisation had an open communication system wherein any staff member could directly talk to Fiona’s father and due to that all the problems were solved there and then. This implies that the culture of the company was informal and open and the problems were solved in an abrupt manner. But after Fiona took over the company everything got changed. There were major changes took place in leadership style and culture of the organisation that affected the level of motivation of the employees and this further affected the employee engagement.
Changes made by Fiona were exactly opposite to that of her father’s policies and due to that as many as 50% of tenured consultants had resigned and 60% of new recruits have resigned with in a period of one year. This clearly suggests that she could not engage the employees. The most significant reason behind non-engagement of employees is changes in the organisational structure. She made organisational structure very formal and it also discouraged open communication system. The staff members could not talk to Fiona directly about their concerns. She also changed the performance appraisal system and this discouraged the employees’ working. She also stopped showing concerns for workplace balance that her father used to do. She stopped Yoga sessions and weekly meetings with staff and due to all that the motivation level of employees affected to a very great extent. The consultants and staff started complaining about new policies, workload and improper functioning of the company. Fiona also started indulging in favouritism and due to that workload on some staff members was very less while other used to work very hard (Coetzee, Schreuder, & Tladinyane, 2014). In this manner the staff members started resigning and this suggests that Fiona could not engage employees.
In this manner employee engagement is a vital part of an organisation and it helps in improving the performance of the employees to a very great extent.
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